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Thu 28/04/05 at 20:15
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
So, I'll be getting a tasty laptop for my 18th.

Now ... listen carefully ... I do love my Mac and everything within it, so I'll be getting a powerbook most likely.

However, as much as I hate it, I know I'll have to get some Microsoft shizzle. So the question being:

1) Get the Mac versions of all the MS heaps for me, or:

2) Install the Windows OS on the computer so I use it whenever.

I would pick the first one (obviously) - only that I'll probably be picking up some more specialized software which might not run in Mac OS, so will be better off having Windows there as well.

So, there's the thing.

I take it (2) is perfectly possible ... you just install them both (hardrive partition as well) and pick whatever at start-up.

The only question being whether the Mac laptops will let me do that (can't see why not, but you never know) in which case I'd get a different computer and install Mac OS on that as well as Windows. If I can do that one either.


If you're gonna link me anything, make sure it's tiny.
So small I could plauslibly tell doctors that I did indeed 'sit on it'
Mon 02/05/05 at 19:21
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
I'm not paying for it, so meh.
Although cheaper is always better, I suppose.

But I wants it.
Like, now.
Mon 02/05/05 at 17:27
Posts: 15,443
You can get the discount through the Apple Store direct.
Mon 02/05/05 at 17:24
Posts: 1,384
I've not heard anything through the Uni about it? It might be an offer done through Apple like the MS Student Discount though?
Mon 02/05/05 at 17:18
Posts: 10,364
FFF - I think you'll be able to get some sort of discount when you get to Uni from Apple.

Not sure though, someone who is in higher education might be able to confirm this.
Mon 02/05/05 at 15:36
Posts: 15,443
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:

> Game-related programming shizzle.

There actually isn't any game specific stuff you could go for the Mac... not without making your life hard anyway. THere is BlitzMAX, the games language, but for the best support in docs, libs and editors there really is no choice but using Windows. Plus, you're limited in doing OpenGL stuff, whilst you get DirectX as well in Windows.
Fri 29/04/05 at 19:23
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
Good stuff - cheers all.
Fri 29/04/05 at 19:16
"Twenty quid."
Posts: 11,452
You won't get a new one anywhere cheaper than if you buy it direct from Apple.

Cancom do refurbs: [URL][/URL] and Apple do, too, but only between 10am and 12am on a Wednesday: [URL][/URL].
Fri 29/04/05 at 16:21
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
Yeah, that one looks the best for me.

Cheapest place to buy from?
Hmmm ... what about a refurbished one ... ?
Fri 29/04/05 at 16:13
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
lcarus wrote:
> FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> I'm not sure on the specifics, but the main basic programming, er
> ...
> programs and there's some more specific games-related shizzle I
> should
> get.
> Games on a Mac? Heh (I suppose there's WoW).

Game-related programming shizzle.
Fri 29/04/05 at 14:27
"Twenty quid."
Posts: 11,452
You can get the basic 12" PowerBook for £1050 - this includes a 1.5GHz G4, 512MB of RAM, a 60GB Ultra ATA drive (5400rpm) hard disk, DVD-ROM/CD-RW optical drive, built-in AirPort Extreme, an NVIDIA GeForce FX GO 5200 64MB video card and a 56K internal modem

It comes with 512MB as standard (256MB built-in, 256MB in user-accessible slot). If you want more you can add £50 for a 512MB stick in the slot (making a total of 768MB). Unfortunately you can't buy the PowerBook without memory in the slot, so if you buy your own 512MB stick for £53 from Crucial ([URL][/URL]) from Crucial you'll have the 256MB that came with it as spare.

Check out the specs and options at the Apple Store: [URL][/URL].

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