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"Vice City Mods"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Sat 02/10/04 at 20:59
Posts: 1,688
I have vice city on the PS2 but i came accross a site where you can download cool cars and other mods. Would it be worth buying VC for the pc for these and do they actually work. I'd guess they will work as the site has a huge database of cars, boats, skins ect ect.
Tue 05/10/04 at 21:39
"Just ram it in!"
Posts: 1,036
Its very very laggy.
Tue 05/10/04 at 14:44
"Wotz a Tagline...?"
Posts: 1,422
Multi-theft auto should be decent!!
Mon 04/10/04 at 18:40
Posts: 1,688
Edward wrote:
> Where Are You Gettin It For £8.99?

The rules forbid me from telling*. I actually mistyped it is in fact £9.99.

*p.s I really like to PLAY games.
Mon 04/10/04 at 16:06
"Hellfire Stoker"
Posts: 10,534
Honest Nigel's Genuine Surplus and Lost In Transit Technology Ltd.
Mon 04/10/04 at 15:21
"We are not alone!!!"
Posts: 79
Where Are You Gettin It For £8.99?
Sun 03/10/04 at 20:05
"...y'crazy fool!"
Posts: 584
AliBoy wrote:

> Is there not an adapter that allows you to connect a PS2 controller
> to the PC?

...those things to tend to crop up on eBay from time to time. Certainly N64 pads and Dreamcast pads if nothing else. Have a look =P
Sun 03/10/04 at 19:08
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Noticed this before on GTA3 and thought it was quite cool that people were making mods and skins to change the game a bit.
Some of those on that site and very good and for £8.99 its really worth looking. Nice additions to change the game a little.

Is there not an adapter that allows you to connect a PS2 controller to the PC?
Sun 03/10/04 at 12:25
Posts: 1,688
yeah well I can pick it up for £8.99 brand new.
Sun 03/10/04 at 11:12
"Hellfire Stoker"
Posts: 10,534
It's a pretty good idea- there are literally hundreds of cars you can add, everything from Mini Coopers to Caterham 7's and then to Lamborghinis. The graphics on PC are slightly enhanced, and the only playing disadvantages are that wheelies are harder, as is driving helicopters. Plus, you can make your own MP3 radio station on the PC. For that lot and the mods, however, it's only really worth doing if you can get Vice City at a bargain price.
Sat 02/10/04 at 20:59
Posts: 1,688
I have vice city on the PS2 but i came accross a site where you can download cool cars and other mods. Would it be worth buying VC for the pc for these and do they actually work. I'd guess they will work as the site has a huge database of cars, boats, skins ect ect.

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