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"Cruise goes mental"

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Sun 26/06/05 at 12:29
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
See Cruise start to puff-piece War of The Worlds and then go spectacularly off the rails when the interviewer starts to ask about his personal view on life.
Goes from "hyuck-hyuck Spielberg is great" schmooze into a finger-pointy, edge of seat ranting when he tries to explain why Scientology is more valid than pyschiatry.


"I've never agreed with pyschiatry at all, it's a pseudo-science"
Mon 27/06/05 at 16:59
Posts: 11,024
Flock wrote:
> There's no such thing as a temporary cure technically, either you're
> cured or you're not(i hope i've got that definition right) drugs are
> a treatment for symptoms but they dont actually fix the problem.

Well it depends what you define as "the problem." If it is simply the chemical imbalance, then it can be altered by drugs and so removed for a time. Hence my term "temporary cure."

On the two types of depression you mentioned, they must both be entirely physical, because we know via empirical evidence that the mental is just another aspect of the physical (not factoring in qualia arguments here, even if we happen to agree with them it's not really relevant). Which is not to rubbish what you're saying at all, I'm not trying to disagree that there are different types of depression. I think that they must come down to physical things in the end, just not necessarily the same type of physical "problem."

I think one of the issues here is the theory and practice divide of drugs. When we say "it is a physical problem, a chemical imbalance, and drugs can help with this" what we mean is "as the problem is to do with the balance of chemicals in the brain, and drugs can alter the chemical proportions in the brain, then potentially there is a drug that can cahnge this, although we may not have invented or discovered it yet." It's important not to take this as "we can cure whatever problem you have with drugs currently available."

All too often, the drugs have unrealised side effects. One of my friends, around a year ago, committed suicide after being on anti-depressants for a few months. After his death, I found out that he would often hallucinate about seeing angels and become terrified when on his medication. Also, he thought people were trying to read his thoughts, which is a symptom of schizophrenia, and would tie things around his neck to stop himself thinking too much. So obviously, in this case, the drugs had exactly the opposite of the desired effect. But that's not to say that there isn't potentially a drug that could have helped him.

I dislike the term "masking the symptoms," because it implies that the symptoms are still there but no one notices. I want to say that the symptoms (again, potentially, as we're talking about theoretical drugs here) really do go away, because the brain has been physically altered so as to remove the behavioural patterns etc. It's just that when the drug leaves the system, the symptoms return.

I also dislike the term "chemical imbalance," because it seems to imply a perfect proportion of chemicals that's universal. But that's a side issue.

This is far longer than I intended it to be, sorry about that.
Mon 27/06/05 at 15:50
Posts: 4,199
To be fair, if I was God, I'd want people to suffer unnecessarily too
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:56
Posts: 18,487
Tiltawhirl wrote:
> I think there's a lot of different kinds of Scientology, so I don't
> think you'll find that's what Cruise is involved in, there's a chruch
> of Christian Scietology near my house. Basically they believe in
> everything that christians do, except that they believe that all
> illnesses are part of gods plan and that you shouldn't use any form
> of medicine to cure them.

Yeah i remember reading about no pain relief during childbirth and i've got this odd feeling the woman isn't allwed to make any noise either, sounds like a great laugh :|
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:50
Posts: 21,800
I think there's a lot of different kinds of Scientology, so I don't think you'll find that's what Cruise is involved in, there's a chruch of Christian Scietology near my house. Basically they believe in everything that christians do, except that they believe that all illnesses are part of gods plan and that you shouldn't use any form of medicine to cure them.
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:49
Posts: 18,487
gerrid wrote:
> oh, what, so scientology is just a completely ridiculous cult?! I
> would never have guessed!!

Tom Cruise is going to hunt you down and call you a jerk for that comment.
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:43
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
oh, what, so scientology is just a completely ridiculous cult?! I would never have guessed!!
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:40
Posts: 18,487
I just went looking for some information and i found this on what appears to be a genuine site.

"Those that reach the higher teachings (OT III) within the Church of Scientology will learn all about Xenu, the evil intergalactic ruler who implanted “thetans,” or alien spirits, in earth’s volcanoes 75 million years ago, after which they escaped and invaded human bodies. The ultimate belief of Scientology is that you are possessed by the spirits of aliens murdered 75 million years ago by "Xenu" and you have to exorcise these spirits."
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:31
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Of course it causes illness.

Cruise set up a scientology tent on the set of WotW, to try and convert people, and it worked, apparently. Odd stuff.
Mon 27/06/05 at 13:29
Posts: 11,875
Drugs remove symptoms of mental disorders, they do not cure them. And yes, chemical imbalance can exist, and yes it does cause illnesses.
Mon 27/06/05 at 11:46
Posts: 6,702
Oh dear! Matt, are you listening to me Matt? Matt? You know I know your name Matt, don't you Matt? Listen to me Matt!

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