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"World Record?"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Tue 31/08/04 at 18:44
Posts: 23,695
Mario Kart 64.

Wario Stadium.

Lap time: 00'06"51

AJ has concluded that AJ = God.

That is all, hoves.
Wed 01/09/04 at 15:46
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Wed 01/09/04 at 15:43
Posts: 23,695
Ha, just beat it there.

Now 00'06"12.

Plus a race time of 00'51"02, which is a new best for me also.

I need to find a way to put this into video form. Or at least get you all a picture. Then there will be proof AJ = Mario Kart queen.
Wed 01/09/04 at 10:43
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Very well done to you, AfroJoe! :)

I bet you're a big gutted NGC no longer deal with N64 games like this in their 'I'm The Best' leagues... No Nationwide super-stardom for you, then. :I

Then again, you could try recording it and (after posting it on here for us, of course ;D ) then try sending it to them anyway, just to see their jaws drop in amazement anyway?

If that isn't the World Record time, then I think we know for sure, that some people just play games far too much for their own good! ;)
Wed 01/09/04 at 04:35
"Want a cd key.."
Posts: 3,443
Im impressed :)
Wed 01/09/04 at 01:41
"Oh no! Starwolf!"
Posts: 27
Video it? Sounds like a cool (and advantageously small in terms of filesize) watch.

Damn, guess who forgot to log his brother out...
Pretend this was posted by "Dooz2k2".
Pretend you care who it was posted by.
Tue 31/08/04 at 19:18
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
Ha, I could do that in my sheep.
Tue 31/08/04 at 18:59
Posts: 23,695
munn wrote:
> Ha, I could do that in my sleep.

No no no. You = weak at MK64 compared to the AJ.

Die, weak mofo creature.
Tue 31/08/04 at 18:58
Posts: 11,875
I'd beat you all at multiplayer.
Tue 31/08/04 at 18:56
Posts: 15,443
Truly gamer Elite.
Tue 31/08/04 at 18:53
Posts: 11,038
Ha, I could do that in my sleep.

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