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"Chain mail spam via messenger - grrr"

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Tue 21/09/04 at 20:48
Posts: 13,017
Foreword = I pasted this off my site exactly how it is there [URL][/URL] and your swear filter didnt pick up on any of the swear words in it (j*zz, mass-debate and an F word which I didnt know about) so I had to censor it myself. If you dont want people to be able to swear sort your filter out please, it really doesnt work!
=================================== ====================================

Surely im not the only person to receive those forward from those people in the depths of your contacts list who exclaim in their bubbly pink Comic Sans font:

" You've just been Jinxed!
If you forward this message to 10 people withing 2 minutes the love of your
life will ask you out tomorrow and have babies with you - if you dont forward this then you will never get married, have your genitals mangled in a trucking accident in Denver and get addicted to novelty soaps"

The things is people must forward them, I'm sure it's not just the people on my contacts list that make them up just to annoy me (Though I may be wrong!) so there are to main questions one must ponder:

1. Who starts these seemingly untrackable copy-paste fiascos


2. Why do people actually forward them?

The answer to number 1 is rather simple. It is either sad little pasty-faced geeks who live in their parents basement and play Outwar online who do it for kicks because they are socially uncredible and like the power of controlling stupid people who they crave acceptance from. These are the same garden variety geeks who get off over binary code and orgasm at the mere mention of a Trojan horse or hacking.

However it seems some people who start these forward things have a sense of humour. I've receved a few that raised something similar to a smile:

"Are you a time-waster? If not pass this to everyone on your contacts list"

The answer to question 2 is a bit more in-depth. The short answer is because people are stupid. The longer answer is that people are massively superstitious and are worried that the "evil spirit of a Japanese girl with no eyes" might actually kill them as you sleep because she's angry that you didnt forward her msn chain-post! People hate the feeling that they'll die alone and so the mere mention of "the love of their life" swooning over them like some sort of Hugh Heffner creature gets their heart racing and their moush copy-pasting in fickle hope that THIS chain post is the real one. I have a piece of advice for people like this - how about you actually go and talk to people, let them know you like them instead of annoying people with your fooking forwards.

Something that can prove rather amusing is creating stupid spoof-forwards and pasting them to people in your contacts list that you dont like/care about (or people with a sense of humour) and gage their reaction. Some people will greet you with an impish "OMG REALLY?!" whilst others will wish death upon you for beplaguing them with a forward (im the latter).

Stuck for ideas?

Try a few of the ideas below:

:::::::::: You've just been cancered! :::::::::::::

Pass this message to 10 people in no less than 50 seconds and no more than 2 minutes or else you'll get cancer of the colon and die a terribly painful death

:::::::::::::: Delete as applicable ::::::::::::::::::::

Tonight at 11.24 a naked man/woman will jump through your window/wall and into you bed/basket and rub his/her massive breasts/wang all over your face/dad. If you pass this message to 5 people in the next minute this will happen - otherwise I'll sue you for breech of contract.

::::::::::::: The Reds are Here ::::::::::::::::::::::

If this message doesn't get passed to 100,000 people by Midnight AOL are Microsoft will team together and instill communism into our poor little country. Fight the regime, forward this.

::::::::::: Illiteracy is fun, kids :::::::::::::::::::

if u dnt 4ward dis msg to evry1 on ur cntax lyst u wil bcum iliter8 + neva b abel to reed or rite proply agen! pas dis 2 10 ppl or i wil hapen - luk wot hapend 2 me!


Smiley (from this here forum) just had this interesting thing to tell me on msn...

[email protected] says:
2nite josey danials, a little girl who was in the 9/11 attacks on america was buried this day.If you do not send this 2 11 other people in the next 5 minutes she wil stand at the side of ur bed tonite If you dont she will be there with a knife because you dint show respect 'scares me'

Tue 21/09/04 at 21:06
Posts: 13,017
Lol Zul :-D
Tue 21/09/04 at 20:59
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
The exclamation mark made me want to fly my own plane into them.

Ooh, risqué.
Tue 21/09/04 at 20:58
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
Especially the corny "9 minutes and 11 seconds" bit.
Tue 21/09/04 at 20:52
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
I got some mong sending me one on last year's 9/11 or something, saying something along the lines of:

"Did you know it's 9/11? This message is to ask you to show your respect and pass this on to as many people you can in the next 9 minutes and 11 seconds!"

Needless to say, I went into an unnecessary rant at the person, blabbing about how it's pathetic that respect should be shown through sending on some sh*te message on MSN.

But hey.
Tue 21/09/04 at 20:50
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
But.. what if I don't want babies?
Tue 21/09/04 at 20:48
Posts: 13,017
Foreword = I pasted this off my site exactly how it is there [URL][/URL] and your swear filter didnt pick up on any of the swear words in it (j*zz, mass-debate and an F word which I didnt know about) so I had to censor it myself. If you dont want people to be able to swear sort your filter out please, it really doesnt work!
=================================== ====================================

Surely im not the only person to receive those forward from those people in the depths of your contacts list who exclaim in their bubbly pink Comic Sans font:

" You've just been Jinxed!
If you forward this message to 10 people withing 2 minutes the love of your
life will ask you out tomorrow and have babies with you - if you dont forward this then you will never get married, have your genitals mangled in a trucking accident in Denver and get addicted to novelty soaps"

The things is people must forward them, I'm sure it's not just the people on my contacts list that make them up just to annoy me (Though I may be wrong!) so there are to main questions one must ponder:

1. Who starts these seemingly untrackable copy-paste fiascos


2. Why do people actually forward them?

The answer to number 1 is rather simple. It is either sad little pasty-faced geeks who live in their parents basement and play Outwar online who do it for kicks because they are socially uncredible and like the power of controlling stupid people who they crave acceptance from. These are the same garden variety geeks who get off over binary code and orgasm at the mere mention of a Trojan horse or hacking.

However it seems some people who start these forward things have a sense of humour. I've receved a few that raised something similar to a smile:

"Are you a time-waster? If not pass this to everyone on your contacts list"

The answer to question 2 is a bit more in-depth. The short answer is because people are stupid. The longer answer is that people are massively superstitious and are worried that the "evil spirit of a Japanese girl with no eyes" might actually kill them as you sleep because she's angry that you didnt forward her msn chain-post! People hate the feeling that they'll die alone and so the mere mention of "the love of their life" swooning over them like some sort of Hugh Heffner creature gets their heart racing and their moush copy-pasting in fickle hope that THIS chain post is the real one. I have a piece of advice for people like this - how about you actually go and talk to people, let them know you like them instead of annoying people with your fooking forwards.

Something that can prove rather amusing is creating stupid spoof-forwards and pasting them to people in your contacts list that you dont like/care about (or people with a sense of humour) and gage their reaction. Some people will greet you with an impish "OMG REALLY?!" whilst others will wish death upon you for beplaguing them with a forward (im the latter).

Stuck for ideas?

Try a few of the ideas below:

:::::::::: You've just been cancered! :::::::::::::

Pass this message to 10 people in no less than 50 seconds and no more than 2 minutes or else you'll get cancer of the colon and die a terribly painful death

:::::::::::::: Delete as applicable ::::::::::::::::::::

Tonight at 11.24 a naked man/woman will jump through your window/wall and into you bed/basket and rub his/her massive breasts/wang all over your face/dad. If you pass this message to 5 people in the next minute this will happen - otherwise I'll sue you for breech of contract.

::::::::::::: The Reds are Here ::::::::::::::::::::::

If this message doesn't get passed to 100,000 people by Midnight AOL are Microsoft will team together and instill communism into our poor little country. Fight the regime, forward this.

::::::::::: Illiteracy is fun, kids :::::::::::::::::::

if u dnt 4ward dis msg to evry1 on ur cntax lyst u wil bcum iliter8 + neva b abel to reed or rite proply agen! pas dis 2 10 ppl or i wil hapen - luk wot hapend 2 me!


Smiley (from this here forum) just had this interesting thing to tell me on msn...

[email protected] says:
2nite josey danials, a little girl who was in the 9/11 attacks on america was buried this day.If you do not send this 2 11 other people in the next 5 minutes she wil stand at the side of ur bed tonite If you dont she will be there with a knife because you dint show respect 'scares me'


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