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This thread has been linked to the game 'Lemmings'.
Wed 23/06/04 at 22:00
Posts: 308
they brought us joy, they brought us dispair but most inportantly they brought us fun. Lemmings is an extremely hard game, although the aim seems easy, it's not. Did anyone ever complete Lemmings 2. I loved that game but couldn't do the Space, Original or I think it was polar missions. I'm wondering what happened at the end, even my bro, who I thought and still think is a lemmings master because he completed Lemmings 1 with our f***ed up mouse.

Lemmings 3 was to advanced for our old computer but I got 1 of the 3 missions done. Dose anybody know if there is a cheap knock off of Lemmings 1 2 & 3 that will work on Windows 98?
Sun 27/06/04 at 11:32
"Hellfire Stoker"
Posts: 10,534
I completed much of The Tribes II and Lemmings, but never got very far on the Christmas Holiday edition. The level with all the spikes and bridges was too hard for me back then. I haven't played any of the Lemmings games for some time, but I think I'd be better now, seeing how much my mind has developed over the past 7 or so years. =D
Sat 26/06/04 at 10:45
Posts: 308
We had
Oh no More Lemmings
Lemmings Xmas edition
Lemmings 2
Lemmings 3 (didn't work properly though)

Mt brother knew all the shorcut key and he completed the first 3 on the list.
Sat 26/06/04 at 10:05
"Hellfire Stoker"
Posts: 10,534
Lemmings was great, and sold well. I am personally a big fan, having owned the original plus the Tribes II and Holiday Edition '93. It does look old now, yes, but in its day it was damn good- I remember that one of my friends had all the hotkeys for various commands (eg climb) labelled on his keyboard when he was about six, and also that it took ages for my Dad to get me a copy of Tribes. Lemmings was one of my favourite games then, and I still like it nowadays.
Fri 25/06/04 at 23:18
Posts: 308
Stridman wrote:
> Pikmin is suppose to be better someone told me.

I HATE PIKMIN. Why dose everybody like it, I didn't get very far because I didn't want to play it, I force mysel to get past the 2nd level and then I gave it back to the person who I was borrowing off of.
Fri 25/06/04 at 07:49
": ("
Posts: 5,614
Pikmin is suppose to be better someone told me.
Thu 24/06/04 at 13:15
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Lemmings was popular at a time when PC games really were awful.
Wed 23/06/04 at 22:00
Posts: 308
they brought us joy, they brought us dispair but most inportantly they brought us fun. Lemmings is an extremely hard game, although the aim seems easy, it's not. Did anyone ever complete Lemmings 2. I loved that game but couldn't do the Space, Original or I think it was polar missions. I'm wondering what happened at the end, even my bro, who I thought and still think is a lemmings master because he completed Lemmings 1 with our f***ed up mouse.

Lemmings 3 was to advanced for our old computer but I got 1 of the 3 missions done. Dose anybody know if there is a cheap knock off of Lemmings 1 2 & 3 that will work on Windows 98?

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