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"vice city mansion"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Fri 24/09/04 at 13:57
Posts: 31
you know now that i've got diaz's mansion, does that mean i get the sea plane too, if so anyone know how i find it.
Fri 24/09/04 at 22:39
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
The seaplane is available from behind the porn studio once you do all the studio missions. You get the little Seasparrow helicopter behind the Mansion once you finish the Copland mission, and there's a Maverick helicopter on the roof of the Mansion most of the time. The GTA games are still my faves.

Fri 24/09/04 at 20:10
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
You get the copter with the sea floats out the back of the mansion. Can't remember how, though.

Nor, funnily enough, do I care.
Fri 24/09/04 at 18:00
Posts: 1,055
no he dosent
Fri 24/09/04 at 17:56
Posts: 31
i think diaz's suppose to have one too
Fri 24/09/04 at 15:16
Posts: 23,218
I thought the sea plane was behind the porno place? haven't played the game in over a year.
Fri 24/09/04 at 13:57
Posts: 31
you know now that i've got diaz's mansion, does that mean i get the sea plane too, if so anyone know how i find it.

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