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"Twisted GTA3 characters?"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto 3'.
Mon 21/06/04 at 17:59
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
Maybe I didn't need to start a new thread for this, and maybe Wakka is smarter that Stephen Hawking. Well at least Wakka can ride a bike*..

*with stabilizers

Sorry Wakka.

Anyway the fact is I was replaying GTA3 and I noticed that most of the characters are twisted in some way.

Donald Love - Necrophiliac
Kenji - Homosexual, plays with vibrators
Asuka - Lesbian, enjoys BDSM and vibrators
Maria - Bisexual drug addict
Ray- Corrupt cop
Joey Leone - Has sex with prostitues
El Burro - Beastiality Magazines (eg. "Donkey Does Dallas")

Tue 22/06/04 at 09:42
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Hurhur Rockstar are kool

Mon 21/06/04 at 22:16
"Darn it!!!!!!™"
Posts: 1,145
Joey Leone - Has sex with prostitues

Twisted, i see nothing twisted with that :D
Mon 21/06/04 at 20:38
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
October isn't too far away.
Mon 21/06/04 at 20:26
"Plate of glue"
Posts: 5,183
I love Grand Theft Auto. Sna Andreas can't come soon enough!
Mon 21/06/04 at 20:25
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
Well it is GTA, controversy is what it's all about.

Mon 21/06/04 at 17:59
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
Maybe I didn't need to start a new thread for this, and maybe Wakka is smarter that Stephen Hawking. Well at least Wakka can ride a bike*..

*with stabilizers

Sorry Wakka.

Anyway the fact is I was replaying GTA3 and I noticed that most of the characters are twisted in some way.

Donald Love - Necrophiliac
Kenji - Homosexual, plays with vibrators
Asuka - Lesbian, enjoys BDSM and vibrators
Maria - Bisexual drug addict
Ray- Corrupt cop
Joey Leone - Has sex with prostitues
El Burro - Beastiality Magazines (eg. "Donkey Does Dallas")


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