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"Short Story Entry: Those Little Voices In Your Head...."

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Fri 15/06/01 at 18:39
Posts: 787
“I’m telling you. It spoke to me… don’t ask me why it chose me, but it did.” Cheatguru typed, obviously distraught.

“What did?” Ant asked.

“The…voice in my head! He says he’s called FantasyMeister, an-a-and he tells me what to do!”

“What does he tell you?” Ant said, already annoyed.

It was a warm Saturday morning. The sun was out, and the birds were singing. Ant could hear children playing, and teenagers…vandalising, probably.
Ant though, had chosen to stay in that morning, and see what was going on in the world of FOG. At the moment though, he was being plagued by Cheatguru on MSN Messenger. Ant had no idea how Guru got his e-mail, but he decided he was ready to listen when Guru said he needed help. Ant was that kind of person. Unfortunately, Ant doesn’t know that he made the wrong decision. He will realise later that he should have gone and smashed some old lady’s windows with his teenage friends, rather than connected to the world wide web.

“Well, he…he…” Cheatguru continued, “he tells me to post crap on both FOG Forums!! He says that if I don’t post pointless, rubbish topics, he says he will make me tell people that I lure young ladies into my chocolate coated house!”

“Well, that explains the quality of your posts then, doesn’t it?” Ant muttered to himself. He began to type, “So, this voice in your head called FantasyMeister tells you to post rubbish on the FOG Forums. And if you don’t, he will…make you…tell other people that…you lure young ladies into your…chocolate coated house?” Ant marvelled at the madness some conversations on MSN came to.

“Yes…I try to ignore him…but my hands begin to type and I end up doing it! He could easily control my voice as well, so I dare not go against him! Please help me Ant, please help me!”

Suddenly, a message appeared above the conversation on Guru’s PC. It said, “You cannot talk to Ant as he/she appears to be offline.”


Ant shook his head as he went to, “Appear Offline.” There was no way he was going to help Cheatguru, he needed to be in a mental home, surely?!

Ant looked out of the window. A few clouds had appeared, but not many, and the sun was still shining brightly. Ant heard a bump upstairs. No one else was in, and the cat had died a few days ago, so…

Ant ran upstairs onto the green-carpeted landing. He looked around, but couldn’t see anyone. He went into his room. No one. He looked in the bathrooms. Nothing. Ant finally went up to the attic. He didn’t like it in there-it was dark and dusty. Ant slowly walked up the ladder, and stepped inside. He sneezed a couple of times, and waited for his eyes to adjust to the light. When he could finally see-to an extent-he looked around. Old photo albums, a ripped paddling pool, old clothes, even Ant’s old toy Elephant, Graham!
Suddenly, a lamp was knocked over behind him. Ant twisted around, and saw, sitting in the corner, The Game.

“What the HELL are you doing in the corner of my attic?” Ant asked, astounded.

“FantasyMeister told me to do it! He tells me to go and sit in people’s attics! If I don’t, he will make me tell my Dad that I enjoy staring at him when he’s on the toilet!”

FantasyMeister?? Wasn’t that the name of the…voice inside Guru’s head??

“This…FantasyMeister, is a voice inside your head, right?”

Game nodded his head over and over again. Ant sighed, picked him up, and threw him out of the attic. Ant then pulled him to the front door, and threw him outside.
“But FantasyMeister will…” Game’s voice was cut off as Ant slammed the door shut.

Ant was very, very angry. What was it with this FantasyMeister?? It’s a trick, Ant decided. Of course it was.
He was hungry. He opened the sugar cupboard, and licked his lips. “AAAAHHHH!!!” Ant screamed, as he found nothing but…but…cheese and bananas!!

Ant knew only one person capable of this. Well, actually, he didn’t think the person was capable of this foul deed, but he had a prime suspect.

He logged onto MSN Messenger, and clicked on SHEEPY’s name. As Ant typed, he wondered how the hell SHEEPY would’ve done it.

“Hi Sheepy. What have you been…up to lately??”

“Cheese and bananas. Hi Ant. Not much…”

“Oh, really. You know, I’ve got a funny story for you.”

“Really?! Great, I love funny stories.”

Ant’s anger was rising, “Well,” he typed, nearly breaking the spacebar on the keyboard, “I went up to my sugar cupboard, and found…cheese and bananas in there!!”

“Oh. Look Ant, I don’t know how to say this, but…FantasyMeister made me do it!! He tells me to go buy loads of cheese and bananas, and then replace everyone’s other food with them!! I wish I would stop, but he says if I don’t do it, he will make me slap my History’s teacher’s @ss, and purr!”

Ant couldn’t be bothered to find out how SHEEPY did it. He logged out of the conversation and clicked on Dan2K1’s name for hopefully what would be a decent conversation.

“Hi Dan. How’s it going?”

“Ant, I’ve just found out why I post huge topics all the time!! It’s this voice in my head, he says he’s called FantasyMeister, and…” Dan’s post was cut off as Ant clicked on a conversation that had just come up, from Turbonutter.

“Ant! Ant! Ie have 2 voicese in my heade now, my braine and a guye called FantasyMeister, whoe tells me toe tap the ‘e’e button on mye keyboard at thee end of everye third word!”

Ant quickly clicked on the ‘x’ button it the top right hand corner, and sat there. A rage was burning inside of him, he couldn’t take much more.

Suddenly, the speaker’s made that little beep noise, which meant that a new conversation had come up. Ant slowly looked up at the screen. It was from Sniper.

“Ali is a gimp.”

Ant sighed. Perhaps he would be able to have a normal conversation for once. “Hi Sniper. Why is Ali an gimp?”


Ant had already had enough. He signed off, and decided he’d go for a walk.


pb was out in his front garden, enjoying the sun. pb put down his book, and lied back. “Ahhhhh…” pb sighed, content with life. He was just about to fall asleep when…

pb sat up, and looked around. No one was there. Just his imagination.

Okay, pb definitely heard that. He looked around again, although it didn’t really sound like a voice. It was more…

pb was shocked. He’d heard voices before, but nothing like this! He decided he’d try and speak.

“He-he-llo? Look, who-whoever you are, you don’t have control of me!” pb tested his theory by standing up.

“Well you know what? I’m not going to.” pb said, determined. FantasyMeister just laughed devilishly.

Suddenly, pb was moving. Towards the beautiful sunflowers in his front garden! He bent down, and pulled. Out came the sunflower. He did the same for another. And another.

“No! I don’t want to do this! Please stop!” pb cried, shocked.

Pb moved onto his neighbour’s garden, and began pulling plants out there as well.

“No! I’m not doing this!” pb shouted, and pushed for control of his body. He had it! He had control!

FantasyMeister seemed to put emphasis on the ‘extreme.’

Pb began moving again. “Where are you taking me?!” But there was no response. Pb looked up, and realised where he was heading. He was walking straight onto the busy road he lived on.

“Oh my god!” pb screamed. “No! Please no! Help!!”

FantasyMeister just laughed.


Ant had been walking for a long time. He turned onto Stock Road, which was normally very busy. Pb lived here, so Ant decided he might pay him a visit.

As Ant carried on down the road, he could hear screams. Terrified screams. He squinted into the sun, and there was pb, standing in the middle of the road.
Ant ran as fast as he could up to where pb was. Ant could see a rather large truck heading straight towards him.
He got there, and…did nothing. Most people would have ran into the road and saved the poor bloke, but Ant wasn’t that kind of person. Ant doesn’t MAKE things happen to him, he lets things happen to him.

So instead of saving pb, Ant cried out, “pb!! Get off the road now!!”

Pb looked over at Ant, and screamed, “Come and save me you daft prat! I can’t move!”

But Ant did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The truck steamed towards pb, it’s horns blaring. Ant turned away as not to see the impact.

Ant heard the truck go by, but didn’t turn. Strangely, Ant hadn’t heard the crunch of bones snapping, or the wet sound of flesh being met by…a truck. Ant slowly turned, and saw nothing. No blood, no bones, no mangled body, no head lying on the concrete ground next to him, nothing.

Someone tapped him on the back. Ant turned, and was met by a fist straight to his jaw. Ant fell hard to the ground beneath him. Ant rubbed his painful jaw, and looked up. Standing there, was pb. I would tell you what pb said to Ant, but the content of it really isn’t suitable for this story. But I believe the main point was that Ant didn’t save pb.

Ant slowly got to his feet, “So…how did you survive then? Or did you finally regain the power to MOVE.”

“Actually, HE saved me instead.”

Ant looked to where pb was pointing. Meka_Dragon.

“Yep, that’s right, I saved pb, I am the man of the moment! It was strange, actually. I was in my house, when suddenly…this voice in my head…told me to go outside and save pb. I thought I’d gone mad, but I went out there anyway. And there was pb, standing in the middle of the road. So I saved him. Normally I wouldn’t have the courage to do such a thing but this time…oh well, doesn’t matter. Hope you’re all right pb, I’ll see ya later.” And with that, Meka ran off.


Ant and pb were walking down the road, chatting about this…FantasyMeister. Ant wondered how long it would be before FantasyMeister would invade his mind.

Suddenly a bright light appeared in front of them. Ant’s heart leapt as he thought the Lord had come to congratulate him on a good life, but he was to be bitterly disappointed. Standing in front of him was:

“Hello. My name is Grix Thraves.”

Ant and pb didn’t really know what to say, so they just stared. And that’s how the men stood their for a couple of minutes, staring awkwardly.

Finally Grix spoke again. “I have heard of your troubles with FantasyMeister. This day was prophesised.”

“Who by?” pb asked.

“Who the hell d’you think you clueless dork?” Grix said, rather uncharacteristically, Ant thought. Although, how would Ant know what Grix’s personality was like? Ant was already confused.

“So you prophesised it?”

Grix cocked his head and looked at Ant like he was a piece of dog excretion on the back of his shoe. “No, of course not. My master er-no did.”

“Well how are we supposed to know who er-no is?” pb demanded.

“errrrr…well…” Grix fell quiet. And the 3 men stared awkwardly again.

This time, Ant broke the silence, “So what are you doing here?”

“I have come to tell you about FantasyMeister. He is an alien being, something that has been threatening to attack for thousands of years. Fortunately, my master locked him in a Z-Space Bubble for years, trapping him. But FantasyMeister has grown stronger, and he escaped the bubble. Er-no couldn’t stop him. FantasyMeister is now taking over people’s minds, just by speaking directly into their heads.”

“So er-no is also an alien being?”

“Yes, in a way. It’s hard to explain what er-no is, but you will find out soon enough.”

“So why has he chosen all the people from FOG?”

“He looked down onto the Earth, and decided that FOG would be the perfect place to start. At the moment he is just doing it for fun, but as he grows stronger, he will get people to do much worse things. And give much worse punishment for rebelliousness, as he did with you,” Grix pointed at pb.

“Okay, so what are we gonna do about it?” Ant asked, exasperated. He wished he’d gone spraying graffiti onto walls with his friends now. Poor Ant.

“He has a couple of weaknesses. One, if you ever escape your punishment, as pb did, he is not able to take over your mind ever again. This means that pb is free. Of course, this is not a big enough weakness. We have one more plan. Myself and er-no have formulated a liquid, that if drank, will block you off from FantasyMeister for around 5 hours. Now FantasyMeister will go mad if he realises he can’t get into your minds. He will think he’s lost his powers.”


“Well first, you two need to get eighteen of your friends from FOG drink this liquid,” Grix handed them a large bottle of a strange, misty blue liquid. “And then…well, you will find out once you have drank.”

Grix’s image began to disappear, “Wait! I must know more!” pb cried, but Grix was gone.


20 people. These 20 people were the only thing that stood between FantasyMeister and total control of the people on Earth. Their names? Ant, pb, SHEEPY, Sniper, Turbonutter, VenomByte, The Game, M16, RastaBillySkank, Tony, Your Honour, Meka_Dragon, Golden_Rhino, Dan2K1, SonicRav, Mouldy Cheese, Bonus, Goatboy, Dan_uk and ZeldaPro.

“Okay, you’ve all drank some?” pb asked. Everyone nodded, still unsure of what was to come.

Pb turned to Ant, “Well, here you go mate. You get the last bit.” Ant took the bottle, and stared at it for a moment, wondering what on earth was in it. Finally, Ant put the bottle to his mouth, and drank. It tasted…like…like…Ant couldn’t really believe it, but this liquid actually tasted like chicken!

Ant gulped it down. “Okay, we’re ready.”

“Ready for what, though?” VenomByte asked. No one answered him.

They all stood there, silent, waiting for something to happen. Game was staring at one corner of Ant’s attic (where they were), and he was the first to see it. A strange swirling in the walls. Game took a few steps closer, and it looked the same. But now the strange swirling effect was rising, spreading across the whole room.

Everyone stared as the whole room appeared to turn into some sort of liquid, twisting, just like the last few drops of water in a bath, being sucked into the plughole.

Then the whole room began to twist around them, although the floor didn’t appear to be moving. RBS looked down at his feet, and found…nothing! The whole room was beginning to disappear into a world of white!

Finally, the last shades of the attic disappeared, and there was nothing but whiteness.

Tony pulled himself together, “Okay, where are we?”

Came a mystical voice.

“Hey, that sounds like FantasyMeist…”

pb’s voice was cut off by…whoever this was.

“Let me guess, you’re er-no, right?” Ant asked confidently.

Venom did as he said. Normally, a room like this should be too bright for his eyes, but this wasn’t, this was…perfect.

Suddenly, the a rumbling was heard, from all around them.

came er-no’s voice.

BOOM!! A huge hole appeared in the whiteness, and some sort of…beast flew through it. Your Honour managed a quick glance through the hole, and all he could see was normal space. The space with stars and moons and planets. YH looked up, to see…well, it was over 12 feet tall, covered in large spikes, with a tail that rather reminded him of a Stegosaurus’. It stood on 2 legs, and its skin was of a scaly texture, and was sea-green in colour.

It opened it’s mouth, revealing huge, sharp jaws, and said, “Ah, er-no. I see you have brought me here to meet all your…little friends. The creature seemed to sneer, although it was hard to tell.

er-no said,

“So er-no, you want to play a little game, do you? Blocking off these,” he pointed the group, “idiots’ minds from me. Well, I have a little game of my own. Perhaps you’d like to volounteer 4 of your ‘friends’ to play it with me.”

There was silence for a moment, and then, a sigh.

M16 looked at the other chosen ones, and stepped forward with them. He looked up at FantasyMeister, waiting to hear what this game was about.

And with that FantasyMeister disappeared. He was still there though, everyone could feel his evil presence.

All of a sudden, the 4 volunteers were thrust into Darkness.


M16 opened his eyes. He was some sort of field, and in front of him was a tree. There was nothing else. He looked up into the sky, and sun nearly blinded him. Complete silence.
So M16 just stood there, and waited. Suddenly, he heard a ‘buzzing’ noise from the tree. M16’s stomach twisted and turned, as he looked over to where the noise was coming from. He could see small creatures flying out of the tree, coming straight towards him, but what were they? M16 looked closer. Bees. Thousands of them. M16 screamed, and quickly turned on his ankles and ran. He was just building speed when he remembered er-no’s words, “Do not run away, do not try and escape, otherwise…”
M16 gulped hard, Crouched down, and curled himself into a ball.

The Bees reaches him, and overcame him. “AAAAARRRGGGGHHH!!” M16 screamed as the Bees stung him, flew around him, and some even flew into his mouth. He desperately wanted to get up and run, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

“AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!” The Bees that had got into his mouth begun stinging his throat and his tongue. Immense pain! M16 couldn’t take it anymore, he was sure he was going to die.

The pain reached it’s peak, and M16 slumped to the ground, unconscious. M16 had won.


Ant refused to open his eyes. He wasn’t sure where he was, but he really didn’t want to know. It felt…wet, very wet. He tried to breathe, and found himself choking. He closed his mouth and opened his eyes; he was underwater. He looked up, the surface was just above him, he may as well swim up.

Ant began to swim, but stopped in his tracks. His worst fear was…drowning. This was his worst fear. He couldn’t swim to the surface, otherwise he’d die.

He began to panic! He couldn’t just stay here and drown-he’d die anyway! But it’s just a fantasy, he told himself. Just get through it.
Ant’s lungs were crying for air, and he began to thrash the water. He fought off the insane urge to surface, and he just let him drown.

He felt as though his lungs were being turned inside out, he could feel his heart packing in, his brain closing down. Ant prepared himself for death.

His vision became hazy, and his senses were very poor. Ant knew he’d done it. He’d done his part.

Finally, Ant’s heart stopped. Ant had won.


Turbonutter awoke, in his bed. He sat up, everything seemed normal. Perhaps it had all been a dream. Bang, bang, bang! There was some hard knocking at his door, so he opened it. It was his father.

“Hi Dad, ho…” Turbonutter stopped talking as his Dad grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and began to push him down the stairs.

“What are you doing!?!” He asked, scared.

“We don’t want you here anymore. Get out.” His Dad said in a calm voice.

Suddenly, Turbonutter knew. His worst fear; Rejection.

His Dad threw him out of the door, where it was snowing outside. “Leave us. We never want to see you again.” He slammed the door.

Turbonutter wanted to bash on the door, he wanted to ask WHY they didn’t want him! But he knew he couldn’t.

He fought the tears that were on the tip of his eyes, and turned away. He was now facing his friends.

“Hey Turbo. Listen, you used to be fun, you used to be a laugh. But now you’re just boring us, and we don’t want you to be our friends anymore. See ya later, loser.” Said Turbo’s former best mate.

Turbo ignored it. He could never live through this in real life, but this wasn’t real, he told himself.

So Turbonutter sat on a bench for a while, and froze until he fell out of consciousness. Turbonutter had won.


Game quickly opened his eyes, and looked around. He found himself in some water, some sort of swimming pool. He looked up, and found…people looking at him over the side! He was in some sort of Sea World complex, in one of the pools. The crowd pointed at him and gasped.

Then someone screamed, “Look out! My God, get out of there!” People began to point behind him.

Game slowly turned, and saw in front of him a fin sticking out of the water. A Shark’s fin. Game tensed up, and began to shake with fear. The fin circled him menacingly, and Game, for some stupid reason, put his head underwater for a closer look.
And there it was. A rather large Shark, with rather large jaws. Game wasn’t sure what he had to do from here, did he have to let himself be eaten by the Shark?? He couldn’t do that! But it seemed to be the only way.

The shark backed off a little way, and then began to steam towards him! Game screamed, but refused to swim away. The crowd shouted at him-some covered their eyes, while others ran.

Game tensed himself, and prepared for the worst experience of his life. Suddenly, his legs were racked with pain, and he could feel himself being pulled under. He closed his eyes, as the Shark began to eat upwards.

Some children in the crowd were crying, looking down at the pool as the shark left, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

The Game had won.


They all awoke at the same time. Game sat on the floor and cried for a little while and M16 just sat there silent. Ant took in as much air as possible (although he wasn’t sure where it was coming from,) and Turbonutter got up, and went to talk with the rest of the group.

Suddenly, a human flew down from the sky, and landed on the white ‘floor.’ A boy, who looked around 15-16 years old. The boy smiled, and said, “Well done, my friends. You have conquered your worst fears, and have overcome FantasyMeister.” Er-no pointed to behind him.

Ant, M16, Game and Turbonutter walked over to FantasyMeister, who was crouched down on the floor, one hand holding his heart.

Another flash of light appeared to their left, and Grix Thraves appeared.

“He has used all his energy against you.” Grix said solemnly, “He will not die though. I’m not sure if he will ever die. It will take him years to recover properly, and then he will have to use all his energies to get out of the Space Bubble my master will trap him in.”

FantasyMeister slowly looked up, his face contorted in pain. He said, “I will be back, one day. I will get my revenge on you.” He stared at the whole group in unison. “One day, I will be in control of all your minds, and you,” he pointed to er-no, “Will not be able to stop me.”

FantasyMeister then slumped to the floor, unconscious. Er-no lifted both his hands, and created bubble, which seemed full of energy. He then threw the bubble at FantasyMeister. The bubble enveloped him, and then flew off, taking him to some deep, dark corner of the galaxy.

Er-no disappeared once again, and then spoke, A flash of light suddenly flew through the hole FantasyMeister had created, and was gone.

Grix turned to the group, and smiled. “Well, you’ve done it. You’ve defeated him. Congratulations.”

Meka replied with, “So, do we get a reward?” Everyone in the group grew excited at the thought of reward.

“No, of course not. Surely saving the world is a big enough reward.”

“Oh….okay.” Meka said, disappointed.

The group waited for something to happen, for them to be sent home. But nothing happened. The group looked up and stared at Grix, and Grix stared back.

And that’s how this story finishes, with everyone staring at eachother awkwardly.


Thanks for reading, Ant.
Mon 02/07/01 at 09:23
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Right, the sequel to this story is being written, and because no one read Part One, I've decided to make it another short story entry, and post it in one big message.
Sun 24/06/01 at 08:07
Posts: 0
oh rite cos i usually only write reveiws but now ive discovered chat im gonne chat alot moree often
Sat 23/06/01 at 21:59
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
cooooldude wrote:
> hey ant im really proud of ya winnin so often but do you ever get
> time to play on ur games cos like ur reviews and stuff seen to be
> everywere its like as im typin this now ur writin a review or somin


No, I don't write reviews that often. I prefer discussions. But I save a lot of time for gaming also.

And I'm glad you're proud of me. :D
Sat 23/06/01 at 16:30
Posts: 0
hey ant im really proud of ya winnin so often but do you ever get time to play on ur games cos like ur reviews and stuff seen to be everywere its like as im typin this now ur writin a review or somin
Fri 22/06/01 at 19:28
Posts: 0
Hehe! This was great. Well worth the GAD that it won!

Thu 21/06/01 at 22:23
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
If possible Tony-please read this. I'd just like to know what you think of it.

Thanks in advance.
Wed 20/06/01 at 18:00
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Ice Blaster wrote:
> Ant- that was a good story. I hope that DTD feels bad about what he
> said or at least rememeber that if you can't say something nice,
> don't say anything more. Now DTD- have you got something better to
> do?

You know, I reckon he's actually gone down to the park and started insulting the Pigeons.

Wed 20/06/01 at 17:54
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Ant- that was a good story. I hope that DTD feels bad about what he said or at least rememeber that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything more. Now DTD- have you got something better to do?
Wed 20/06/01 at 17:46
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Shocktrooper wrote:
> Ahem!


I'd like to make an announcement, if you please.


> would like to officially say that:

> AND UTTER Twirp!!!!!!!

What a superb speech!!

P.S. I knew you'd win Ant, congrats'
> buddy.

Thanks mate. So did I. {:) Only kidding.
Tue 19/06/01 at 16:09
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
pb wrote:
> Ant. Write down all the capital letters in the post and see what it
> says....

easy! Needless to say, it seems to have done the
> job!

Lol, I get it now.

Nice one pb, thanks.

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