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"Dragon Ball Z-GT"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Dragon Ball Z'.
Thu 09/09/04 at 22:14
Posts: 134
Old games are not so good from these days?
Sat 11/09/04 at 16:40
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
JFH wrote:
> Just go and play Super Mario World.

listen to this man, he knows what he's talking about! :)
Fri 10/09/04 at 18:56
Posts: 5,953
Firstly, "old games are not so good from these days" doesn't make sense and secondly, if what you mean is old games aren't very good compared to games nowadays, that is certainly not true. Just go and play Super Mario World.
Fri 10/09/04 at 01:02
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
i think you're a cretin.
Thu 09/09/04 at 22:14
Posts: 134
Old games are not so good from these days?

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