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"Do I dare play GTA3?"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto 3'.
Sun 31/10/04 at 22:19
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
GTA3 has been my favourite game ever since it was released, but now that I've played San Andreas, I fear that GTA3 is going to feel mega crap, and the size of the map is going to feel like a joke.

Tue 09/11/04 at 20:22
Posts: 23,218
The second island on GTA3 is the best
Sun 07/11/04 at 14:50
Posts: 842
I played GTA 3 today instead of San Andreas. I think that says it all.
Sun 07/11/04 at 10:53
Posts: 13,611
It's the best one.
Sun 07/11/04 at 10:29
Posts: 57
GTA3 is still a good game.
It may not deliver the same impact as San Andreas, but itīs still a very good game.
Sun 31/10/04 at 22:20
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
No... it's brilliant.
Sun 31/10/04 at 22:19
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
GTA3 has been my favourite game ever since it was released, but now that I've played San Andreas, I fear that GTA3 is going to feel mega crap, and the size of the map is going to feel like a joke.


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