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"One for SSXPRO?"

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Mon 09/07/01 at 14:21
Posts: 787
On SSX, Showoff mode, Elysium alps, there is the section that has the bollard (Tokyo megaplex style) and then 2 rails either side to the yellow flakes.

then theres the jumps, with the rails to the oranges.

then after this you go through a gap slightly to your left through to the next section. above this gap is a sign, and then a red flake.

Anyone know how to get this red?
Fri 13/07/01 at 09:20
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
Ill just have to keep trying...

I was the forst to get a PS2 out of my lot, and because of that when the others finally got one I was proud that I could whip them at it, seeing as I've never been the best before.
Theyve all ..caught up now,.<..sob..>.. it was fun while it lasted..<..sob...>
Fri 13/07/01 at 00:22
Posts: 6,702
I gave it another go last night, trying to get below four minutes. However, every time I made a good run at the beginning I fell off at that tree stump stage and gave up eventually, with a fastest time of the night at 4:03, a second away from the record. I aim to go sub 4 mins this weekend!
Wed 11/07/01 at 09:08
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
I knew about those ones..


Ill just have to play it some more...
Tue 10/07/01 at 22:38
Posts: 6,702
I have got it down to 4 min 02 sec. Here`s how:

Go for the occasional big jump, but doing massive ones every time isn`t necessary as it wastes time, and doesn`t give you anymore in your boost bar.

Early in the course (I think just after the first check point) there is a small ramp to the right that goes through a fence. It takes practice to get it right, but after a while you master all of the jumps to take the time down a lot.

Down after the trick point you mentioned in your earlier post there is an SSX logo to the left that you crash through and jump down to an alternate route. Then follow this and jump all three gaps and take the last log to shave a minute off your time.

Further down, there are the glass panes, make sure you slide along one side, using the boost if necessary, and coast along the edge without side winding at all.

Take the bottom as fast as you can, and you should be approaching the 4 minute mark.
Tue 10/07/01 at 10:29
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
Nice one guys, ta very much!

Also, is there some massive shortcut that I don't know about on that track? In PSM2 they have that Pro Dojo thing, and I can't see how they are getting a time of 4.20 or so, I can't get it under 4.30.
Mon 09/07/01 at 18:53
Posts: 6,702
I first got this one by accident :-)

I was pulling off a big trick from the previous jump, and landed in a slightly awkward direction, I then proceeded up the side of the slope and up towards that flasfing sign. I then decided to jump down, and just happened to hit the red snowflake. After that, it was easy to get.

As jd99 said, just go up the side and jump. Don`t try it from the previous jump, as even if you do make it, you`ll probably crash straight into the sign and lose all the points. Just stick with those yellows and oranges first off, and take the red seperately.
Mon 09/07/01 at 15:41
"Bring back Mullets"
Posts: 503
You can't get the red flake from the jumps before it. If you head to the right of the tunnel with the sign and flake above it there is a little 'quarter pipe' of snow just before the flake on the side. Go towards this really fast and line up so that you will hopefully go above and clear the sign collecting the flake before landing on the other side. Quite tricky to time it right really, try doing an egg flip of this jump as it is a fairly short trick.
Mon 09/07/01 at 14:22
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
Also, OPSM2 magazine printed polygonal maps of the tracks. anyone know where these are on the net at all?
Mon 09/07/01 at 14:21
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
On SSX, Showoff mode, Elysium alps, there is the section that has the bollard (Tokyo megaplex style) and then 2 rails either side to the yellow flakes.

then theres the jumps, with the rails to the oranges.

then after this you go through a gap slightly to your left through to the next section. above this gap is a sign, and then a red flake.

Anyone know how to get this red?

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