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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Sat 11/09/04 at 19:55
Posts: 57
Need help for the mission, where you sail to the airport, and got to shoot down the plane.
I canīt complete it, itīs too hard to hit, canīt someone help me??
Sat 02/10/04 at 11:31
Posts: 163
Is this level further on past the mission where you kill the man in the airport then grab his suitcase and escape.
If it is then i aint played it as my GTA disk is scratched to buggery and crashes when i get back to the hideout.
Fri 01/10/04 at 20:52
Posts: 41
Hannard wrote:
> Actually, it appears in the base after you complete the defending the
> mansion mission. If you want to get it, it's easier just to steal a
> cop's uniform from the police station and you can walk in and just
> fly it away. When you get all the hidden packages and get the game
> 100% complete, the apache appears on a helipad not far south of Club
> Malibu, and you can just get into it. It's a pity that it's
> mysteriously really hard to use it to take out police copters though
> - they seem to be able to fly higher than you can.

ok, so you just told me! although i didnt find it too hard to use, just takes a little getting used to then its just all out fun!
Sat 25/09/04 at 19:56
Posts: 439
Actually, it appears in the base after you complete the defending the mansion mission. If you want to get it, it's easier just to steal a cop's uniform from the police station and you can walk in and just fly it away. When you get all the hidden packages and get the game 100% complete, the apache appears on a helipad not far south of Club Malibu, and you can just get into it. It's a pity that it's mysteriously really hard to use it to take out police copters though - they seem to be able to fly higher than you can.
Thu 23/09/04 at 08:48
Posts: 41
you need to find all the hidden packages then the hunter appears stashed in the naval base. its quite tough to steal too cos there's loads of soldiers protecting it. still worth a go though!
Sun 12/09/04 at 00:48
Posts: 2,527
I haven't found that one yet.
Sun 12/09/04 at 00:32
Posts: 41
the joy of vice city is the choppers. easy to fly and so much better than driving, quicker too!
and lets talk about the hunter... the apache-style attack chopper! so fast... so much firepower! NICE!
Sun 12/09/04 at 00:19
Posts: 2,527
Yea I could never fly that plane properly in GTA 3 but the one in vice city is easy lol.
Sun 12/09/04 at 00:06
Posts: 41
yep yep yep... took me weeks but i mastered the dodo! got many hours of flight time just going round in circles! what more can you do!?
Sat 11/09/04 at 23:58
Posts: 2,527
Yea same here at least you can fly the plane properly here lol.
Sat 11/09/04 at 23:53
Posts: 41
hmm... flying cars never appealed to me, but i managed to fly over from island to island at the beginning of the game. i started in portland and got all the way over oto shoreside without doing one single mission!

more of a fan of vice city though to be honest.

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