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Argh, so annoying that all this great new content is being released during my exams *sigh*
Not tried Chicken Pox yet, will at some point. It's been a while since I played this on Live, glad I went back to it. Probably my favourite Live game, certainly up there with PGR2. Had a few awesome dogfights today.
In thinking about it, the new game modes should not take up much space at all really. All they are really is new code for the scorekeeping. Because all the planes and maps are already there for it to work with.
Everybody should own Crimson Skies. Up there with Halo, PGR2 and ESPN NHL Hockey as must own Xbox games. Go for it if you don't have it.
Plateau just seems like a smaller version of Arixo, but the other map seemed alright, was nice and big at least.
The new planes are a bit of a mixed bag. The Vampire and Hellhound are decent, but the other one wasn't great in my opinion.
Haven't tried the new modes out yet, but I was shocked to see they're only 4 blocks.
One of my favourite games ever. And only £24 from SR.
I've really put this off for too long.