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"Rolling IS the way to travel"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Fri 07/01/05 at 21:53
Posts: 23,216
That's something I've missed since Ocarina of Time.

Roll everywhere!

Minish Cap seems awesome.
Fri 07/01/05 at 23:09
Posts: 1,204
you got a bomb for one bit better than five rupees in someones house :P
i think it was part of an under ground sub drug lord campaign ....or maybe not
Fri 07/01/05 at 23:00
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Why would you sell it? yu can get money for free by stealing it from peoples houses. The people were also kind enough to replace the pots and the money every time you stole it, and never complained.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:56
Posts: 1,204
PsYİHo FoX 19 wrote:
> Did anyone else enjoy that goron racing game they had in ajoras Mask,
> that was fun.

That was freat i wish somone could make it multiplayer i rules at that :D you won gold dust to mak your sword better or you cud sell it for lotsa moneys :D
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:35
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
Yes, but rolling was entertaining when you had that annoying walk over hyrule feild.

Belly-sliding was class though, especially going through goo.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:34
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Yes but that IS faster.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:32
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
I rolled everywhere - just as I belly slid everywhere in Mario Sunshine.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:25
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
It was great, as was betting on the dog racing at the ranch.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:24
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Did anyone else enjoy that goron racing game they had in ajoras Mask, that was fun.
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:19
Posts: 15,681
It's faster in Minish Cap - that I am sure of :D
Fri 07/01/05 at 22:17
Posts: 9,848
I thought that it ended up slightly slower because of the pause.

I used it so the roll would just give me that edge, reaching the finish line... :-)

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