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"What's in a name?"

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Thu 19/07/01 at 14:42
Posts: 787
Would you still have bough the PlayStation 2 if it was called the Drum Machine 2? Actually, I would have, sounds good, but when console manufacturers think of their console's name, how important is it?

Very is not the suitable word.

Paramount - better. The name of a console will and has decided the fate of the machine, the PlayStation, although comical and variation able, is actually a very intelligent name. PlayStation 2 - again, fantastic name...

Dreamcast - great name.

Game Cube - GCN has grown on me tho'.

X Box.

Discuss, I cannot write anymore - ouch fingers, on fire, must get water.
Fri 20/07/01 at 10:19
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
Surely if there was Final Fantasy 7, and then they made Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 7 wouldnt have been the Final Fantasy?

But then if they called the game "one of the last fantasys" it wouldnt have done so well.

What about the fact that they are making Final Fantasy 10 and 11 at the same time. Wouldnt it make nore sense to call FF10 "Final Fantasy bar one"? But then because of the guarunteed success of the Final Fantasy series they will probably do another, so thats mucked up then.

They probably could have got away with "Final Fantasy disc 2", as its a carry on from the last one, but it doesnt have the same ring, unlike Eternal Ring or Ring of Red, which both sound really quite sore.

Theres a lot in a name. The Playstation is the perfect name for the thing. its a station that you play on. Millions of pounds (probably not, but) have been spent into the research of manes for the machines, because they have to. As much as people want to say that its all about the games, and most of the time it is, you just can't say to your mate "I've got the latest Sega machine, the Master ststem 5" or "the Cheddarbox" cos it just wont cut it, in the same way that the new Skodas are actually nice cars, but would you have one?
Thu 19/07/01 at 22:06
Posts: 0
Damn right letters are in a name.
Thu 19/07/01 at 21:29
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
What if a console was called the poof-poof?? Would anyone buy it then... I don't think so..

'Oh me? I am going to play Bashi Bashi on my poof-poof.'

Whats in a name? Well letters are!
Thu 19/07/01 at 21:07
Posts: 0
Ok it is different with games, if it shares te name of another game that has done well, then it might do well.

If this is so, why was Final Fantasy 7 so popular, none of the ones before were big hits, in fact I think it was FF7 that got these games their reputation. So what is it?? It must be in the showing, you release good pics and then your game is bound to do well.

There is something else though, the reviewers, if they give a game a good review then there is more of a chance that it will sell.

Squaresoft have now got a good reputation, because of their illustrious Final Fantasy series. To a certain degree it must be the reputation.

In the end it is all down to publicity, give a game good publicity and it is destined to sell.
Thu 19/07/01 at 20:55
Posts: 0
Names they me nothing.

The Game Cube was going to be called the Dolphin, not the best of names, but is it off putting in anyway?? Nope, I don't think so, it's all in the games.

What makes the console sell?? It's not the name that's for sure. It is all in the showing. When the PSone (not called this first of all but...) was released it had alot of proof that it was a good console. Sony they showed us some great games, in otherwards they showed us their power, they got us drooling (not literally). When the PS2 was released Sony got us drooling once again, their new console boasted tremendous and now they had a good reputation behind them.

With Sega they did not do this, they simply took an easy approach, they laid back, released a few specs and pics but nothing very interesting, so their console never sold. Well thinking about it it couldn't have good games, it simply was to hard to program for. Then they released the Dreamcast, a step above the rest, good specs, it boasted tremendous power but now sega lacked in third party developers so it failed.

Nintendo they did the same as Sega to start off with, lack of publicity made it lose buyers, but then they thought back releasing some great titles (Big up to Ninty). Now there is the eagerly awaited Game Cube, Nintendo have really got behind this one. They are showing us games by the stackload boasting it's power.

So what makes the consoles sell?? well it must be the games.
Thu 19/07/01 at 20:22
Posts: 9,848
What's in my name?

Dan and UK.

The uk was put in to distinguish me from Dan2K1 (there was a week when we were both called Dan and everyone got confused :-D)

although it hasn't worked so well. People always get us mixed up. I'm planning some sort of name change.

It'll be a made up name. Not a name that will give my character a meaning, a name that will get it's meaning from my character...

Sort of the same way that Grix has made character of his name...
Thu 19/07/01 at 19:51
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Ashley wrote:
> letters

Thu 19/07/01 at 19:44
Posts: 6,801
Thu 19/07/01 at 15:40
Posts: 0
Thu 19/07/01 at 15:32
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Here we go, this is taken from my winning post titled, Funnily enough, what's in a name:

What's in a name?

In the gaming world, everything!

You see, people are drawn towards games that have big names on them. No not big as in long, I
mean big as in popular.

Why do you think Final Fantasy 8 sold so well? No, not becuase it was a great game (and let's face
it it wasn't, it was rubbish) becuase it had the name 'Final Fantasy' slapped on it.

If Final Fantasy 7 hadn't had the name 'Final Fantasy' on it, do you think it would have sold so
well? If it had been exactly the same game, same graphics, smae gameplay same everything.
Would it have done so well? Would it have been so widely known? Of course it wouldn't! It still
would have been big (well, maybe) but it sure as hell would not have dominated the game charts
as it did. (Number one for six weeks running, if I remember correctly)

Even outside the gaming world it's the same. Trainers are a prime example. Say Adidas made a
pair of excellent trainers. They looked great and were really really comfy. They would have sold like
hot-cakes! But say Diodora (Who?) made a pair exactly the same. Would they have soled? (No pun
intended... well... maybe just a bit :-D) Hell no! Adidas have built up a reputation over the years and
are now the trendiest thing on the market. Diodora haven't.

The same goes for the game developers. A Shigeru Miyamoto game is always met by public
acclaim and recognition. Miyamoto has earnt that reputation. He has already proved that he is a
God when it comes to game-making. If Bill Gates (mumbled curses) made a game of this calibre
would it be recognised as much? Err... well probably (Should of thought about that one more :-D)
BUT! (Heh!) It woudl only have been praised among Gates' supporters. Whereas a Miyamoto game
is recognised and praises among the entire gaming community, A Gates game of the same
calibre... wouldn't, quite simply.

The funny thing is, although everyone says that the name doesn't matter, it's the game that
matters, That's just not true! No matter how much you deny it it's always there nagging at the back
of your mind.

In any industry (not just the gaming one) these days, a name makes or breaks a product. As much
as you hate the idea and as much as you try to shy away from the fact... It's true!


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