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Thu 27/07/00 at 19:03
Posts: 787
It would be nice if Sega released a dedicated 56k modem for the Dreamcast. It would also be nice if Sega Europe climbed into bed with a kind-hearted service provider, in order to offer cheaper calls to the Dreamarena gaming portal. Also, it would be nice if humanity rose to the next rung in the evolutionary ladder overnight, thus transforming the population of the world into super-intelligent, peace-loving, psychic jellyfish.

Hey - whaddayaknow? Looks as if at least two of these things could happen within the next six months. Sega is reportedly planning a couple of "significant", PlayStation 2-spoiling announcements for September's ECTS trade show in London. Suffice to say, if we hear any more about the jellyfish thing you'll be the first to know.
This is from gameplay (above) this is from me (below)
2 ODM,

I was just thinking how similar the PS2 is to the Saturn. And how similar the DC will be to the original Playstation. Just think – everyone hyped the Saturn when it was released and the same with PS2. This is because everyone thought that the Saturn would be a great console - the MD was so why wouldn’t this be? And at the beginning all the Publishers released games for the Saturn. But in time all the developers were fed up with how hard it was to program for and so managed to jump across to Sony’s new offering – the Playstation of course. They were all pleased with how easy it was to program for compared to Sega’s machine. And so managed to convince the publishers that the Playstation was the better console and so the Saturn died. Now it seems its Sony’s turn for defeat. Already developers are complaining about how hard it is to develop for PS2 compared to Dreamcast – They can get much more out of Dreamcast even though ‘technically’ the PS2 is about a third more powerful – just look at Dead or Alive 2 (I’m sure you have already!) and you’ll see how great the DC version is – how much better it is than the PS2 version. But, because the publishers – the greedy 3rd /4th party people like EIDOS and INFOGRAMES and especially Electronic Arts are backing the PS2 to win – just how they backed the Saturn when it first came out – they are forcing developers to develop for the PS2 against their will - perhaps saying that they won’t publish their games unless they make them for PS2 because they are SO greedy. But soon the tables WILL turn – developers love the Dreamcast – WE ALL know this and they will not take any more of this Sony console rubbish and they will come back to Dreamcast. Just wait. In fact Sega have made the better console – who cares about the DVD in Playstation2? Well most people because it seems that the games for the PS2 aren’t selling too well – hmmm $930million loss from Sony? Now the tables are really turning. Only an average of 2 games are being bought per PS2 customer – only 50% of the predicted amount!

So you MUST see that Sega’s console is a True games console – it’d be better with a faster modem of course, but the public will soon realise that theidf they want to play games then they’ll get a Dreamcast – Playstation games are still going strong in Japan because the Japanese still play games on them. But here the Playstation is retiring gracefully but it’ll soon stumble and have a heart attack and die.

Sega SHOULD advertise – just advertising gaming footage of top DC games – or even average DC games – but the ads NEED to be GOOD not like the Sega Bas ad or the Tomb raider rubbish. Sega need to employ someone with a DECENT voice – like those people at the cinema with the deep voices. Then the public will see how amazing DC really is. Even if they don’t advertise, I still think that the Dreamcast will succeed.

I mean, I think DC has great games – I own far too many, but that’s because there’s too many top titles! Just look at this little list:

· I own 2 Dreamcast consoles

· 3 controllers

· 3vmus

· 1 rumble pack

· 1 steering wheel – yes someone has got one! (go 2 tempo – only £29.84)

· 1 keyboard and fishing rod

· 2 magazine subscriptions (yours and DC-UK)

20 games: 4 Wheel thunder, ChuChu Rocket X 2, Crazy Taxi, Dead or Alive 2 (PAL version as of tomorrow), Ecco, NBA 2K, Soul Reaver, Ready2Rumble, Resident Evil CV X 2, Power Stone, Toy Commander, Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur X 2, Uefa Striker, Virtua Striker 2, Sega Bass Fishing.

I have duplicate items because I recently purchased another DC – (I’m selling it on).


Thanks for reading!

Oh yeah, And I’m pretty good at Crazy Taxi – see issue 13 of DC-UK.



OH, and ARTY - please feel free to join in this civilised conversing, and everyone else of course.
Thu 27/07/00 at 23:52
Posts: 0
Are you asking me if I'VE completed soul reaver? or arty? Anyway - I haven't even bothered playing it - I'm so lazy. It seems I out to just stop buying games as I don't have the Chance to play any of them.
But as for any good PC or PS games? I think GP3 will be good, and Also Icewind Dale and Diablo 2. But for the PS? Perhaps get Silent Bomber? or Colin Mcrae 2? I'm not so good with PS games.
Any way - keep this disscussion going - coz I won't be here for 2 weeks! Off 2 Italy. But just keep posting. If no-one responds to you then just reply to yourself.
C U all soon.
Thu 27/07/00 at 20:40
Posts: 0
To be honest with you Dan I do not care much for arguing over which console is better than the next.Although you do put across some good points to consider.If you and Ant want to continue this conversation then fine,who am I to judge the pair of you,all I'm saying is I'll be buying both consoles soon,so I would end up disagreeing with one or both of you at some point.So in order to keep this fine status Quo that we seem to have obtained on this forum I think I'll abstain from the proceedings if you don't mind.
One thing I will ask you todo for me though is,recommend some good games in the adventure genre for the DC,if you don't mined thanks awfully.ARTY
Thu 27/07/00 at 20:34
Posts: 0
Firstly, what modem does the DC have at the moment? 28k???????????????
A 56k would be the same as mine on the PC. Pretty good, then. On the subject of PS2 and Saturn thing, I half agree with you. The PS2 has been very badly hyped, and it's not as good as people were hoping, AND it's hard to develop games on. But not too hard for Konami, it appears. I believe when Hideo Kojima was asked whether it was hard to progrma MGS2 for the PS2 he said no, and that they were getting the full potential out of the PS2. I've seen screenshots of MGS2, and they look spectacular, imagine what they'll be like in a couple of years time!! Also, great developers such as Eidos, EA and Infogrames surely have the technology and skill to get past this hard to programme problem. And even if they don't, after a year or so they will find ways to make it easier, I'm sure. I wouldn't doubt the PS2 yet, I mean, look what happened on the PSX. Ridge Racer was the greatest game ever made back then, and 5 years later, GT2 comes out. As I've said, I think that will happen on the PS2 as well, and for the Dreamcast. I might've got a Dreamcast, but I don't have the money for both, I prefer the games on the PS (Tekken, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Syphon Filter), they may all be sequels, but that means they'll be great games, like their predeccesors. And there are some new games coming out. Also, I CAN'T MISS OUT ON MGS2, I WOULD RATHER KILL MYSELF THAN NOT HAVE THAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I don't really care what people say. If I won the lottery, then great, I'd get both. If I won a DC or a PS2 in a competition, great, I could use my money to get the other. I'm getting a PS2, full stop. I haven't heard many complaints about it from Japan anyway.

I don't think the PSX is dying here, I'm still buying games (In Cold Blood, should be here tomorrow, and Animorphs), and I only got Syphon Filter 2 a couple of weeks ago!!! I'm gonna carry on buying PSX games for a while.
Also, I don't know if you've heard of it, let alone know anything about it, but I was wondering if you knew anything about the Animorphs games coming to PSX and PC. You probably don't, I was just checking. I was also wondering whether you have any game reccommendations for the PSX or PC, as it's my birthday on August 5th. Have you completed Soul Reaver????

Thanks for reading, Ant.

Dan wrote:
> It would be nice if Sega released a dedicated 56k modem for the
> Dreamcast. It would also be nice if Sega Europe climbed into bed
> with a kind-hearted service provider, in order to offer cheaper
> calls to the Dreamarena gaming portal. Also, it would be nice if
> humanity rose to the next rung in the evolutionary ladder
> overnight, thus transforming the population of the world into
> super-intelligent, peace-loving, psychic jellyfish.
> Hey - whaddayaknow? Looks as if at least two of these things could
> happen within the next six months. Sega is reportedly planning a
> couple of "significant", PlayStation 2-spoiling announcements for
> September's ECTS trade show in London. Suffice to say, if we hear
> any more about the jellyfish thing you'll be the first to know.
> This is from gameplay (above) this is from me (below)
> 2 ODM,
> I was just thinking how similar the PS2 is to the Saturn. And
> how similar the DC will be to the original Playstation. Just think
> – everyone hyped the Saturn when it was released and the same with
> PS2. This is because everyone thought that the Saturn would be a
> great console - the MD was so why wouldn’t this be? And at the
> beginning all the Publishers released games for the Saturn. But in
> time all the developers were fed up with how hard it was to
> program for and so managed to jump across to Sony’s new offering –
> the Playstation of course. They were all pleased with how easy it
> was to program for compared to Sega’s machine. And so managed to
> convince the publishers that the Playstation was the better
> console and so the Saturn died. Now it seems its Sony’s turn for
> defeat. Already developers are complaining about how hard it is to
> develop for PS2 compared to Dreamcast – They can get much more out
> of Dreamcast even though ‘technically’ the PS2 is about a third
> more powerful – just look at Dead or Alive 2 (I’m sure you have
> already!) and you’ll see how great the DC version is – how much
> better it is than the PS2 version. But, because the publishers –
> the greedy 3rd /4th party people like EIDOS and INFOGRAMES and
> especially Electronic Arts are backing the PS2 to win – just how
> they backed the Saturn when it first came out – they are forcing
> developers to develop for the PS2 against their will - perhaps
> saying that they won’t publish their games unless they make them
> for PS2 because they are SO greedy. But soon the tables WILL turn
> – developers love the Dreamcast – WE ALL know this and they will
> not take any more of this Sony console rubbish and they will come
> back to Dreamcast. Just wait. In fact Sega have made the better
> console – who cares about the DVD in Playstation2? Well most
> people because it seems that the games for the PS2 aren’t selling
> too well – hmmm $930million loss from Sony? Now the tables are
> really turning. Only an average of 2 games are being bought per
> PS2 customer – only 50% of the predicted amount!
> So you MUST see that Sega’s console is a True games console
> – it’d be better with a faster modem of course, but the public
> will soon realise that theidf they want to play games then they’ll
> get a Dreamcast – Playstation games are still going strong in
> Japan because the Japanese still play games on them. But here the
> Playstation is retiring gracefully but it’ll soon stumble and have
> a heart attack and die.
> Sega SHOULD advertise – just advertising gaming footage of top
> DC games – or even average DC games – but the ads NEED to be GOOD
> not like the Sega Bas ad or the Tomb raider rubbish. Sega need to
> employ someone with a DECENT voice – like those people at the
> cinema with the deep voices. Then the public will see how amazing
> DC really is. Even if they don’t advertise, I still think that the
> Dreamcast will succeed.
> I mean, I think DC has great games – I own far too many, but
> that’s because there’s too many top titles! Just look at this
> little list:
> · I own 2 Dreamcast consoles
> · 3 controllers
> · 3vmus
> · 1 rumble pack
> · 1 steering wheel – yes someone has got one! (go 2 tempo
> – only £29.84)
> · 1 keyboard and fishing rod
> · 2 magazine subscriptions (yours and DC-UK)
> 20 games: 4 Wheel thunder, ChuChu Rocket X 2, Crazy Taxi, Dead or
> Alive 2 (PAL version as of tomorrow), Ecco, NBA 2K, Soul Reaver,
> Ready2Rumble, Resident Evil CV X 2, Power Stone, Toy Commander,
> Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur X 2, Uefa Striker,
> Virtua Striker 2, Sega Bass Fishing.
> I have duplicate items because I recently purchased another DC –
> (I’m selling it on).
> Anyway
> Thanks for reading!
> Oh yeah, And I’m pretty good at Crazy Taxi – see issue 13 of DC-UK.
> Cheers
> Dan
> OH, and ARTY - please feel free to join in this civilised
> conversing, and everyone else of course.
Thu 27/07/00 at 19:03
Posts: 0
It would be nice if Sega released a dedicated 56k modem for the Dreamcast. It would also be nice if Sega Europe climbed into bed with a kind-hearted service provider, in order to offer cheaper calls to the Dreamarena gaming portal. Also, it would be nice if humanity rose to the next rung in the evolutionary ladder overnight, thus transforming the population of the world into super-intelligent, peace-loving, psychic jellyfish.

Hey - whaddayaknow? Looks as if at least two of these things could happen within the next six months. Sega is reportedly planning a couple of "significant", PlayStation 2-spoiling announcements for September's ECTS trade show in London. Suffice to say, if we hear any more about the jellyfish thing you'll be the first to know.
This is from gameplay (above) this is from me (below)
2 ODM,

I was just thinking how similar the PS2 is to the Saturn. And how similar the DC will be to the original Playstation. Just think – everyone hyped the Saturn when it was released and the same with PS2. This is because everyone thought that the Saturn would be a great console - the MD was so why wouldn’t this be? And at the beginning all the Publishers released games for the Saturn. But in time all the developers were fed up with how hard it was to program for and so managed to jump across to Sony’s new offering – the Playstation of course. They were all pleased with how easy it was to program for compared to Sega’s machine. And so managed to convince the publishers that the Playstation was the better console and so the Saturn died. Now it seems its Sony’s turn for defeat. Already developers are complaining about how hard it is to develop for PS2 compared to Dreamcast – They can get much more out of Dreamcast even though ‘technically’ the PS2 is about a third more powerful – just look at Dead or Alive 2 (I’m sure you have already!) and you’ll see how great the DC version is – how much better it is than the PS2 version. But, because the publishers – the greedy 3rd /4th party people like EIDOS and INFOGRAMES and especially Electronic Arts are backing the PS2 to win – just how they backed the Saturn when it first came out – they are forcing developers to develop for the PS2 against their will - perhaps saying that they won’t publish their games unless they make them for PS2 because they are SO greedy. But soon the tables WILL turn – developers love the Dreamcast – WE ALL know this and they will not take any more of this Sony console rubbish and they will come back to Dreamcast. Just wait. In fact Sega have made the better console – who cares about the DVD in Playstation2? Well most people because it seems that the games for the PS2 aren’t selling too well – hmmm $930million loss from Sony? Now the tables are really turning. Only an average of 2 games are being bought per PS2 customer – only 50% of the predicted amount!

So you MUST see that Sega’s console is a True games console – it’d be better with a faster modem of course, but the public will soon realise that theidf they want to play games then they’ll get a Dreamcast – Playstation games are still going strong in Japan because the Japanese still play games on them. But here the Playstation is retiring gracefully but it’ll soon stumble and have a heart attack and die.

Sega SHOULD advertise – just advertising gaming footage of top DC games – or even average DC games – but the ads NEED to be GOOD not like the Sega Bas ad or the Tomb raider rubbish. Sega need to employ someone with a DECENT voice – like those people at the cinema with the deep voices. Then the public will see how amazing DC really is. Even if they don’t advertise, I still think that the Dreamcast will succeed.

I mean, I think DC has great games – I own far too many, but that’s because there’s too many top titles! Just look at this little list:

· I own 2 Dreamcast consoles

· 3 controllers

· 3vmus

· 1 rumble pack

· 1 steering wheel – yes someone has got one! (go 2 tempo – only £29.84)

· 1 keyboard and fishing rod

· 2 magazine subscriptions (yours and DC-UK)

20 games: 4 Wheel thunder, ChuChu Rocket X 2, Crazy Taxi, Dead or Alive 2 (PAL version as of tomorrow), Ecco, NBA 2K, Soul Reaver, Ready2Rumble, Resident Evil CV X 2, Power Stone, Toy Commander, Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur X 2, Uefa Striker, Virtua Striker 2, Sega Bass Fishing.

I have duplicate items because I recently purchased another DC – (I’m selling it on).


Thanks for reading!

Oh yeah, And I’m pretty good at Crazy Taxi – see issue 13 of DC-UK.



OH, and ARTY - please feel free to join in this civilised conversing, and everyone else of course.

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