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"Later In Life..."

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Mon 04/12/06 at 09:24
Posts: 9,397
Do you look forward to the later years of your life, or do you fear ageing? What is it you look forward to or what is it you fear? What goals have you set for yourself for later in life...and do they include anyone else?
Sat 23/12/06 at 13:34
"Brooklyn boy"
Posts: 14,935
Seraphim wrote:
> What goals have you set for yourself for later in
> life...and do they include anyone else?

Few years from now i'll go back to China and teach there for about 5-10 years and then head on over to Japan, work there until i'm at the age to retire and then go to either New York or Toronto to retire and spend the rest of my days
Sat 23/12/06 at 13:30
Posts: 5,848
Seraphim wrote:
> Do you look forward to the later years of your life, or do you
> fear ageing?

I look forward to choosing a career path and then following it all the way to retirement, and retirement even now seems like a pretty good prospect. I don't really fear ageing, only that I might not have accomplished what I wanted to before I die. I fear that the pension system may eventually collapse with all the changes there are, so I'm going to have to be very aware of making a bursary throughout my working life. It really depends how I'll spend the later years of my life, but I know for certain that I won't be spending them in front of daytime television, day in, day out.

> What is it you look forward to or what is it you
> fear?

I look forward to having my own family and the freedom of no work. I'd like to travel the world and see some of the culture, including my life dream to visit Australia. The only things I really fear are the level of crime and the tightening of the law in the wrong areas, on petty, less important things. The full extent of global warming also worries me to some extent, but then if I let the thoughts of global warming and cancer constantly worry me, I'd never do anything again.

> What goals have you set for yourself for later in
> life...and do they include anyone else?

As I said, mainly things like travelling the world and getting a comfortable house with a reasonably large family around me. The other people they include would be getting my parents a reasonably nice house when I'm older and the inevitable, but happily anticipated family ties to a wife and kids.
Wed 20/12/06 at 10:28
Posts: 3,522
Der Nazi wrote:
> Where do I see myself in 10, 20 year's time? I dread to think!

You'll be in a house, watching tv, drinking tea, wearing slippers.
Tue 19/12/06 at 16:01
"Hellfire Stoker"
Posts: 10,534
The future? I really haven't got a clue about it, and to be honest if I did look into it enough, I'd probably end up rather scared! All I'm thinking now: Finish my A-Levels, Good long summer holidays, then off to Uni, and... God-knows-what!

Where do I see myself in 10, 20 year's time? I dread to think!
Tue 19/12/06 at 09:11
Posts: 3,522
I don't fear the future or getting old. I look forward to becoming the world-historic genius that I so obviously am :S

Seriously, I think I slightly fear failure, viz. not becoming who I truly am ... somehow falling short. I'm alluding to personal creativity rather than a finacial success. I have goals I would like to score - quite selfish goals actually, when I think about it.
Mon 04/12/06 at 21:04
Posts: 18,487
pb wrote:
> You haven't been to Rome then! Manic.

I was thinking more of the countryside as being relaxed. Thats where i want to end up, not in the city.
Mon 04/12/06 at 20:56
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Nin wrote:
> Borat wrote:
> Any particular reason you'd choose italy?
> Good food, pretty countryside, interesting cities and a relaxed
> way of life.

You haven't been to Rome then! Manic.
Mon 04/12/06 at 20:54
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Seraphim wrote:
> Do you look forward to the later years of your life, or do you
> fear ageing?

As I get older, I realise that there are pros and cons to the situation. However, I don't fear aging at all and never have done. I enjoy life and the new things it brings every day, and as I get older I learn from my life experiences.

What is it you look forward to or what is it you
> fear?

I look forward to watching my children grow up and hopefully do well, I fear for the world they will live in, though, and hope that I can help them grow into thoughtful adults that see the beauty in nature and take wonder in the world. I don't fear my own death, other than that I might not do enough for other people before I die. I keep thinking I should be doing more, but don't always act on it.

What goals have you set for yourself for later in
> life...and do they include anyone else?

Family is everything. Making them happy and providing for them is mainly what I live for. Well, that and gaming :D
Mon 04/12/06 at 20:41
Posts: 5,857
I'm not looking forward to getting old. i know it's a long way away, but, as always, it'll arrive faster thanI/we expect. And I don't like the idea of getting old because it is the sign that the end is coming, and it's coming fast. It's a sign that there are loads of things you still haven't done and probably don't have enough time or good enough health to do them.

Plus, I don't like the idea of being old and still alive. Maybe when I'm old I'll still be fit and well, able to walk without any aids like walking sticks, and even able to drive like my grandad was the day he died. He drove to hospital, and died there the next day. But I can see old age as being very boring, especially if I am indeed less able, or especially if I'm disabled.
Mon 04/12/06 at 17:59
Posts: 20,776
Good a reason as any I guess :)

I feel the same way about the Ballearic islands ... thought Mallorca was the most relaxed, lovely place I'd ever been ... but I haven't been to a great many places, so that ain't saying much.

Ah well, if you want it to happen enough, then it will ...

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