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"You can't fool the children of the Revolution."

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Sun 18/09/05 at 17:56
Posts: 18,185
It is best to greet anything Nintendo announce with a level of scepticism. The revolution controller is certainly very clever, it certainly has a lot of potential and it could take Nintendo to a new level of genius. It could easily do a DS, its original concept alone forcing systems from the shelves and into owners bedrooms.

But doing a DS means 2 things. Good sales… average games. The DS still has so much potential that hasn’t been realised… Mario 64 aside there isn’t one REALLY big DS game. All simple, easy titles.

Revolution could be the same.

But we’ll have to take Nintendo’s word for it that they will deliver, and that moves onto our next concern. Third party support.

For starters we need to think about exactly which third parties we’re talking about here. Capcom, Konami, SEGA, Square Enix, THQ etc… always make system specific titles so the new controller won’t effect these talented publishers. No, we’re talking about the big guns, Ubi-soft, EA and Activision. Top publishers who rather port titles to all consoles rather than develop form the specifically.

Ubi-soft and Activision always find success on Nintendo formats and do not shy away from hard work either. EA will develop games, they’ve already signed up, but how many will depend on how successful Nintendo’s new console is. If it sells millions, developers will willingly develop games especially for the console, it’s cheap to develop for as well.

Nintendo do not want developers getting lazy and porting games over, using the traditional game pad available as an extra.

So going on past franchises what can we expect from the developing world with the Revolution?


Mario: - one of the hardest to think about, granted flick the controller to jump but I can imagine this getting very repetitive. It’ll be the game that sells a million revolutions meanwhile, and with about 3 years of “experimenting” on shigsy’s behalf, we can probably expect something special.

Pikmin: - controlling your army of min with a wave of the hand? Easy. Pikmin is ideal for gyroscopic controller and a handful of buttons. In fact it seems as if it was always intended. Miyamoto has already commented on it. Here’s hoping.

Pilotwings: - Literally use the controller as a plane. There is certainly a risk of this getting boring quickly, but with a bit of inventiveness I’m sure Nintendo can avoid that.

Luigi’s Mansion: - hinted at by Miyamoto and hinted at during the Revolution controller video. Control Luigi with the analogue addition and the Hoover with the gyroscopic remote. A simple game that could really work really well.

Animal Crossing: - Like Mario this game has already been confirmed, and like Mario it is difficult to think about how revolutionary the control can make this game. Walk with the analogue and catch flies with the gyroscope? Yeah… great.

Mario Party: - Roll the dice with a flick of the gryo. In fact the increasingly annoying series is bound to find lots of uses for the controller especially with a tonne of fun mini-games. Fishing, fighting… yep should be “alright”. As usual.

Super Smash Brothers: - This depends heavily on execution. Perform combos with the gyroscope? Flick to jump? Certainly there is potentially, but it’ll depend on some expert designing.

Zelda : - Again, confirmed and could be the ultimate revolution controller. Control Link with the analogue and fight, swing, ride, fire arrows, hook shots, push blocks, fish etc… etc… with the gyroscope. Could be brilliant. Really could.

Metroid Prime: - Again confirmed, and again this really is ideal. Nintendo have set Metroid Prime 2 up to use this controller (which begs the question, could this have been released for the Gamecube?) and we all know how ideal this controller is for First Person Shooters. Perhaps the most ideal controller ever. The game is now far more action packed according to reports, and with an online mode you could have a Halo beater from one of Nintendo’s most creative studios.

Wario Ware: - Mini games centred on the gyroscope? Easy, in fact Wario Ware Twisted has already done it. No need for the analogue here.

F Zero, Mario Kart, Wave Race, 1080, Excitebike : - The first two is simple, tilt the controller to turn, hold forward to speed up, back to slow down…. A button used to fire in Mario Kart and the b button to skid corners. Flick and twist the controller for tricks in Wave Race, 1080 and Excitbike.

Starfox :- Similar to Pilotwings, fly the controller, shoot things with A. Stick to flying though a Nintendo?

Mario Tennis, Golf, Baseball: - simply use the controller as the racket/club/bat. Could be initiative, or boring. Depends entirely on the developer once again.

Nintendogs: - Wash, stroke, walk etc… your dog by specific movements with the gyroscopic controller. Also could be good for a game such as “Black and White”, the hand seen in the game will be far more literal with the Nintendo pointer.

Paper Mario: - RPG’s may not seem ideal for the new controller but Nintendo could lead the way with a new style of RPG in the form of the a new Paper Mario game. Pin point hits with Mario’s hammer by tilting back to hit, build up powerful attacks and flick the controller at the ideal moment to hit. Ideal particularly for the battle system, hitting an aggressive audience member with a flick of your wrist. That’ll teach em.


Sonic: - Well obviously, hold forward to speed up, flick the controller to jump. Super fast gameplay should be great with this controller.

Jet Set Radio: - Skate around with the analogue and perform tricks/graffiti with the controller. I love this game and hopefully we can see it used well on the Revolution.

Samba Da Amigos: - Maracas, easy.

SEGA bass fishing: - rather obvious really. Use the wand as a fishing rod and, well, fish. A great way to bring back a legendary title.

House of the Dead: - pin point shooting in a linear title without the need of a new light gun? Sounds like an offer SEGA cannot refuse, especially with a new game already in the works.

Super Monkey Ball: - nearly as perfect as the DS, tilt the gyroscope to work. SEGA could have a field day with potential mini-games here. Really showing off the Revolutions capabilities. Much like the original this could be a perfect launch title for the system to showcase originality.

Shenmue: - Like most adventure titles the new controller will put you straight into the action. Selecting the clues by pointing at them, making for one of the most interactive adventure titles ever?

Echo the Dolphin: - Control Echo gyroscopically. Might be graphically nice but probably boring.

Crazy Taxi: - Control the car with the gyroscopic controller and pull back to break in the circle, great for fast paced arcadey fun and will make the action far more immediate.


Viewtiful Joe: - I can almost guarantee we’ll see Joe’s viewtiful moves pulled of with gyroscopic precision. Fantastic concept really.

Resident Evil : - Far from perfect but workable. Control Leon/Chris/Jill with the analogue stick and shoot with the analogue by holding down the A button and control the camera using it by holding down the B button. Ready to confirm Resident Evil 5 yet Capcom?

Product Number 03: - It would be great, shoot stylishly in the right direction by pointing at the screen in this third person action adventure. It certainly won’t happen. But it would be nice.

Killer 7 :- Also unlikely to happen, but this would work great. Hold forward to go forward, back to go back, select the directions with the controller to choose where to go, press A to go into first person mode and shoot at the screen to hit the right spot and that’s pretty much it. Would work really well.

Street Fighter: - Again a perfect little game for the gyroscopic controller, control the attacks of the fighters with the controller, twist and turn to pull off a combination of attacks.


Soul Calibur: - We saw the sword fighting possibilities in the demo displayed by Nintendo but that doesn’t have to be exclusive to Zelda. Use the analogue to control the character whilst you slash, jump and fight you way through the tournament with your gyroscopic controller. Alternatively do away with the analogue control and use a dual gyroscopic method for dual wielded swords. Potentially brilliant.

Pac Man: - Easily done, but DS titles such as Pac Pix and Pac and Roll can be introduced into a 3 way Pac man game that could see a return to form for the series.

Drumming titles: - I have forgotten the name of Namco’s drum game, but instead of buy bongo’s why not use the sticks as drums. A genius idea on my behalf, it was as if it came from the mind of Nintendo themselves.

Time Crisis: - easy really, there is no need for light guns add on with the new Nintendo controller. And like SEGA with House of the Dead, Namco would be stupid not to port it!

Baton Kaitos/ Tales of series: - RPG’s need a bit of re-inventing with the new controller, but with square Enix on board that is likely to happen. Expect faster paced gameplay, less need for menus and, combined with Nintendo’s new online service, we could have an action packed online title to contend with. Leaf through books with the pointer and for Kaitos you can select cards by just pointing at them.


EA have already commented on how they’d like to implement the new controller in their sports titles. Which is an unusual challenge for them. I’m not familiar with most of their sports games (NFL/NBA/Madden) so I’m sure you can use your imagination, but with regards to the titles I am familiar with… well here are my ideas.

Timesplitters/James Bond/Medal of Honour: - Free Radical Design do love their Nintendo and playing Timesplitters with the new FPS control system is a dream come true. There is no real need to upgrade the title and throw in a decent online mode and there is a must have on our hands. A decent FPS is easy to create with this control and the same would work for Bond FPS titles and Medal of Honour as well. Half Life 2 will be much welcome on the Revolution with the promising new control system. Just imagine it :D.

FIFA Football: - EA certainly won’t try anything too dramatic here and will probably opt for the more traditional pad. But it certainly possible with the new one. Use the analogue stick to dash around the screen and use the gyroscopic controller’s buttons to pass/shoot and tilt the controller in the correct direction to pass it to the correct man or perfect that top corner shot.

FIFA Street: - perform tricks with the flick of the gyroscopic controller, would look cool and would work with any of the EA Big’s Street series.

Harry Potter: - Control Harry with the analogue but use the little wand as a… that’s right… a wand. If only there was a microphone, chanting magical words from the series and pointing your controller at opponents or objects would be a step closer to a real interactive Harry Potter game.

SSX: - Naturally with even fewer buttons the SSX team must be spitting hairs… after all their wasn’t enough buttons on the Gamecube pad “apparently”. Then again they could be overjoyed about how the characters can perform “sick” moves with a twist of the controller. Maybe.


Prince of Persia: - Again we can play on the sword-fighting demo displayed by Nintendo. Walk around as Prince with the analogue add on, use items and jump using the various buttons. But, at last, Prince’s combat system can come into play. Use the pointer to slash accurately and destroy your opponents with some well aimed slashes. A new feel for the series.

Splinter Cell: - Like metal gear solid there isn’t too much to say about the potential new control method here. The analogue system could be used whilst the other controller can be used for shooting, hook shots, changing camera angles etc… What the new control method will open up for the series though is an added involvement in the game. Especially as your movement in real life can determine whether you are discovered in the game.

Harvest Moon: - Natsume’s title has found a publisher in Ubi-soft and the new controller will almost certainly be used by the great farming game developer. Stroke your cows, literally with the gyroscopic controller, yoink crops from the ground, dig for treasure by using the remote as a shovel, as a fishing rod when you go fishing… in fact many of Harvest Moon’s activities can be realistically mimicked with the new controller. How would you woo the girl I wonder?

Rayman: - The limbless wonder could be a great concept game to showcase the new controller. Unlike Mario, Rayman’s titles are more linear and so jumping, spinning, dodging and shooting will be the order of the day.


Metal Gear Solid: - See Splinter Cell

Pro Evolution Soccer/ International Superstar Soccer: - It looks almost certain western Nintendo fans will enjoy this realistic soccer sim. In fact it is more likely to be an ISS form if any, a far more arcadey version of the football game with some accurate passing using the wand.

Goeman: - The Mystical Ninja is making his grand return on the DS and a Revolution follow up would be a great idea. How Konami can adopt the idea is anyone’s guess.

Silent Hill: - Creep, fight, panic. Much like Resident Evil the game will take a more action route with this new control method. Also like Resident Evil the new method will push gamers even further into the world of horror, if you jump at an alarming moment and jerk the controller you are sure to have put yourself at a disadvantage on the screen.


Not much to say about this company. We’ll probably get a wrestling sim with some unique ideas (perhaps a overhaul of the games so far) and a load of crappy Nickelodeon games that will use the new control method in a simple and uninspiring way. Red Faction would be good fun on it.


Tony Hawks: - The new controller could breath new life into this series. Skate around with the analogue stick but perform “sick” moves by twisting, turning, flicking, throwing your gyroscopic remote around. Use the analogue stick to keep turning, of course.

Call of Duty/Doom/QUAKE/Castle Wolfenstein: - First Person shooter developers must be laughing at the new controller. As I’ve mentioned with Half Life/Timesplitters/Metroid Prime. Of course to really reclaim the first person shooter crown these three FPS franchises need to follow suit.

Spiderman: - Flick the pointer to fire your web slinger in the direction you want. This franchise has been one of the surprise packages of the generation and it feels great to play as it is. Imagine the possibilities with extra interactivity.

True Crime: - Works with GTA as well. Aim with the pointer, drive with the pointer, change music station with the d-pad, run with the pointer, pull of fighting moves with the pointer. Should work really well considering True Crime adopts a multiple control system (alters depending on whether you’re driving/shooting/fighting/running) and the gyroscopic controller can deal with all the game’s needs.

Naturally, as a gamer, I hope to see brand new franchises on the console. I expect totally new ideas from Nintendo, one that really uses the controller to full potential. I expect Kojima of the Metal Gear fame to invent a new franchise in the originality vein of Boktai. I expect SEGA to create a simple game that will provoke hours of fun, something they excel in regarding their Arcade routes.

But new franchises aside, as you can see from my suggestions above, old games can easily be re-invented and re-vitalised using the new control method. Looking forward to a downloadable Duck Hunt game already!

Have I missed any? Do you have ideas of your own? By all means suggest them here. But I hope I’ve managed to wake up some of those who have dismissed the idea as a stupid and wouldn’t work on most games.

Because it will.

Here’s to the future.

Sun 18/09/05 at 18:40
"Divine Davine"
Posts: 799
Haha, sod the gym and daily exercise routines and buy a Revolution instead ;D

'Thanks to Nintendo, I have lost 13 lbs. I'm a real person again.'
Sun 18/09/05 at 18:31
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
gimo80 wrote:

> Mind you, pointing at the screen all the time won't half knacker you
> out.

It's more fun than going down the Gym... :D
Sun 18/09/05 at 18:29
"Divine Davine"
Posts: 799
My dear god, that was a long read. But you're right, the opportunities are endless for the new console. Like in Zelda, aswell as the combat system, there could be some puzzles that allows you to grab and throw in the correct position. You could whip Epona with the remote to make her run faster. You could use the hookshot/slingshot/bow with just an accurate point at the screen - there is just so much potential.

One thing that I'm sceptical about is how an RPG will work on the console. Let's say, oooh, Pokemon, and how pointing will make an innovative combat system; you could control the moves maybe (like Paper Mario in a sense) and this will affect the overall damage to your opponent. To do a 'Hyper Beam' attack, you might need to circle the screen to charge up and then keep thrusting at the target.

Mind you, pointing at the screen all the time won't half knacker you out.
Sun 18/09/05 at 17:56
Posts: 18,185
It is best to greet anything Nintendo announce with a level of scepticism. The revolution controller is certainly very clever, it certainly has a lot of potential and it could take Nintendo to a new level of genius. It could easily do a DS, its original concept alone forcing systems from the shelves and into owners bedrooms.

But doing a DS means 2 things. Good sales… average games. The DS still has so much potential that hasn’t been realised… Mario 64 aside there isn’t one REALLY big DS game. All simple, easy titles.

Revolution could be the same.

But we’ll have to take Nintendo’s word for it that they will deliver, and that moves onto our next concern. Third party support.

For starters we need to think about exactly which third parties we’re talking about here. Capcom, Konami, SEGA, Square Enix, THQ etc… always make system specific titles so the new controller won’t effect these talented publishers. No, we’re talking about the big guns, Ubi-soft, EA and Activision. Top publishers who rather port titles to all consoles rather than develop form the specifically.

Ubi-soft and Activision always find success on Nintendo formats and do not shy away from hard work either. EA will develop games, they’ve already signed up, but how many will depend on how successful Nintendo’s new console is. If it sells millions, developers will willingly develop games especially for the console, it’s cheap to develop for as well.

Nintendo do not want developers getting lazy and porting games over, using the traditional game pad available as an extra.

So going on past franchises what can we expect from the developing world with the Revolution?


Mario: - one of the hardest to think about, granted flick the controller to jump but I can imagine this getting very repetitive. It’ll be the game that sells a million revolutions meanwhile, and with about 3 years of “experimenting” on shigsy’s behalf, we can probably expect something special.

Pikmin: - controlling your army of min with a wave of the hand? Easy. Pikmin is ideal for gyroscopic controller and a handful of buttons. In fact it seems as if it was always intended. Miyamoto has already commented on it. Here’s hoping.

Pilotwings: - Literally use the controller as a plane. There is certainly a risk of this getting boring quickly, but with a bit of inventiveness I’m sure Nintendo can avoid that.

Luigi’s Mansion: - hinted at by Miyamoto and hinted at during the Revolution controller video. Control Luigi with the analogue addition and the Hoover with the gyroscopic remote. A simple game that could really work really well.

Animal Crossing: - Like Mario this game has already been confirmed, and like Mario it is difficult to think about how revolutionary the control can make this game. Walk with the analogue and catch flies with the gyroscope? Yeah… great.

Mario Party: - Roll the dice with a flick of the gryo. In fact the increasingly annoying series is bound to find lots of uses for the controller especially with a tonne of fun mini-games. Fishing, fighting… yep should be “alright”. As usual.

Super Smash Brothers: - This depends heavily on execution. Perform combos with the gyroscope? Flick to jump? Certainly there is potentially, but it’ll depend on some expert designing.

Zelda : - Again, confirmed and could be the ultimate revolution controller. Control Link with the analogue and fight, swing, ride, fire arrows, hook shots, push blocks, fish etc… etc… with the gyroscope. Could be brilliant. Really could.

Metroid Prime: - Again confirmed, and again this really is ideal. Nintendo have set Metroid Prime 2 up to use this controller (which begs the question, could this have been released for the Gamecube?) and we all know how ideal this controller is for First Person Shooters. Perhaps the most ideal controller ever. The game is now far more action packed according to reports, and with an online mode you could have a Halo beater from one of Nintendo’s most creative studios.

Wario Ware: - Mini games centred on the gyroscope? Easy, in fact Wario Ware Twisted has already done it. No need for the analogue here.

F Zero, Mario Kart, Wave Race, 1080, Excitebike : - The first two is simple, tilt the controller to turn, hold forward to speed up, back to slow down…. A button used to fire in Mario Kart and the b button to skid corners. Flick and twist the controller for tricks in Wave Race, 1080 and Excitbike.

Starfox :- Similar to Pilotwings, fly the controller, shoot things with A. Stick to flying though a Nintendo?

Mario Tennis, Golf, Baseball: - simply use the controller as the racket/club/bat. Could be initiative, or boring. Depends entirely on the developer once again.

Nintendogs: - Wash, stroke, walk etc… your dog by specific movements with the gyroscopic controller. Also could be good for a game such as “Black and White”, the hand seen in the game will be far more literal with the Nintendo pointer.

Paper Mario: - RPG’s may not seem ideal for the new controller but Nintendo could lead the way with a new style of RPG in the form of the a new Paper Mario game. Pin point hits with Mario’s hammer by tilting back to hit, build up powerful attacks and flick the controller at the ideal moment to hit. Ideal particularly for the battle system, hitting an aggressive audience member with a flick of your wrist. That’ll teach em.


Sonic: - Well obviously, hold forward to speed up, flick the controller to jump. Super fast gameplay should be great with this controller.

Jet Set Radio: - Skate around with the analogue and perform tricks/graffiti with the controller. I love this game and hopefully we can see it used well on the Revolution.

Samba Da Amigos: - Maracas, easy.

SEGA bass fishing: - rather obvious really. Use the wand as a fishing rod and, well, fish. A great way to bring back a legendary title.

House of the Dead: - pin point shooting in a linear title without the need of a new light gun? Sounds like an offer SEGA cannot refuse, especially with a new game already in the works.

Super Monkey Ball: - nearly as perfect as the DS, tilt the gyroscope to work. SEGA could have a field day with potential mini-games here. Really showing off the Revolutions capabilities. Much like the original this could be a perfect launch title for the system to showcase originality.

Shenmue: - Like most adventure titles the new controller will put you straight into the action. Selecting the clues by pointing at them, making for one of the most interactive adventure titles ever?

Echo the Dolphin: - Control Echo gyroscopically. Might be graphically nice but probably boring.

Crazy Taxi: - Control the car with the gyroscopic controller and pull back to break in the circle, great for fast paced arcadey fun and will make the action far more immediate.


Viewtiful Joe: - I can almost guarantee we’ll see Joe’s viewtiful moves pulled of with gyroscopic precision. Fantastic concept really.

Resident Evil : - Far from perfect but workable. Control Leon/Chris/Jill with the analogue stick and shoot with the analogue by holding down the A button and control the camera using it by holding down the B button. Ready to confirm Resident Evil 5 yet Capcom?

Product Number 03: - It would be great, shoot stylishly in the right direction by pointing at the screen in this third person action adventure. It certainly won’t happen. But it would be nice.

Killer 7 :- Also unlikely to happen, but this would work great. Hold forward to go forward, back to go back, select the directions with the controller to choose where to go, press A to go into first person mode and shoot at the screen to hit the right spot and that’s pretty much it. Would work really well.

Street Fighter: - Again a perfect little game for the gyroscopic controller, control the attacks of the fighters with the controller, twist and turn to pull off a combination of attacks.


Soul Calibur: - We saw the sword fighting possibilities in the demo displayed by Nintendo but that doesn’t have to be exclusive to Zelda. Use the analogue to control the character whilst you slash, jump and fight you way through the tournament with your gyroscopic controller. Alternatively do away with the analogue control and use a dual gyroscopic method for dual wielded swords. Potentially brilliant.

Pac Man: - Easily done, but DS titles such as Pac Pix and Pac and Roll can be introduced into a 3 way Pac man game that could see a return to form for the series.

Drumming titles: - I have forgotten the name of Namco’s drum game, but instead of buy bongo’s why not use the sticks as drums. A genius idea on my behalf, it was as if it came from the mind of Nintendo themselves.

Time Crisis: - easy really, there is no need for light guns add on with the new Nintendo controller. And like SEGA with House of the Dead, Namco would be stupid not to port it!

Baton Kaitos/ Tales of series: - RPG’s need a bit of re-inventing with the new controller, but with square Enix on board that is likely to happen. Expect faster paced gameplay, less need for menus and, combined with Nintendo’s new online service, we could have an action packed online title to contend with. Leaf through books with the pointer and for Kaitos you can select cards by just pointing at them.


EA have already commented on how they’d like to implement the new controller in their sports titles. Which is an unusual challenge for them. I’m not familiar with most of their sports games (NFL/NBA/Madden) so I’m sure you can use your imagination, but with regards to the titles I am familiar with… well here are my ideas.

Timesplitters/James Bond/Medal of Honour: - Free Radical Design do love their Nintendo and playing Timesplitters with the new FPS control system is a dream come true. There is no real need to upgrade the title and throw in a decent online mode and there is a must have on our hands. A decent FPS is easy to create with this control and the same would work for Bond FPS titles and Medal of Honour as well. Half Life 2 will be much welcome on the Revolution with the promising new control system. Just imagine it :D.

FIFA Football: - EA certainly won’t try anything too dramatic here and will probably opt for the more traditional pad. But it certainly possible with the new one. Use the analogue stick to dash around the screen and use the gyroscopic controller’s buttons to pass/shoot and tilt the controller in the correct direction to pass it to the correct man or perfect that top corner shot.

FIFA Street: - perform tricks with the flick of the gyroscopic controller, would look cool and would work with any of the EA Big’s Street series.

Harry Potter: - Control Harry with the analogue but use the little wand as a… that’s right… a wand. If only there was a microphone, chanting magical words from the series and pointing your controller at opponents or objects would be a step closer to a real interactive Harry Potter game.

SSX: - Naturally with even fewer buttons the SSX team must be spitting hairs… after all their wasn’t enough buttons on the Gamecube pad “apparently”. Then again they could be overjoyed about how the characters can perform “sick” moves with a twist of the controller. Maybe.


Prince of Persia: - Again we can play on the sword-fighting demo displayed by Nintendo. Walk around as Prince with the analogue add on, use items and jump using the various buttons. But, at last, Prince’s combat system can come into play. Use the pointer to slash accurately and destroy your opponents with some well aimed slashes. A new feel for the series.

Splinter Cell: - Like metal gear solid there isn’t too much to say about the potential new control method here. The analogue system could be used whilst the other controller can be used for shooting, hook shots, changing camera angles etc… What the new control method will open up for the series though is an added involvement in the game. Especially as your movement in real life can determine whether you are discovered in the game.

Harvest Moon: - Natsume’s title has found a publisher in Ubi-soft and the new controller will almost certainly be used by the great farming game developer. Stroke your cows, literally with the gyroscopic controller, yoink crops from the ground, dig for treasure by using the remote as a shovel, as a fishing rod when you go fishing… in fact many of Harvest Moon’s activities can be realistically mimicked with the new controller. How would you woo the girl I wonder?

Rayman: - The limbless wonder could be a great concept game to showcase the new controller. Unlike Mario, Rayman’s titles are more linear and so jumping, spinning, dodging and shooting will be the order of the day.


Metal Gear Solid: - See Splinter Cell

Pro Evolution Soccer/ International Superstar Soccer: - It looks almost certain western Nintendo fans will enjoy this realistic soccer sim. In fact it is more likely to be an ISS form if any, a far more arcadey version of the football game with some accurate passing using the wand.

Goeman: - The Mystical Ninja is making his grand return on the DS and a Revolution follow up would be a great idea. How Konami can adopt the idea is anyone’s guess.

Silent Hill: - Creep, fight, panic. Much like Resident Evil the game will take a more action route with this new control method. Also like Resident Evil the new method will push gamers even further into the world of horror, if you jump at an alarming moment and jerk the controller you are sure to have put yourself at a disadvantage on the screen.


Not much to say about this company. We’ll probably get a wrestling sim with some unique ideas (perhaps a overhaul of the games so far) and a load of crappy Nickelodeon games that will use the new control method in a simple and uninspiring way. Red Faction would be good fun on it.


Tony Hawks: - The new controller could breath new life into this series. Skate around with the analogue stick but perform “sick” moves by twisting, turning, flicking, throwing your gyroscopic remote around. Use the analogue stick to keep turning, of course.

Call of Duty/Doom/QUAKE/Castle Wolfenstein: - First Person shooter developers must be laughing at the new controller. As I’ve mentioned with Half Life/Timesplitters/Metroid Prime. Of course to really reclaim the first person shooter crown these three FPS franchises need to follow suit.

Spiderman: - Flick the pointer to fire your web slinger in the direction you want. This franchise has been one of the surprise packages of the generation and it feels great to play as it is. Imagine the possibilities with extra interactivity.

True Crime: - Works with GTA as well. Aim with the pointer, drive with the pointer, change music station with the d-pad, run with the pointer, pull of fighting moves with the pointer. Should work really well considering True Crime adopts a multiple control system (alters depending on whether you’re driving/shooting/fighting/running) and the gyroscopic controller can deal with all the game’s needs.

Naturally, as a gamer, I hope to see brand new franchises on the console. I expect totally new ideas from Nintendo, one that really uses the controller to full potential. I expect Kojima of the Metal Gear fame to invent a new franchise in the originality vein of Boktai. I expect SEGA to create a simple game that will provoke hours of fun, something they excel in regarding their Arcade routes.

But new franchises aside, as you can see from my suggestions above, old games can easily be re-invented and re-vitalised using the new control method. Looking forward to a downloadable Duck Hunt game already!

Have I missed any? Do you have ideas of your own? By all means suggest them here. But I hope I’ve managed to wake up some of those who have dismissed the idea as a stupid and wouldn’t work on most games.

Because it will.

Here’s to the future.


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