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"best zelda game"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Wed 05/01/05 at 22:58
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
ide like you all to vote on which game you all think is the best zelda game ever includeing the nes and snes verseions after i have got 12 votes ide like you to start voteing on your favorite metroid games
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:10
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
you know what i meant i said although which dosent mean i was talking about mp2 and was talking about mmetroid fusion
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:08
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
ali123459 wrote:
> i agree totally although metroid fusion is a favorite of mine

Metroid Prime 2 is not Metroid Fusion, that game is the one on the GBA. MP2 is on the Gamecube.
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:05
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
i agree totally although metroid fusion is a favorite of mine
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:03
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
OOT is the best

Metroid Prime 2 is the best Metroid game.
Wed 05/01/05 at 22:58
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
ide like you all to vote on which game you all think is the best zelda game ever includeing the nes and snes verseions after i have got 12 votes ide like you to start voteing on your favorite metroid games

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