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Viewing Thread:
"Fave GTA moment..."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Sat 02/10/04 at 19:30
"Retarded List"
Posts: 642
...mine has to be when an ambulance was racing to to the peds i'd shot. I shot the driver and the ambulance free-wheeled along the road, crushing the cop who was trying to bust me. Oh, how I laughed
Sat 09/10/04 at 18:43
"For One Night Only"
Posts: 3,773
Whitestripes DX wrote:
> I see my efforts on humour aren't wasted on you.

I found it funny.
Sat 09/10/04 at 17:20
"boom boom click"
Posts: 885
dive bombing into an office block in a helecopter!
Fri 08/10/04 at 02:17
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
The time I stole a car was pretty special.
Sun 03/10/04 at 23:38
Posts: 33,481
When the game actually lets me shoot what I aimed at.
Sun 03/10/04 at 21:00
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Whitestripes DX wrote:
> I like the bit where I shot the guy up whilst on a mission to collect
> something and take it back somewhere else.

Or the bit where you past double innuendo #4, while killing more people for no real reason.
Sun 03/10/04 at 20:43
Posts: 11,875
I see my efforts on humour aren't wasted on you.
Sun 03/10/04 at 20:37
Posts: 2,048
That happens alot in GTA
Sun 03/10/04 at 19:57
Posts: 11,875
I like the bit where I shot the guy up whilst on a mission to collect something and take it back somewhere else.
Sun 03/10/04 at 19:32
Posts: 2,048
The radio stations. God some of the things they babble on about crack me up.
Sat 02/10/04 at 19:30
"Retarded List"
Posts: 642
...mine has to be when an ambulance was racing to to the peds i'd shot. I shot the driver and the ambulance free-wheeled along the road, crushing the cop who was trying to bust me. Oh, how I laughed

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