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"Your Favourite Vice City Mission"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Sat 25/09/04 at 20:57
Posts: 1,688
Ok so... what is your favourite mission in Vice City and why?

Mines is (can't remember name) the one where you do all the jumps on the PCJ for the movie studio to tamper with the light. hehe guess why. Although there is an easier way... just use a helicopter.

So whats yours?
Fri 01/10/04 at 22:51
Posts: 41
hmm... its hard to choose just one.
i like the mission when you protect garcia's boat from the french but cap the collector i think.
racing to your properties and takin out the guys on the motorbikes is fun. especially when you mow them down in a car :D
Tue 28/09/04 at 19:06
Posts: 1,055
keep your freinds close is my favorite mission
Tue 28/09/04 at 07:40
Posts: 1,688
AfroJoe wrote:
> People actually do missions?

Yeah, becuase that way you can progress to other islands.
Mon 27/09/04 at 00:02
Posts: 23,695
People actually do missions?
Sun 26/09/04 at 20:55
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532

The shops are clearly marked man. If you are using the cheats, which I presume you are, use the minigun for the windows, and you can shoot them out from a distance.
Sun 26/09/04 at 20:49
Posts: 31
any ideas how to get shakedown done, i can't seem to find the shops to shoot up
Sun 26/09/04 at 16:21
Posts: 439
The tank mission. Easily.
Sun 26/09/04 at 08:51
Posts: 4,899
'The Driver'

You know that sh*t mo'.
Sat 25/09/04 at 23:23
Posts: 5,323
Diaz's Mansion also. Brilliance without the cinematic crap you usually have to watch during a game.
San-Andreas should be awesome.
Sat 25/09/04 at 23:13
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
I think probably the one where you take over Diaz' Mansion. It's brilliant blasting away all his cronies and then taking down the man himself, and of course the reward at the end of the mission is brilliant.

I actually played Vice City tonight for the first time in a while and it's still the best game in my collection, on PS2 and X-Box. I could quite happily sell my X-Box and just keep my PS2 with the GTA games, the lifespan on them all is brilliant, and just never gets boring.

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