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Mon 21/02/05 at 19:17
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Ah. It seems my SR Subscription comes to an end on the same day the DS is officially launched in the UK. Of course, I already have my DS, but it got me thinking about how I first joined SR...

It was at the end of the 80's, clothes were becoming bareable, games were moving in the right direction and the exciting 90's were beckoning. Nintendo then went and released a phenomenon into the world. The Gameboy was born and I wanted one. After scouring the pages of many a computer magazine (C&VG probably came out on top here) I found an interesting page with some good looking deals. The page belonged to Special Reserve and the phone beckoned.

It was a hot summer’s day at my dad's workshop when I finally picked up the phone and dialled the number. I'd already wrestled his credit card away and was ready to order the amazing brick-like wonder toy. A few minutes later, my job was done and I sat back waiting for my portable friend to arrive.

Well, fast forward 2 weeks (post wasn't so fast in those days!) and the doorbell signalled the arrival of a package (and me jumping out of bed and legging it for the door). Yes, the Gameboy was here, along with an increasingly addictive game by the name of Tetris and a handy red carrying 'Sac Pac' pouch. As the yellow glow lit up my face, my journey in to portable gaming began.

So here we are again and I know realise I got just as excited waiting for my DS to arrive as I did with the Gameboy all those years ago. And just to finish things off, the DS now sits in that same red pouch which SR sent me to house my Gameboy all those years ago.
Tue 22/02/05 at 23:43
Posts: 7,741
I hate to think the hours I've spent on these forums over the past three-four years..
Tue 22/02/05 at 23:23
Posts: 18,185
Oh the years of SR will trundle along.
Tue 22/02/05 at 13:55
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
That, AJ, is just totally amazing!
I don't believe it!
Mon 21/02/05 at 22:46
Posts: 23,695
I joined SR because of the Gameaday advert in the back of N64 magazine.

I've won about 25 games.
I've bought about 3 items.

I'm in SR's debt. Ahar.
Mon 21/02/05 at 22:19
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
Please stop
Mon 21/02/05 at 21:56
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
I know!
Mon 21/02/05 at 21:51
Posts: 10,364
You know what?

I am seriously amazed at this.

Mon 21/02/05 at 21:12
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
My jaw is gaping in amazement!
This has to be unarguably the most amazing thing ever to have happened!

Totally amazing!
Mon 21/02/05 at 21:10
Posts: 6,015
The first gameboy game I got was Pokemon Blue.
Good times
Mon 21/02/05 at 21:09
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> Amazing!
> I am literally amazed!

I'm not.

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