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"Ah, help finding laptop RAM please"

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Mon 02/05/05 at 18:08
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
I was trying to take apart my laptop to see if there was any fluff clogging it up, when I opened the first panel and what should I find...the RAM! This suggests to me that it's replacable, so I've been searching high and low, but can't find it anywhere.

The laptop is: Medion Notebook MD40641, Model No FID2060
Current RAM is: TwinMOS PC2700(CL2.5) 22B07, if that means anything to anyone. I'm trawling google as we speak, cyber journeyman.

If anyone can help, that would be awesome to the max.
Tue 03/05/05 at 17:37
Posts: 15,443
I thought those were OK times to wait. Unreal 2, now that took ages.

monkey_man wrote:

> Hey, I ran the Crucial scan, and my AV software caught a trojan!

Yeah, how about that...

Tue 03/05/05 at 09:59
Posts: 9,631
That's slow?

So what the hell is my computer? :(
Tue 03/05/05 at 00:21
Posts: 1,384
HL2 loading times are slow on my PC - anywhere between 5 and 20 seconds for a new level.
Mon 02/05/05 at 22:41
Posts: 3,491
poopots wrote:
> It will benefit you with games in the future, not FPS wise due to the
> chipset you have but loading times should increase.

Mon 02/05/05 at 22:28
"Just ram it in!"
Posts: 1,036
It will benefit you with games in the future, not FPS wise due to the chipset you have but loading times should Decrease. When I upgraded from 256mb to 512 their was a huge difference in FPS and loading times. But when I went to a 1gb their was not much of a difference at all apart from the more modern games such as Doom 3 and half life 2.
Mon 02/05/05 at 22:08
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Tell me about it.

Hey, I ran the Crucial scan, and my AV software caught a trojan!
Mon 02/05/05 at 22:00
Posts: 15,443
If you go to, there's a RAM finder with a horde of different setup options. Choose your laptop model and it'll take you to the right RAM.

Oh, HL2 is sucky at best on a GF 5200.
Mon 02/05/05 at 21:27
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Yeah, I only have a speed issue with games - HL2 inparticular. CS:S is fine now. Would I be able to play much higher spec games with more RAM instead of better graphics card?
Mon 02/05/05 at 21:25
"Just ram it in!"
Posts: 1,036
Probably not from 512 unless you use games which use more then 300mb of the memory. As in the stored textures and music, it will defiantly give you boost on CS:S, if I remember rightly your load times were quite slow.
Mon 02/05/05 at 20:51
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
cookie monster wrote:
> Any PC2700 SODIMM module should do the job, just pick the memory size
> you want to go for and, er, go for it.
> [URL][/URL]
> That's where i got my RAM from, it's really came down in price.

Cool, that could give my laptop a well needed boost.

Here are my current specs:

2.66GHz CPU
512 RAM
Nvidia GFX 5200

Would doubling the ram be a significant improvement for £70?

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