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"Paper Mario (READ NOW!!)"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Paper Mario'.
Sat 03/07/04 at 21:27
Posts: 308
The title isn't quite true. I now, after reading Urban Ryder's threada in General chat, NEED this game. It's SO expensive on eBay so dose anybody know how to get it on a ROM?
Wed 07/07/04 at 16:23
"Wats wit Trunkle?"
Posts: 42
Try playing spider man 2,its a fairly good game.I remember when I was about 10,my dad downloaded a game thing on the internet,and it had loads of games on it.I mean alot!Like games for gba,ps2 and others.Unfortunatly,I forget were to get it,sorry.
Sat 03/07/04 at 22:17
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
Yeah, a load of the Goldeneye team moved to free radical, which means that, all in all, Timesplitters are the spiritual successors to games like Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark.
Sat 03/07/04 at 22:14
Posts: 2,150
Yes they are. Didn't most of them move to Free Radical though? I have a bad feeling that Perfect dark wont be as good as the original. Well I know it wont but if this turns out even average I will be crying.
Sat 03/07/04 at 22:10
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
Dakarus Joe wrote:
> Grabbed by Ghoulies was meant to be quite good actually.

All i played was the demo on PGR2, and I was utterly appauled. It made me want to hurt whoever comissioned the game, as the team that made this could've been shining the boots of those making concker and stuff.

I'd still consider buying it, as it's Rare, and Rare are, after all, godly.
Sat 03/07/04 at 22:07
Posts: 2,150
Grabbed by Ghoulies was meant to be quite good actually.

*Runs for cover*
Sat 03/07/04 at 22:00
": ("
Posts: 5,614
mattributé wrote:
> You realise it's being remade, with Live support, yes?


I cannot wait, release date?
Sat 03/07/04 at 21:57
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
Bah, they could've done so much more with Nintendo. I prayed for Donkey Kong Racing. I weep twice yearly for its death, and pray that it is rebor anew... And they probably wouldn't have made the pish that is Grabbed by the Ghoulies...
Sat 03/07/04 at 21:54
Posts: 2,150
Yes. Im so glad Rare moves to Microsoft Perfect Dark: Zero Hour here I come.
Sat 03/07/04 at 21:52
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
You realise it's being remade, with Live support, yes?
Sat 03/07/04 at 21:49
": ("
Posts: 5,614
Dakarus Joe wrote:
> Stridman you know nothing.


> It is almost as rare as Conkers Bad Fur Day the rarest game on the N64.

Is it?
That game was so funny!

> do NOT ask what an emulator is please.

Wha...nah, i'll pass on that one.

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