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""Why? Because *I* endorse it!""

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Tue 17/07/01 at 19:56
Posts: 787
Games, music, food, programs, tvs, shampoo, even films. Every day we make a choice to what we eat, what we wear, and just basically what we do in general. And, for some strange reason, we are affected by something, that, when you think about it, is utterly, utterly stupid.

"Platronic Headsets! The same headset that Neil Armstrong used on the moon!"

Now, I have as much respect for Neil as anyone else, if indeed he did walk on the moon, but, why on Earth should we be more interested in something that someone else may have used?

Point number one. You have or have already said that you have never being influenced by something like this.

Never been influenced by opinions? I certainly have. The Game endorsed Skies of Arcadia. I bought it... and rightly so, because I endorse it myself now.

You have undoubtedly read and bought a game based on a review. Yes, yes you have. You may have been thinking about getting the game... but if you hadn't have read that review to tip you over the edge, would you have bought the game?

"Because I'm worth it."

I know it's not gaming, but I feel the need to talk about shampoo.

"You are the best person who has ever lived. You deserve better. People do not see your potential as a person. Therefore you need to use our shampoo."

I know there is quite a lot of difference between advertising and a tip from a friend, but it's the same princible. They are both "designed" to punch their way into the back of your subconcious, and then they'll kick out any ideas you've recently had.

Example. You've been in the shower, and you used up all your shampoo.

You can now purchase new shampoo. Shampoo is shown to you. And *ting*, you make the connection. That will then stay around in your thoughts for as long as they can... perhaps then being sparked off again by looking in the shower and finding no shampoo.

But I'm going way off the point once again. Seems a natural thing in any topics I do. So before I do it again, here goes this.

The main point of this post is: "Are we attracted to things more when they are endorsed by people that have no expertise in that area?"

Ah! That's much better!

Ok, so The Game is not a games critic. However, he does play games. I took his advice, even though his tastes may differ to my own. It was a gamble in a way, but it paid off.

You may have seen an advert on the tv recently about Matt Hoffman's biking game or something... made by the "same people that bought you Tony Hawk's somethingorother", which must obviously make this game great too. They even have a little joke about the success of Tony Hawk's game.

But come on... how many of you heard of Tony Hawk before he endorsed this game? All those who skateboard and still think Limp Bizkit rock put your hands down.

Exactly. Made famous by a game with his face on the front. Not for what he does for a living... he was only famous among the skateboarding crowds before then.

So it's understandable that so many people want their faces on the front of things that otherwise they would have nothing to do with.

Ok, that's their story... now, what about ours?

If for one second we think that these people are higher than we are because they are...:

a) On tv.
b) On the cover of a game.
c) Slightly better well known than you are.

...Then we have a rather large problem. Not really sure how to continue this, so I'll just end it, and hope someone else has some better ideas. :0)
Wed 18/07/01 at 09:43
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
The new Limp Bizkit album isnt as good as the previous one, or as raucous as the first one, but it is a good album.

Try HED(pe), their new album is nice.
Wed 18/07/01 at 09:28
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Difference is, you get famous and stick your face on a product, you get removed from the artistic roll call forever.

Endorse a product and you are no longer an artist, you are a salesman.

End of story.

Bill Hicks

(but for now, you're one of us, so it's cool *s*)
Wed 18/07/01 at 09:24
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Hi, my names Meka_Dragon. You may remember me from such posts as "Top Ten", and "Whatever Happened to..." Now I've got an important message for all you kids out there, so listen up real good.

Nintendo are releasing a new console next year called the GAMECUBE. It has great games, and looks real neat too!

I can tell you this for sure, I'm going to buy one and so should you!

Stay lucky kids! ;-)
Wed 18/07/01 at 02:13
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
See my post in movies yesterday for my opinions on this topic under "Product Placement".

I've tried to repeat myself, but the language filter prevents me from doing so.

So I will summarise:
Corporate Shills.
Money hungry, shameful parasites.
Stars that endorse products are immoral.
Sting, Mr Enviroment selling Jaguars, Gary Oldman selling mobile phones.
Utterly disgraceful and beyond any bounds of taste or decency.
Tue 17/07/01 at 21:27
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Ah. That is a fascinating and many faceted arguement. Although, it's not really an arguement, but for the sake of a sentence, I will continue unabashed.

There is a whole obsession thing with famous people and a lot of people put them on pedastools. (no, not literally, you know what I mean) but the thing is that some of them treat acting, skateboarding or whatever they do as a normal job and do not have of being big cheeses in the fame business, they just ended up with lots of admiring fans.

Yes, it would be nice to have that respect sometimes, particularly from our bosses or teachers when we'd done something extra spectacular, but it's more often the case that, however much of a difference we make to other people's lives, we won't get noticed for it unless we're lucky.

In the games industry, there are relatively few people, mostly those that headed games companies or created famous gaming characters, that get recongnised. Others work hard on games, usually in teams, and don't get any recognition bar a mention in the end credits, which are probably read by less than 50% of the gamesplayers anyway. In the world of the SR offices, Tony and Ali have attained a certain 'fame' for their tireless work promoting games and this site, even though we think of them as great people who should be among the rich and famous, they are merely doing a job, just a bloomin' good one that deserves our praise.

And that, luckily for you dear reader, brings us back to the point Grix was making. Or maybe not. You see, these people who advertise games and use their likeness in the game are either doing it to get an income (albiet a very high one) or to promote themselves, which is, in essence, their job really. Much as we hate to admit it, most of us will probably never be famous (a few may be infamous, but that's another story) but think about it, would you want to be, and would it make you a better person than you were? I think not.

I thank you.
Tue 17/07/01 at 21:08
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Grix Thraves wrote:
> Imagine what it's like to write the sodding thing...

> Sheepo, I started to write this before that convo. :0) Mind you,
> some elements are enfluenced by it.

'Influenced,' Grix. I believe that's how you spell it. {:)
Tue 17/07/01 at 20:27
Posts: 23,216
Imagine what it's like to write the sodding thing...

Actually, Sheepo, I started to write this before that convo. :0) Mind you, some elements are enfluenced by it.
Tue 17/07/01 at 20:15
"Rendering Women."
Posts: 566
Grix that was a really confusing topic...

Great to read, but confusing!
Tue 17/07/01 at 20:12
Posts: 23,284
This wasn't influenced by that certain discussion on MSN at all was it Grix?

Well theres a coincidence... the other night I was watching a programme about how Eric Cantona lost the love of football because it was all about money and not the game. Then I saw Luis Figo advertising some football game and then it hit me do these people even play for football these days or they in it for the money... well I say unless its your local non-diviosn football club then yes everyone sells out.

Different point to yours but hey.

Also I don't think people think anybody is better than them unless you are sad and don't have a life so you live in the shadow of somebody famous.

I am an admire of say Radiohead ;-) but in no way I feel they are better than me overall... in music hell yes :D
Tue 17/07/01 at 20:06
"Eff, you see, kay?"
Posts: 14,156
Some developer, probably EA, are releasing a line of "So-and-so's Pro " under their Extreme Sports label. God, they look crap, but because they're endorsed by differant people does that make them differant games? No, because they're all developed by EA. I don't see the point really, but then that's just me.

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