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"Christmas with..."

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Mon 18/12/06 at 13:48
Posts: 19,415
I've been meaning to do this thread for awhile. So what are your plans for Christmas? Who are you spending it with? Are you seeing anyone on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day too? Without looking, does anyone know why we call it Boxing Day? (had to try and explain it to my girlfriend).

This year it'll just be me and my mum, oh and the cat & gerbil. My older brother is visiting on the Saturday before, not sure if he's staying till Eve, I think he's spending Christmas with his girlfriend at her dads. My younger brother is having Christmas with his Ecuadorean girlfriend in London, not sure what that will be like as she's renting a room with some family.

Nothing special planned for Eve or Boxing day, New Years day was usually when most of our family get together. Last year we had 15 people over to our house. Not sure what's happening this year.

I'd rather spend Christmas with my girlfriend but she's not here and I'm not there, but then it's not too bad. I'd hate to leave my mum on her own and it looks like we'll be moving out in a few months so this'll be the last Christmas in this house.

Next year I'm sure things will change. I'll have moved out and have a place of my own and I'll be in charge of Christmas atlast =) which means starting lots of new rituals ready for when I start my family. Then I'll look forward to Christmas as much as @ngel, if not more ;)
Mon 18/12/06 at 20:05
Posts: 20,776
Christmas will be the usual affair for me, spend all day at home with the parents, possibility of going to meet family down in Manchester ... can't see it being all that festive seeing as how my mum has been quite ill recently and my being off work means I've no cash for presents, neither do the parents as they kinda counted on my board money ... not in a Christmassy mood at all really ... sorry, that's a bit depressing ... :S

Then in the eve retire to the local with a group of mates for a couple of Xmas brewskies ...

Just looking forward to the New Year more than anything when I can make a fresh start and bring in some decent Wonga ... so far things are looking good ... :)
Mon 18/12/06 at 16:46
"Brooklyn boy"
Posts: 14,935
Seraphim wrote:
> Kawada wrote:
> Shall be with my mom and step dad pretending to play happy
> families
> Not looking forward to it then :( ?

Nope, it used to be bearable as we'd go round nan's and her and my uncle would be there which was cool but now she's gone it's just me, mom and step dad and my uncle goes off elsewhere for xmas now.

Ah well beats working 8 hours like i did on xmas day last year anyway :-D
Mon 18/12/06 at 16:10
Posts: 18,487
Seraphim wrote:
> Come xmas day if i have credit on my phone and dont forget to
> top up. Ill give you a ring again :)

Anytime. I'll no doubt need cheering up if i'm spending the day there. Last year was funny, i kept getting strange looks when my phone kept going off.
Mon 18/12/06 at 16:09
"I may return"
Posts: 4,854
Xmas day is with my family as always.
Boxing day is round a friend of the family's hosue for a small party.
Mon 18/12/06 at 16:02
Posts: 10,009
Family Christmas Eve and Boxing Day at home Christmas Day and out round town this Saturday night with mates.
Mon 18/12/06 at 15:55
Posts: 9,397
Nin wrote:
> Shall be with my mom, nan and step dad pretending to play happy
> families

Come xmas day if i have credit on my phone and dont forget to top up. Ill give you a ring again :)
Mon 18/12/06 at 15:48
Posts: 18,487
Kawada wrote:
> Shall be with my mom, nan and step dad pretending to play happy
> families
Mon 18/12/06 at 14:41
Posts: 9,397
Kawada wrote:
> Shall be with my mom and step dad pretending to play happy
> families

Not looking forward to it then :( ?
Mon 18/12/06 at 14:39
"Brooklyn boy"
Posts: 14,935
Shall be with my mom and step dad pretending to play happy families
Mon 18/12/06 at 14:28
Posts: 9,397
Christmas Eve possibly be spending it with them next door. (Nothing set in stone)

Christmas day with My mum, stepdad. My annoying sister and her partner and 3 kids. Also my younger sister too.

Boxing Day, Usually go next door but its not official whats happening this day yet. Ill only go if my Ex isnt there. If he is then ill stay at home and just send my boys round.

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