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"I need help on installing Vice City (Important)"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Thu 09/12/04 at 15:04
Posts: 1,076
I know that it's one year late, and I know that every one has already got San Andreas (and so did I ) but this is not for me, this is for my friend who has just got Vice City for PC, and he's having a problem in installing it. When he is asked to insert disc 2, he inserts it, but after that he is asked to insert Disc 0 , because the folder (Data 4) is needed, and after that nothing works, he tried re-inserting disc 1 but it didn't work either, and the installation stops at that point. He tried to install it without the radio, but it still doesn't work, and I know that the disc isn't faulty because my cousins used to play with it last summer, and it worked normally. My friend has a 1 GHZ pentium 3 PC,with 32 MB ATI VGA, and 128 MB RAM and windows ME, so what can he do ?
Fri 10/12/04 at 10:41
"Wants Spymate on dv"
Posts: 3,025
I seem to recall having this same problem when installing Vice City (the Data 4 folder thingy).

All I did was try using my other (newer) dvd drive and it installed fine.
Fri 10/12/04 at 07:30
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Bob_The_Moose wrote:
> There are only two, I've got a legit copy.
> And there's no data4 on either of my discs.

Or one out of the 2. Whatever. I dunno.

Still, if it's not on them.........
Thu 09/12/04 at 19:25
"Tornado Of Souls"
Posts: 5,680
There are only two, I've got a legit copy.
And there's no data4 on either of my discs.
Thu 09/12/04 at 18:26
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
homosh wrote:
> I can't find the folder (Data 4) anywhere , and right now I'd like to
> think of all the other possibilities other than the CD being bad.

If you can't find it, then the installr aint going to find it.

Seems to me like you've only copied 2 out of 3 cds. :D
Thu 09/12/04 at 16:53
Posts: 1,076
I can't find the folder (Data 4) anywhere , and right now I'd like to think of all the other possibilities other than the CD being bad.
Thu 09/12/04 at 16:04
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Find which cd the folder "data 4" is one before starting the install.
If if fails when asked, you've got a bad cd.
Thu 09/12/04 at 15:59
Posts: 11,373
Did you try inserting disc 3? Or disc 4?
Thu 09/12/04 at 15:04
Posts: 1,076
I know that it's one year late, and I know that every one has already got San Andreas (and so did I ) but this is not for me, this is for my friend who has just got Vice City for PC, and he's having a problem in installing it. When he is asked to insert disc 2, he inserts it, but after that he is asked to insert Disc 0 , because the folder (Data 4) is needed, and after that nothing works, he tried re-inserting disc 1 but it didn't work either, and the installation stops at that point. He tried to install it without the radio, but it still doesn't work, and I know that the disc isn't faulty because my cousins used to play with it last summer, and it worked normally. My friend has a 1 GHZ pentium 3 PC,with 32 MB ATI VGA, and 128 MB RAM and windows ME, so what can he do ?

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