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Lemmings 3 was to advanced for our old computer but I got 1 of the 3 missions done. Dose anybody know if there is a cheap knock off of Lemmings 1 2 & 3 that will work on Windows 98?
Oh no More Lemmings
Lemmings Xmas edition
Lemmings 2
Lemmings 3 (didn't work properly though)
Mt brother knew all the shorcut key and he completed the first 3 on the list.
> Pikmin is suppose to be better someone told me.
I HATE PIKMIN. Why dose everybody like it, I didn't get very far because I didn't want to play it, I force mysel to get past the 2nd level and then I gave it back to the person who I was borrowing off of.
Lemmings 3 was to advanced for our old computer but I got 1 of the 3 missions done. Dose anybody know if there is a cheap knock off of Lemmings 1 2 & 3 that will work on Windows 98?