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"Can Ocarina of time be Defeated..."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Sun 12/09/04 at 18:49
Posts: 212
As some people all ready know a new Zelda game will be released in 2005 but the question on everyones mind is "can it becoe better than Ocarina of time?". Ocarina of time is a legend among all games but with a new contender coming in 2005 will Ocarina of time be knocked off the top spot?
Sun 12/09/04 at 22:39
Posts: 7,741
Ocarina is a great game, but people's love of it is more than just what's in the game, it's that it was the first 3D Zelda, it caused a storm, and frankly I don't see that happening again anytime soon.
Sun 12/09/04 at 20:26
"a.k.a King"
Posts: 586
No it can't
Sun 12/09/04 at 20:19
Posts: 15,681
Ocarina of Time is a classic that'll be hard to beat. It was the original 3D Zelda game. It's the one that everyone will compare future games to. Like Goldeneye is with FPSs.
Sun 12/09/04 at 20:15
Posts: 7,403
Aoe wrote:
> Hasn't every Zelda game since OoT been better than it?


Not in the slightest.
Sun 12/09/04 at 19:48
Posts: 9,631
Of course it will. I mean. Hasn't every other Zelda game since OOT been better than it?
Sun 12/09/04 at 18:49
Posts: 212
As some people all ready know a new Zelda game will be released in 2005 but the question on everyones mind is "can it becoe better than Ocarina of time?". Ocarina of time is a legend among all games but with a new contender coming in 2005 will Ocarina of time be knocked off the top spot?

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