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"vice city"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Fri 07/01/05 at 16:50
"mon eh ton"
Posts: 5
is there any cheats for vice city as this is the only grand theft auto I have not completed.
Sat 08/01/05 at 18:20
"i own groovy land"
Posts: 435
vise city is a good game but you don't have all the old gangs ( triads, south side hoods and the evil colombians )
Sat 08/01/05 at 14:25
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589

Or buy an Xploder cheat disc.
Sat 08/01/05 at 10:58
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
Funny, Vice City is the only GTA game I *have* completed.
Sat 08/01/05 at 10:08
Posts: 9,631
X2 METHOD MAN wrote:
> super davie wrote:
> is there any cheats for vice city as this is the only grand theft
> auto
> I have not completed.
> Wow this prank can't even complete the game he buyed, OH please.

The irony hurts :(
Fri 07/01/05 at 19:09
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
I've got a good cheat for ya. R1, O, X, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2, O, O, O, X, O, X, X, O, R2, R1. Now you will be able to ride a donkey around Vice City, pilot a space shuttle, and go hunting for racoons.
Fri 07/01/05 at 17:45
"mon eh ton"
Posts: 5
shut it ya pillac
Fri 07/01/05 at 17:20
"Gamertag Number 10"
Posts: 243
super davie wrote:
> is there any cheats for vice city as this is the only grand theft auto
> I have not completed.

Wow this prank can't even complete the game he buyed, OH please.
Fri 07/01/05 at 16:56
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
If you must cheat, try any cheats website, there are loads of cheats for Vice City. I would recommend
Fri 07/01/05 at 16:50
"mon eh ton"
Posts: 5
is there any cheats for vice city as this is the only grand theft auto I have not completed.

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