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"The Dark Files: Snuggly Strikes Back! (story)"

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Sat 14/02/04 at 11:51
Posts: 15,681
Previously on “The Dark Files”:

Edgy turned to Timmargh, “DON’T PRESS THAT BUTTON!”


Mystique asked, “What’s it like at third base?”
Albino-man replied, “It’s like making love to a warm dish of lasagne...without the onions.”

“Wow, thanks for saving my life Spider-man!”
Spider-man responded, “Everybody gets one.” Then he disappeared.

“Dude, what does my tattoo say?”
”Sweet! What does my tattoo say?”
”Dude! What does my tattoo say?”

El Robin’s going to attack SR Towers!

And now the continuing story:

Mark and Edgy continued walking the way back. Mark’s phone was hovering beside his ear the whole time, the white print on the buttons being enough to control them.
“So you’re saying that El Robin and his minions are already on their way to SR towers?”
”Affirmative, the ants in the region overheard him commanding his JATs. They plan to steal your powers,” was Ants response, “I’ll keep you posted.”
Mark explained the situation to Edgy, as his phone folded itself and slipped into his pocket.
Edgy asked, “How long?”
In a quiet voice, Mark answered, “Not long enough.”

“I’ve told them, sir,” explained Ant, “They should be on their way now.”
Mr. Snuggly checked the coast was clear. Speaking into his headset he said, “Excellent,” he paused, “Excellent. Just remember you can’t tell anybody about the plan. Not Sheepy, not your ants and especially not Edgy. If Tony asks, I am ordering you to lie.”
”Roger, Ant out.”

Mark stopped suddenly. “I need a costume!”
Edgy laughed, “Just don’t go putting your pants on over your trousers.”
Mark’s expression changed to that of frustration, “I need something to conceal my identity. Something nobody would associate with me.”
Edgy added to the frustration, “Something like a nurse’s uniform then?”
”Ye…no! You know what I mean!”
”Well, whatever you pick, make sure it doesn’t clash with my outfit,” said Edgy, motioning his jacket with his hand.

“Snuggly, report.”
Snuggly began to read out a list. One that had been tampered with, “All systems are go, our base in Bristol is secure, as are our London branches. Awaiting a full report from the rest, but I have been assured everything is A-ok.”
Tony nodded, “And the towers?”
”We’re risk free, sir. Perimeter defences fully operational, and all posts have checked in.”
Tony rubbed his chin, “Good, good. Time to go back to watching ‘Caroline in the City’ I think.” Tony walked out of Snuggly’s office.

El Robin approached SR towers. He taught himself to control his rage and used the energy to transfer himself to the gates. They opened for him with a squeal, and after his minions passed through, the gates shut with a bang. They approached the doors, and El Robin stopped. He turned to face the minions and said, “This is it guys. I shall be in control of the power!”

“How about this?” asked Mark. He was wearing the stereotypical superhero costume. A dark grey and black leotard with grey tights and grey sleeves. In the centre of his chest was a shield logo with the letters, “AA” in the centre.
Edgy frowned, “Are you sure you want to be advertising Alcoholics Anonymous? I know of your Christmas do but…”
Mark stopped him, went back into his room and changed. When he returned, he was wearing almost the same costume with “TAA-M” printed in the shield.
”Nah, you still look old fashioned. And I seriously hope that’s a Mars Bar in your pocket!”
He went back to his room to get changed again. This time, he returned wearing a T-shirt with the words, “Make me!” printed on the front, and some dark denim jeans.
“That’s more like it!” stated Edgy, “Though that’s the kind of thing you normally wear.
“Exactly! Now if I wear these dark blue shades, no one will see my eyes, and I’ll look cool too.
Edgy shrugged, and then decided to ask the next big question, “So what shall we use for transport?”
Mark smiled, “I’ve already thought of that…”
“Go on,” said Edgy, with the urge to run increasing.
“Well I’m an albino, therefore I can control myself. I can fly through the air, right?”
Edgy nodded.
“If you were to wear something white under your costume, then I’d be able to control you too!”
Edgy got up from his chair, “So you’re saying that you’ll control my flying? What if you lose concentration?”
Mark whistled whilst moving his hand shaped like a vessel heading towards ground. As his fingers made impact with his other hand, he mimicked the noise of an explosion.
“You fill me with lots of confidence, Mark.”

El Robin walked in through the SR Towers main door. Surprisingly, there was nobody around. No one at the reception desk, no elevators moving, no sign of life at all.
El Robin decided that he was just lucky, and motioned his minions to an elevator.
”Meet me at the top floor. If you’re there before me, attack.”
They each nodded their heads in acknowledgement, and El Robin entered the second elevator. He pressed for the top floor and the elevator doors closed and began to rise.
After just a number of seconds, he could hear the noise of screaming. He frantically reached for the ‘emergency stop’ button but found that it had no reaction.
Suddenly there was a bang, and he could feel heat coming through the vents. “Damn,” he muttered to himself, “I could’ve done with their help.”

Eventually, the elevator came to a halt. With a ping, the doors opened. Again, there was nobody there, except for the back of an old man he could see through the door left ajar, lying on a bed in the room at the bottom of the corridor.
”That’s him!” he said to himself, and began to creep through the corridor, being careful not to make a sound. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife. He started spinning it by the handle. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He was so close to getting the powers!
When he got to the door, he stared at the back of the old man. Two steps and a thrust and SR Towers would be his!

He pushed the door. It made a slight creak, but not enough for anyone to hear. Who was there to hear anyway, he thought to himself. The only person around was lying on the bed.
He stepped forward, staring at his desired target. Stepped again. Raised his arm slowly, knife facing downwards, and as he was about to thrust it into the old mans back, he rolled over.
“Were you looking for someone?” Mr. Snuggly said as El Robin froze. “You might want to drop the knife.”
The door slammed shut.
“I have those corridors filled with armed guards, and last thing I heard, your friends were creating quite a mess in the basement.”
El Robin dropped the knife, “bu…bu….”
”But what,” pressed Snuggly, “but what about the old man? He may be old but he can still move for Caroline in the City. He’s in the other room with Tony. Doesn’t even know what’s happening.”
El Robin’s expression turned to that of a helpless child.
“Take him to the dungeon, boys,” ordered Mr. Snuggly.

Edgy wasn’t comfortable at all. He felt like he was being pushed the whole way to SR Towers, but he did admire the view. From their height, he could see the tops of mountains and imagined them to be rather large breasts. Looking straight ahead, he could see SR Towers and pointed at the building, made of a single base with two towers side by side, both of them identical.
“Mark…I mean, Albino-man, can you see which one El Robin’s in?”
“No, however there appears to be damage in the left tower. I’ll take us to the roof.”
Edgy nodded and hoped for a smooth landing.
Mark landed perfectly as if he was never even in the air. Edgy, however, fell at quite a high velocity, but managed to roll as he dropped softening the blow.
“Watch the jacket!” he said as he brushed off the powdered cement.

Mark put on his shades, everything looked like it was tinted blue, but he didn’t think anything of it. Edgy checked his axe was still there and they both headed for the roof access door.
“Do you think they saw us?” asked Edgy as he held the handle to the door.
“I don’t think so. But I can’t be sure.”
Edgy opened the door and the two started down the steps. Noticing the noise they were making was echoing down the entire staircase, Mark decided to use his powers to make the two levitate.
As they reached the door to the top floor, Mark lowered them down. The door was white, so Mark focused his powers upon it and to him, it appeared as if it was fading. Beyond the door he saw no one.
He nodded and Edgy slowly opened the door, careful not to make a noise.
They both went through and noted that they were next to the elevators. They could see the corridor was completely empty, except that there was a light emanating from one of the open doors.
Edgy focused his hearing and realised that inside of that room, a television was on. He whispered, “Reminds me of that time Kernal pretended to be gay.”
They both laughed but quickly covered their mouths.
“Wha…what was that?” came a voice from the room.
“Don’t worry about it Great Albino, it was probably just the wind again,” came another voice.

Edgy crept to the nearest side of the door frame. Mark made himself turn invisible as he crept to the other side. They both peered in and spotted the two men staring at the TV.
Mark made himself visible again and Edgy started walking into the room. “Hey Tony, remember me?” came the voice of Edgy.
The old man carried on staring at the screen, fascinated by the goings on of Caroline in the City. The other man turned around, it wasn’t Tony. It was Mr. Snuggly.
Mark thought nothing of it but Edgy had a feeling in his gut. There’s something wrong with this situation, he thought to himself, but greeted him nonetheless.

Mr. Snuggly started to explain how the elevator got damaged and how El Robin was stopped. Edgy didn’t like it at all, though. Why would Tony allow people to die in his towers so easily? He sat silently, listening to the whole thing, though he seemed to be in a state of deep thought. Mark was nodding, laughing and waiting to hear more.
“Let me see him,” said Edgy.
Mr. Snuggly stopped suddenly, the edges of his mouth began to curl to a smiling position. “No problem he said,” and showed them the way to the lift.
They stepped in, now noticing an “Out of order” sign on the door to the other. Mr. Snuggly pressed the button for the basement.

As the elevator decreased its altitude, Mark and Mr. Snuggly started talking about Special Reserve in general. Mr. Snuggly started to talk about the history of the company, Mark commented, however Edgy stayed silent. There was something wrong about the whole situation, but he couldn’t figure out what.
As the door opened, Edgy spotted a tall basket with a sign on one side. “No Weapons” it stated. A guard was sat behind a counter and asked them to disarm.
“We don’t allow any weapons in the dungeon,” he said, “in case they try to escape.”
Edgy dropped a hand axe into the basket, and Mark told them he carried none.
They stepped past the counter and another guard took out a swipe card. He swiped it through a card scanner. The lights upon it blinked yellow and red until they all flashed green, and the guard opened the door.

Mr. Snuggly motioned them in. Mark stepped in first, then Edgy.
Edgy paused, turned around and shouted, “Wait!” but it was too late. The door had slammed shut and it couldn’t be pushed open.
Edgy faced Mark and said, “I knew it. I knew there was something wrong! Tony watches Caroline in the City, Mr. Snuggly hates it.”
“So what do we do now?” asked Mark.
“We break out of course.”
El Robin’s eyes flashed red, though the other two didn’t notice.
”My powers are useless in here,” stated El Robin. “They appear to have rectified some sort of dampening field around the cell.
Edgy faced Mark, “I can’t turn invisible. I think El Robin is telling the truth.”
”That’ll be a first” whispered Edgy as he reached for his back.
“Snuggly knew I had an axe,” Edgy said, his voice at a normal tone, “but he didn’t know how big!” Edgy pulled out his large black axe and El Robin’s eyes lit up.
El Robin dived towards Edgy, but Mark’s fist blocked his path through the air.
“My powers may be blocked in here but I’m not stupid,” said Mark as El Robin collapsed to the floor.
El Robin grabbed Mark’s feet and pulled him to the ground. Mark was too startled to react as El Robin put his hands around his neck.
With a single swing, Edgy’s axe sliced into the back of El Robin, causing blood to splatter around the immediate surroundings. “Damn, he dirtied my axe” Edgy said, then turned his attention to the door.

Mark knocked on the door and shouted, “El Robin’s hurt, he needs medical attention!”
The guard got off his chair and walked toward the door. He opened a slat and peered through, seeing El Robin sat with his back against the wall, blood dripping down his chin. “Stand back” the guard said and he pulled out a pistol. He used a swipe card on the door and it unlocked with a click. The guard pushed the door, watching Mark carefully. He took a couple steps forward and heard a thud behind him.
”Mind if I drop in?” questioned Edgy who hit the guard across the back of the head with the lower side of the handle. The guard dropped to the ground.
“I’ll find Snuggly,” stated Edgy, “you find the Great Albino. If you see Tony, let him know the situation.” They both rushed up the stairs.

They had climbed only half way up when the alarms sounded. They heard doors opening and guards running, so they went through the nearest door they could find.
They were surrounded. Guards were everywhere brandishing weapons of all varieties.
“Do not kill them!” the chief guard heard Snuggly say over the radio. “I want them alive!”

At that moment, one of the guards opened fire. It was Tiltawhirl!
Edgy dived to his right, the bullet narrowly missing his shoulder, and Mark ducked instinctively.
The chief guard aimed his pistol at Tiltawhirl’s feet and fired two bullets causing him to fall to the ground. “You heard Snuggly! Take them alive!”
Tiltawhirl moaned in pain and two other guards carried him away. More guards entered the door behind Mark and Edgy. They were trapped!

”Ready for some fun?” Mark asked Edgy, whose reply was a quick nod.
“There’s no way out,” shouted the chief guard, “You may as well surrender!”
”I think it is about time I showed them my disappearing act.” Mark said to Edgy.
“And I’ll show them my axe,” said Edgy, he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his blood. He was ready for action.

Mark reached for his phone and with a slight wrist action he flipped it open. He put it near his mouth and said, “Beam me up, Scotty,” and with that he vanished.
The guards looked at each other in confusion; however the chief focused on Edgy.
“Get him!” he shouted, and the guards charged at Edgy from both sides.

Mark, completely invisible attacked a line of guards in front of himself with a body slam. They fell to the ground with a thud, and the surrounding guards stepped back.
Edgy swung his axe in a complete circle, giving himself a bit of space to move, then continued to knock out some guards with the handle of his axe.
Mark re-materialised behind the guards in the corridor and noticed their white shirts under their jackets. He held his hand up and two guards started to levitate in front of him. Mark, moved his hand in a twirling motion and the guards turned to face each other.
One of the guards reached for his gun, the other attempted to copy, but as they started to aim at Mark, he used his power to tighten their sleeves causing them to drop their weapons in pain.
Struggling to move, the guards seemed to float apart, both able to guess what was coming next, but they couldn’t do anything about it. They were forced together at incredible speed, knocking each other out cold. Then Mark changed his focus onto the next set of guards, causing the two to fall.

By this time, Edgy was in a spot of trouble. One guard had grabbed his shoulders whilst another in front of him was attempting to break his ribs with his fist.
Edgy jabbed his elbow into the guard behind causing him to let go, then he swung his axe three feet high into the wall.
He let go of the axe and stepped back. With a leap he was stood on the handle, the guards again running to attack. Edgy jumped forward and ran along their shoulders pushing them to the ground, before vaulting towards Mark’s position. As he landed, he rolled forward picking up the two guard’s guns. As he straightened up, he threw one of them to Mark who again decided to use his invisibility.

Mark charged through the guards again until he reached the chief. He grabbed him by the neck as he re-materialised, pointing the gun at his head. Edgy aimed his pistol at the guards in front of him and shouted, “Drop your weapons!”
They turned to face their chief.
“Do as he says,” he stated.
Every guard dropped his weapon and Edgy ordered they put their hands to their heads. He then walked through the guards, watching each one carefully, aiming his gun at one of them each and every time he passed them. He approached his axe and pulled it out of the wall with a yank.

“Move in there!” Mark commanded, indicating a room with his gun.
The Chief nodded and the guards, the ones not out cold on the floor, slowly walked into the room.
Edgy approached the chief, still held hostage, and removed his communicator and swipe card. He then pulled the door shut and fired the pistol at the swipe-card reader, locking the guards in the room. “That should hold them,” he said.
Edgy looked at the name badge on the chief guard’s shirt. ‘Belldandy’ it said.
He then picked up the communicator and pressed the button on the side, “Belldandy to Mr. Snuggly.”
”Snuggly here, have you caught them?”
”Yes sir, they’re secure and back in their cell.”
”This time, if they call for help, ignore them. They can rot!”
”Understood, Belldandy out.”
Edgy dropped the communicator and stamped on it.
“Now to rescue the Great Albino,” Mark said as the alarms faded to quiet.

They decided to take the elevator to the top floor. Mr. Snuggly wouldn’t suspect anything, so why not?
Upon reaching the top, the doors opened with a ping, and the two, with their hostage, stepped out. This time they walked straight to Snuggly’s office, to catch him by surprise.
They waited outside and listened in on the conversation they could hear.
“Ant, all is going to plan. The two ‘heroes’ are in a cell, Tony is watching his favourite show and the Great Albino is resting in his room. All I have to do is steal the powers…”
”And SR Towers shall be ours!” Ant butted in.
“NO!” Snuggly shouted. “Not ours! Mine!”
Ant quickly apologised, “Of course sir, what do you need me to do?”
”Inform the branches that they shall soon have a new leader. Any resistance is futile.”
”Will do, sir. Ant out.”

Edgy kicked down the door with a daring kick. It fell with a bang and Snuggly looked up.
Mark entered the room with his hostage at gunpoint. Edgy ran off in search of Tony.
“The game’s up, Snuggly. We know what you’re planning. We heard every word!”
Snuggly grinned, “And what are you going to do about it? Kill me?”
”If I have to,” stated Mark, “though I would prefer a peaceful solution.”

Edgy found Tony, watching another re-run of Caroline in the City. Tony looked surprised but pleased to see Edgy, and asked him if he would like to join him.
“No thank you,” Edgy said, “but there is something you should know.”

“You should know Albino-man, that the villain is always one step ahead of the superhero.”
”What do you mean?” Mark replied.
”Watch,” Said Snuggly as he pressed a button under his desk. A Metal pipe dropped from the ceiling encasing Snuggly in his chair.
Mark fired his gun. The bullets ricocheted off the metal pipe. It rose into the ceiling and Snuggly was gone.
Mark knocked out Belldandy with one swift blow to the back of the head. As he fell to the ground, Mark ran to the window. Outside he could hear the blades of a helicopter rotating above. Moments later, a black Chinook carried Snuggly away, leaving Mark only able to stare in disbelief that he got away.

Edgy ran in with Tony seconds later.
“Did you get him?” Tony asked.
“He escaped, and I fear that you and the Great Albino are in trouble.”
Tony rubbed his chin, “What do you think we should do?”
With a flash, the room became a dark cave. Mark, Edgy, Tony and the bed with the Great Albino laying upon it were all clearly visible. Creepy Magician appeared.
“I can grant you sanctuary until Snuggly is stopped. But if he finds this cave, I fear I won’t be able to protect the two of you.”
He turned to face Mark, “Mr. Snuggly has many allies that you must be ready to face. He will stop at nothing to gain absolute power. Edgy, you must go back to your normal life. You won’t be able to face these beings with your axe alone. Albino-man, however, you must be alert at all times. Danger is everywhere and Snuggly will seek you out. Without you to stop him, he will gain power.”
”Man, you really got to sort out your décor,” Edgy commented.
”This is serious,” stated Creepy, “the fate of the world lies in the hands of The Astonishing Albino-man. Fail to stop Snuggly and the world will cease to exist as we know it.”

Will Snuggly ever be stopped? Can Creepy be trusted? And will Edgy ring Changing Rooms to sort out the décor of Creepy’s cave?

To be continued…
Sun 15/02/04 at 11:57
Posts: 1,625
Great stuff
Sun 15/02/04 at 11:34
Posts: 15,681
Any member I see fit to play a role is included in my stories - so if I see a place for you in a future episode - then you'll be in it.
Sun 15/02/04 at 00:02
Posts: 1,625
Enjoyed that. Good read.

Maybe i might be in it one day lol, or are "newbies" not allowed into these epic episodes of The Dark files?

I may be a newbie on the outside, but if you look deeper i can assure you i'm not.

Anyway, keep up the good work Edge
Sat 14/02/04 at 22:21
Posts: 15,681
Guess who's dying next episode :D
Sat 14/02/04 at 19:24
Posts: 15,681
The Edge-man

Real Name: Nathan Edgeworth
Occupation: Ex Notable Hunter, Sales Support Admin.
Identity: Known by few. Not kept a secret, however it isn't common knowledge.
Legal Status: British citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Swindon, England
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Frequent partner of The Astonishing Albino-man. Partnered with Dringo previously.
Base of Operations: Unrevealed location in Cardiff, Wales

Powers: Edge-man has no major powers except for his exceptional fighting skills. He is able to fend off large groups of enemies and is able to take on superhuman foes. He is able to channel power through his axe, but rarely puts that power to use.

Weapons: Edge-man's main weapon is his axe. Including th height of the blade, it is six foot long and is made of an extremely strong titanium and tungsten alloy. With the axe, Edgy is able to call upon the powers that be to aid him in battle, and so his axe is sought after by many foes. Legend has it that the axe was created by an alien species who tried to conquer the planet a couple millenia ago. However, the alien invaders were repelled by the egyptian forces at the time.
Sat 14/02/04 at 19:13
Posts: 15,681
Timmargh wrote:
> Edgy wrote:
> Episode 2 is in the works...and you get a mention :D
> Heh. I was hoping for more of an active role ... Still, at least I
> was in there somewhere!
> Another damn fine story, Edgy. Please do another one!

I did only say you get a mention :D

As with all names I see on here, you may get a more active role in a future episode.

I don't know how many I'll be doing yet - it may stay as a continuing series. Who knows.

But rest assured there will be more.
Sat 14/02/04 at 19:08
Posts: 15,681
Sat 14/02/04 at 19:06
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914
ok in 'real life' i am a moany old hag, im ugly and have no emotions what so ever..write a story go go go
Sat 14/02/04 at 19:04
Posts: 15,681
You know if I include you in a story, you'll be the exact opposite don't you?
Sat 14/02/04 at 18:45
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914
Next time someone does a story thingy, lemmie be in in, make me a good character, reflects me in real life! heh

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