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> hey body kiss my a**
american are we?
> VERY constructive. Would never have guessed someone with a name like
> 'vice city master' liked the game. :p
> How far are you?
I reckon Mr. Vermicelli's created a new trend. Alongside others.
Hawaiian shirts!
How far are you?
> i think it the bomb
Really? I think it more [I] dy-no-mite, [/U] myself.
> vice city master wrote:
> i think it the bomb
> *
> My... God...
> And isn't it, "da bomb", anyway? Gangsta rapper types spoke
> properly in my day.
sigh. those were the days...
> i think it the bomb
My... God...
And isn't it, "da bomb", anyway? Gangsta rapper types spoke properly in my day.