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"The Lord Of The Porns (spoof)"

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Mon 23/12/02 at 18:02
Posts: 787

*At Parr’s home on top of a quite pair of hills overlooking a small village named Ony and a forest named The Booker Trees*

“The 11 year old, Parr, is logged onto the ukchatforums”

Parr= Hmm, I think I wanna win a GAD today. But what should I write? What could be cool enough to win a GAD?

“Parr’s mother comes into his room”

Parr’s Mother= I couldn’t help overhearing you sonny. I use to be a wise gamer in my day so I just might give you some advice on what to write. How about you write about the importance of keeping the games of the past alive and not remodeling them to some 3D new age thing that will end up ruining the game’s reputation. Isn’t that perfect sonny.

Parr= Exactly!!! Thanks mom I will write the best essay on ponies in the world!

“Parr smiles blankly and Parr’s mother stares at him confused”

Parr’s Mother= But Parr I said nothing about ponies. I was talking about the importance of keeping old games alive because…

Parr= Oh, I remember you saying that.

Parr’s Mother= So you will do it?

Parr= Well…..nope, that idea sucks.

Parr’s Mother= I was only trying to help!!!!

“Parr’s mother runs off to her room crying”

“Parr begins his essay about ponies and how they will change the future of gaming. After several hours he’s done”

Parr= There I’m finished! Now let me just submit it and hope I win!

“Parr shuts off his computer and collapses on his bed because of the exhaustion of writing that full essay”


~2 days afterward~

*The SR Office in Ony village*

“Mr. Snuggly is checking for a worthy GAD”

Mr. Snuggly= All these posts for today are rubbish! There will be no winner. Wait a second…….what’s this?!?!? The Importance of Ponies!!!! This is brilliant, it talks about how the deep pinkness of the ponies will one day drown all humanity causing the game industry to fall! This surely is GAD worthy!

“Mr. Snuggly puts down that Parr won for that day in the blink of an eye”

Mr. Snuggly= Now that that is done, lets see who should we ban today?


“Parr wakes up the next morning and rushes to the computer to see if he won for his The Importance of Ponies post. He enters and has his cursor over the >>Gameaday Prize 1 Winners List<< link”

Parr= GULP!

“Parr then presses the link and sees on the top of the list is The Importance of Ponies”

Parr=…YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY “cough cough cough” yay ya “cough” Oh no, my asthma.

“Parr takes a hit from his inhaler and starts to e-mail Mr. Snuggly on what game he wants”

Parr= What should I get?

“Parr’s mother enters the room again”

Parr’s Mother= I was just overhearing you again and I think I have the answer to all your question. Why don’t you get the first ever Donkey Kong for the Nintendo!

Parr= No, mom that sucks!

“Parr’s mother runs off crying to her room again”

“Parr gathers all his thoughts and finally came to a conclusion”

Parr= I choose……PICKACHU!!!………I mean Lord Of the Rings” The Two Towers The Game!!! I heard it was good from my mates and I have to get it to brag to my friends at school!

“Parr e-mails Mr. Snuggly his claim”

Parr= Now I better go to my mom and tell her I love her before she has another one of her nervous breakdowns.


*Back to the SR Office*

“Mr. Snuggly is packaging games to give to the winners of GAD when suddenly Schroeder the female SR employee walks in on him”

Schroeder= What’s happening….big boy.

Mr. Snuggly= Oh, hi….sugar lumps.

Schroeder= Booger Bear.

Mr. Snuggly= Sweaty pie.

Schroeder= Lover Dumpling.

Mr. Snuggly= Pudding Pops.

Schroeder= Donkey Licker.

Mr. Snuggly= Sugar Pi……..wait a second isn’t a Donkey Licker a bad thing?

Schroeder= Not in some parts of the world.

Mr. Snuggly= Well, that will do. Hey guess what I got from the Blockbuster rental place?

Schroeder= What??????

“In a manly voice Mr. Snuggly says…”

Mr. Snuggly= A Porn.

“Mr. Snuggly pulls out a video tape from his back pocket”

Schroeder= Oh, you little devil you!

Mr. Snuggly= Wanna see it right now?

Schroeder= You bet I do!!!

“Schroeder and Mr. Snuggly move closer together when suddenly the door slams opens”

Mr. Snuggly= I could explain boss!!!

Mailman= Um….the mail… here.

Mr. Snuggly= Oh…’s only you. Don’t mailmen have to wait at the door.

Mailman= Not in Jupiter.

Mr. Snuggly=…

Mailman= Yep you heard me! NOT IN JUPITER!

Mr. Snuggly= Okay…….

Schroeder= What are you here for anyway?

Mailman= Mr. Snuggly has to give me the GADs for this week. It’s shipping day you know.

Mr. Snuggly= It’s that day already! Wait a second I just have to package a few more.

“Mr. Snuggly rushes and puts random things in packages and hands them over to the mailman to make him go”

Mr. Snuggly= There, are you happy.

Mailman= With this job do you think I’m happy?

Mr. Snuggly=…Yes…

Mailman= Well, your right!

“The mailman skips happily out the door and closes it behind him”

Schroeder= Finally he’s gone. Now lets get back to business. Lets see that porn.

Mr. Snuggly= You got it girl!

“Mr. Snuggly opens a video case on the floor and pops it into his PS2 which acts like a DVD player”

Schroeder= I’m getting exited!!!

Mr. Snuggly= Me too!!!!

“The movie starts and it shows flashes off dwarfs and elves”

Schroeder= Snuggly!!! I told you I don’t like elf porn!!!

Mr. Snuggly= Hey this movie almost looks exactly like…

Schroeder= THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE TWO TOWERS VIDEO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!…….Wow that’s a long title.

Mr. Snuggly= Schroeder, do you know what this means?

Schroeder= We have to watch a Disney movie again.

Mr. Snuggly= No, it means that we sent that 11 year old, Parr, A PORN!!!!!

Schroeder= You sent an 11year old a pornographic video. That’s not good!!! We could get fired!!! Or worse, we could get arrested for showing him that stuff!!!!!!!!

Mr. Snuggly= We can?

Schroeder= No, I just said that to add tension to the situation.

Mr. Snuggly= Well, it fooled me.

Schroeder= Really?

Mr. Snuggly= Yep.

Schroeder= Seriously?

Mr. Snuggly= Mhmm.

Schroeder= You don’t say?

Mr. Snuggly= Yes………... What are we still doing here!!! We have to get that video tape!!!!!

Schroeder= But, Parr lives all the way up the hills!

Mr. Snuggly= I don’t care we have to at least try!

Schroeder= Can we rent another porn along the way.

Mr. Snuggly= Yea sure.


*Back to Parr’s house*

“Parr waits in front of his house for the mailman to come with his GAD that was suppose to come”

Parr= I’m so bored…

“A blue mail-van comes from the bottom of the hill to the top and stops in front of Parr”

Mailman= Are you the one they call….Parr?

Parr= Yep yep yep yep!! Do you have my GAD prize?

Mailman= NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parr= Oh….okay.

Mailman= Just kidding with you little boy, here it is.

“The mailman passes Parr a shiny box that seemed to call out to him”

Parr= Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!

Mailman= No problem little boy.

“The mailman drives off and Parr rushes inside his house and gets on the phone and dials 10year old, Hercules. Hercules picks up the phone after the second ring”

Parr= Hey Hercules, guess what game I got!!!!!!!!!!

Hercules= Fairies and Pixies 2!!!!!!!


Hercules= Oh….

Parr= I got Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers!!

Hercules= That’s so cool. Can I come over right now.

Parr= Yea, and bring your brother, Tribute.

Hercules= But he is only 5…

Parr= But he knows how to use crayons!!

Hercules= Oh…I see.

Parr= Come over right now…… hello are you there.

“Hercules breaks down Parr’s front door and runs into his room with his little brother right behind him”

Parr= Hellllllloo!!!

Hercules= Lets play the game!!

Parr= Okay…… lets go. But wait I have to go to the bathroom.

“Parr walks out of his room and for some reason Tribute sneaks behind him”

Hercules= Well, I’ll start it up anyway.

“Hercules gets the disc and pops it into the PS2”

Video= Oh yea, uh uh uh uh. Yea. YESSSS

“Hercules stares in aw at the television”

“Parr walks out of the bathroom and sees Tribute staring up at him “

Tribute= I want candy!!!

Parr= I was just in the bathroom, why would I have candy with…….

Tribute= I WANT CANDY!!!

“Tribute charges at Parr but he jumps out of the way and mistakenly runs face first into the fuse box and the whole house’s lights go out immediately”


“Tribute and Parr rush back to the room to see what was wrong with Hercules and see Hercules balling out in tears on the floor”

Parr= What’s wrong Hercules!

Tribute= He probably needs candy!!!

Hercules= My video…. Hercules was enjoying his video but then lights went off and television go off too….Hercules needs tape he needzes it……it is…….my precious…..


Tribute= He is crazy now!!!!! Lets go and steal his candy. Yea candy. Yea.

Parr= I’ve never seen The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers Game have such an effect on someone. I did feel something when I first laid my hands on it…..but was that feeling…evil.

Hercules= No it was my precious. My precious. MY PRECIOUS!!!!

“Hercules starts to crawl toward the television”

Parr= Okay this is too weird, I’m going to need help for this.

“Parr quickly takes the disc out of the PS2 and runs off with Tribute close behind him”


“Parr and Tribute run down the steep hill in which Parr’s house sits upon. After a couple of more steps they run into two unknown people talking as they approach them”

Mr. Snuggly= So then I told her “No mam I said banana , not smack me over the head with an oversized toothbrush” Hahahahaha. I am sooo ……….HEY! Look it’s that Parr kid!!!

Parr= How do you know my name?

Mr. Snuggly= I’m Mr. Snuggly from the ukchatforums.

Parr= What are you doing here?

Mr. Snuggly= I need the por………..I mean the game I gave you.

Parr= Why?

Schroeder= Enough with the questions and just cough it up!

Parr= Why is everyone acting so weird about this one disc. It’s making everyone crazy!!!


“Mr. Snuggly dives toward Parr but he runs out of the way and Tribute follows. He runs without looking back until he reaches his 11year old friend, Smerc’s, house. They bang on the front door wildly as Smerc opens the door”

Smerc= Oh hi Parr, it’s great that your here. All the guys are over.


Tribute= Yea……..and you suck.

“Parr pushes Smerc out of the way and sees all of Parr’s 11year old friends gathered in a circle. He jumps into the middle of it and holds up the disc”

Parr= This disc has been making everyone act weirdly. We need a way to…

“One of the boys interrupt Parr”

Microchips= Parr, we are talking about Pokemon!!!! Stop changind the subi-ject.

Parr= NO!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT! This one disc is so evil that it has made my friend Hercules insane. We must give it to the magic video shop! They always know what to do with unwanted tapes!!!

Smerc= But that’s all the way in the middle of the forest.

Parr= We have to go!!!!

Microchips= How about if Smerc, you, that little kid that follows you around, and I just go. There is no use in making all of us go.

Parr= So the journey begins.

“Smerc, Parr, Tribute and Microchips all stand”

Parr= We are The Fellowship of the Lord Of The Rings…….game.

Other little boy= Fellowship of the Rings Game! What in the world does that mean.

Parr= It means we are the people who are going on an adventure to return the disc!!! And it sounds cool!!!

Other little boy= Well leave already and stop crowding our space!

Parr= We are not going to listen to a kid that’s named “Other Little Boy”! Come on, are your parents naming skills that bad!!

“Other Little Boy looks down in shame”

Smerc= So we are off!!

Tribute= Yea with candy!!!


*At Parr’s house*

“Parr’s mother invited her adult friends over because Parr had left the house”

Parr’s mother= Psst, hey girls. Wanna have a beer. “giggles”

Smerc’s mother= I can’t because I get gas.

Hercules=”screams from Parr’s room” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= What was that!!!

Jerry Maguire’s Mother= Should we go see what it was?!?!?!

Smerc’s Mother=…

Parr’s Mother= Ms. Maguire what are you doing in my house?

“Jerry Maguire dives through one of the glass windows and yells as she scampers away”

Jerry Maguire’s Mother= YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE……. BUT PLESE DON’T KILL ME!!!!!!!!

Smerc’s Mother= Now that that is over, lets go see where the scream came from.

“The three mothers go to Parr’s room and find Hercules curled up in a ball on the floor”

Parr’s mother= Hercules, what happened!!!

Hercules= They took my precious away. Parr and Tribute took my precious.

Parr’s mother= Lay off the sugar packets kid your going mad…

Hercules= THE DISC! They took the precious of Hercules.

Parr’s mother= Parr’s GAD!!! What exactly was it.

Hercules= Let Hercules just show you what it waszes.

“Hercules rubs his hands all over his body”

Smerc’s mother= THE KIDS GOT THERE HANDS ON A PORN!!!! They are to young to know what a porn is. They must be so confused watching it!!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= What exactly was the name of the porn Hercules? Was it something like Naughty Girls2?

Hercules= My precious’s name is Dutch Girls Now8.

Smerc’s Mother= OH DEAR!!!! Dutch Girls Now8 makes Naughty Girls2 look like Gentle touches10!!!!

Parr’s Mother= Is that bad?

Smerc’s mother= That’s the naughtiest porno EVER made…

Parr= AHHHHHHH!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= Quickly girls, get in the car and lets find those kids!!!

Hercules= Please bring back my precious!!!


*Ony Village*

“The Fellowship Of the Lord Of the Rings Game walk through Ony village to reach The Booker Trees in which the video store is”

Parr= I’m getting tired…

Tribute= Me three

Parr= Tribute you have to wait until someone else says I’m tired too before you say that.

Tribute= Well blame Drunk Cow, it’s HIS spoof…..


Microchips= Hey guys don’t look now but there are some older kids in the corner over there.

“4 teenagers walk in front of boys”

Asher D= Hey little boys what are you doing?

Smerc= We aren’t little boys, we are the Fellowship Of the Rings Game!

Rickoss= Don’t talk back to us! Who asked you to talk back to us?





Rickoss= Answer my question!

Smerc= You said we couldn’t.

Albert The Large= Look Rickoss, he talked back to you.

Sheepy= Every time you talk back to us we will punch you.

Smerc= What was the question again.

Rickoss= That’s one.

Smerc= But..

Rickoss= Two.

Smerc= But..

Rickoss= Three.

Smerc= But… but… but… but.. .but… but but but but but but but but but but but

Parr= Smerc have you gone dumb……er.

“Asher D sees the disc in Parr’s hand and snatches it from him”

Asher D= What’s this we have here.

“Asher D read the words on the disc and shows it to his buddies”

Parr= DON’T READ THAT!! It will make you insane like all the others!!

Asher D=”whispers to his friends” Look guys it’s Dutch Girls Now8!

“The teens drool over the disc as they read the name”

Tribute= I WANT CANDY!!!

“In an act of bravery Tribute pushes Asher D and the disc falls on the floor. Parr then picks it up and they all dash toward the direction of The Booker Trees”

Rickoss= No matter what we do, we must get out hands on that porn!!!!!

“After running so much The Fellowship Of The Lord Of the Rings Game make it to the Booker Trees”

Tribute= YAY!!!!! We Are in the Booger Trees!!!!!! I loooove boogers!

Parr= It’s BooKer Trees Tribute.

Microchips= Where exactly is the video store anyway? Why is it submerged deep inside this forest.

Smerc= Because if it was in Ony it wouldn’t be much of an adventure would it…

Parr= I do admit that we have been walking through this tree filled place for quite a while now. If we don’t find that store I swear I will scream……

“They then push a small bush out of the way and they see a vast parking lot and a tiny video store surrounded by dead trees”

Parr= Aw man I was actually looking forward to screaming…

Smerc= It’s just smooth walking from now on.


“A car comes breaking through the trees and 3 women walk out”


Parr= Mom, I’m just giving it away, your idea sucks.

“Parr’s Mother runs back into the car crying”

“Suddenly the 4 teenagers from Ony come bursting through the trees too”

Asher D= Lets get them.

“Mr. Snuggly and Schroeder slowly walk past the trees talking”

Mr. Snuggly= So then I say “No that’s my foot lady”, Hahaha.

“Finally Hercules comes stumbling through the trees and joins the others cornering The Fellowship”

Hercules= Give me my precious!!!!!

“Everyone then slowly walks their direction until they are closed in by all sides”


Smerc= Parr do something!!!

“Parr stares at the disc in his hands for a while and knows what he has to do”


“Parr then drops the disc on he floor in two pieces”

Mr. Snuggly= Aw man, now I have to pay a fee in Blockbuster…

Schroeder= Lets just go back to your house Snuggly…..if you know what I mean…

Mr. Snuggly= You want to play Monopoly with me!

Schroeder= Um……yea sure.

Albert the Large= They broke it!!!!

Asher D= Lets leave guys……we’ll beat them up later.

“Mr. Snuggly, Schroeder, and the teens walk away”

Parr= WE DID IT GUYS!!!!

Smerc’s Mother= Children me and Ms. Microchips have to tall you something,

Microchips’ Mother= When people fall in love they ask each other to have intercourse with each other. It’s part of love. Pornographic tapes just shows other people in love.

Smerc’s Mother= And if there are other people doing it with them it’s just that they are really close friends that want to move their friendship in a different direction. Do you guys understand what was in that tape now?

Smerc Parr Microchips and Tribute=……………….

Parr= What the heck was in that disc?

“Hercules drops on the floor and rubs the two pieces of the disc on his body”

Microchips= At least we learned something today…….about pornography and about Hercules.

Hercules= Oh, how Hercules loves his precious.


Sun 29/12/02 at 03:09
Posts: 68
PsychoticKiller wrote:
> I read it halfway and i thought it sucked. your idea was already made.
> and On television. you stole that From Southpark Drunk. you suck. you
> cant even make your Own idea. you gotta steal it from a TV show.
> Hercules: Butters Parr:Stan Tribute: Ike Smerc: Cartman. What ios with
> you dude? you suck.

andrew where u at haven't seen u on in a very long time man. what's up!!
Fri 27/12/02 at 15:25
"Bring the beat back"
Posts: 1,804
I thought it was OK.
Tue 24/12/02 at 16:23
"sweats salad dressi"
Posts: 4,599
PsychoticKiller wrote:
> I read it halfway and i thought it sucked. your idea was already made.
> and On television. you stole that From Southpark Drunk. you suck. you
> cant even make your Own idea. you gotta steal it from a TV show.
> Hercules: Butters Parr:Stan Tribute: Ike Smerc: Cartman. What ios with
> you dude? you suck.
very different Killer.
Tue 24/12/02 at 07:40
"NiNtEnDo Fo LyF FoO"
Posts: 451
I read it halfway and i thought it sucked. your idea was already made. and On television. you stole that From Southpark Drunk. you suck. you cant even make your Own idea. you gotta steal it from a TV show. Hercules: Butters Parr:Stan Tribute: Ike Smerc: Cartman. What ios with you dude? you suck.
Mon 23/12/02 at 20:55
Posts: 3,348
LOL good spoof and you had the same idea of Mr. Snuggly and Schroeder as me
Mon 23/12/02 at 19:24
"699 days!"
Posts: 843
Heh lol my personal favourite so far!

Good luck!
Mon 23/12/02 at 18:15
Posts: 12,243
Im a porn star? Thats what Micro says...

Am I?

Mon 23/12/02 at 18:09
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
My Mum? In a spoof? On her birthday? What are the chances of that?

Anyway, nice spoof Cow. You wanna read mine? :D
Mon 23/12/02 at 18:06
Posts: 12,243
What the...?
Mon 23/12/02 at 18:02
"sweats salad dressi"
Posts: 4,599

*At Parr’s home on top of a quite pair of hills overlooking a small village named Ony and a forest named The Booker Trees*

“The 11 year old, Parr, is logged onto the ukchatforums”

Parr= Hmm, I think I wanna win a GAD today. But what should I write? What could be cool enough to win a GAD?

“Parr’s mother comes into his room”

Parr’s Mother= I couldn’t help overhearing you sonny. I use to be a wise gamer in my day so I just might give you some advice on what to write. How about you write about the importance of keeping the games of the past alive and not remodeling them to some 3D new age thing that will end up ruining the game’s reputation. Isn’t that perfect sonny.

Parr= Exactly!!! Thanks mom I will write the best essay on ponies in the world!

“Parr smiles blankly and Parr’s mother stares at him confused”

Parr’s Mother= But Parr I said nothing about ponies. I was talking about the importance of keeping old games alive because…

Parr= Oh, I remember you saying that.

Parr’s Mother= So you will do it?

Parr= Well…..nope, that idea sucks.

Parr’s Mother= I was only trying to help!!!!

“Parr’s mother runs off to her room crying”

“Parr begins his essay about ponies and how they will change the future of gaming. After several hours he’s done”

Parr= There I’m finished! Now let me just submit it and hope I win!

“Parr shuts off his computer and collapses on his bed because of the exhaustion of writing that full essay”


~2 days afterward~

*The SR Office in Ony village*

“Mr. Snuggly is checking for a worthy GAD”

Mr. Snuggly= All these posts for today are rubbish! There will be no winner. Wait a second…….what’s this?!?!? The Importance of Ponies!!!! This is brilliant, it talks about how the deep pinkness of the ponies will one day drown all humanity causing the game industry to fall! This surely is GAD worthy!

“Mr. Snuggly puts down that Parr won for that day in the blink of an eye”

Mr. Snuggly= Now that that is done, lets see who should we ban today?


“Parr wakes up the next morning and rushes to the computer to see if he won for his The Importance of Ponies post. He enters and has his cursor over the >>Gameaday Prize 1 Winners List<< link”

Parr= GULP!

“Parr then presses the link and sees on the top of the list is The Importance of Ponies”

Parr=…YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY “cough cough cough” yay ya “cough” Oh no, my asthma.

“Parr takes a hit from his inhaler and starts to e-mail Mr. Snuggly on what game he wants”

Parr= What should I get?

“Parr’s mother enters the room again”

Parr’s Mother= I was just overhearing you again and I think I have the answer to all your question. Why don’t you get the first ever Donkey Kong for the Nintendo!

Parr= No, mom that sucks!

“Parr’s mother runs off crying to her room again”

“Parr gathers all his thoughts and finally came to a conclusion”

Parr= I choose……PICKACHU!!!………I mean Lord Of the Rings” The Two Towers The Game!!! I heard it was good from my mates and I have to get it to brag to my friends at school!

“Parr e-mails Mr. Snuggly his claim”

Parr= Now I better go to my mom and tell her I love her before she has another one of her nervous breakdowns.


*Back to the SR Office*

“Mr. Snuggly is packaging games to give to the winners of GAD when suddenly Schroeder the female SR employee walks in on him”

Schroeder= What’s happening….big boy.

Mr. Snuggly= Oh, hi….sugar lumps.

Schroeder= Booger Bear.

Mr. Snuggly= Sweaty pie.

Schroeder= Lover Dumpling.

Mr. Snuggly= Pudding Pops.

Schroeder= Donkey Licker.

Mr. Snuggly= Sugar Pi……..wait a second isn’t a Donkey Licker a bad thing?

Schroeder= Not in some parts of the world.

Mr. Snuggly= Well, that will do. Hey guess what I got from the Blockbuster rental place?

Schroeder= What??????

“In a manly voice Mr. Snuggly says…”

Mr. Snuggly= A Porn.

“Mr. Snuggly pulls out a video tape from his back pocket”

Schroeder= Oh, you little devil you!

Mr. Snuggly= Wanna see it right now?

Schroeder= You bet I do!!!

“Schroeder and Mr. Snuggly move closer together when suddenly the door slams opens”

Mr. Snuggly= I could explain boss!!!

Mailman= Um….the mail… here.

Mr. Snuggly= Oh…’s only you. Don’t mailmen have to wait at the door.

Mailman= Not in Jupiter.

Mr. Snuggly=…

Mailman= Yep you heard me! NOT IN JUPITER!

Mr. Snuggly= Okay…….

Schroeder= What are you here for anyway?

Mailman= Mr. Snuggly has to give me the GADs for this week. It’s shipping day you know.

Mr. Snuggly= It’s that day already! Wait a second I just have to package a few more.

“Mr. Snuggly rushes and puts random things in packages and hands them over to the mailman to make him go”

Mr. Snuggly= There, are you happy.

Mailman= With this job do you think I’m happy?

Mr. Snuggly=…Yes…

Mailman= Well, your right!

“The mailman skips happily out the door and closes it behind him”

Schroeder= Finally he’s gone. Now lets get back to business. Lets see that porn.

Mr. Snuggly= You got it girl!

“Mr. Snuggly opens a video case on the floor and pops it into his PS2 which acts like a DVD player”

Schroeder= I’m getting exited!!!

Mr. Snuggly= Me too!!!!

“The movie starts and it shows flashes off dwarfs and elves”

Schroeder= Snuggly!!! I told you I don’t like elf porn!!!

Mr. Snuggly= Hey this movie almost looks exactly like…

Schroeder= THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE TWO TOWERS VIDEO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!…….Wow that’s a long title.

Mr. Snuggly= Schroeder, do you know what this means?

Schroeder= We have to watch a Disney movie again.

Mr. Snuggly= No, it means that we sent that 11 year old, Parr, A PORN!!!!!

Schroeder= You sent an 11year old a pornographic video. That’s not good!!! We could get fired!!! Or worse, we could get arrested for showing him that stuff!!!!!!!!

Mr. Snuggly= We can?

Schroeder= No, I just said that to add tension to the situation.

Mr. Snuggly= Well, it fooled me.

Schroeder= Really?

Mr. Snuggly= Yep.

Schroeder= Seriously?

Mr. Snuggly= Mhmm.

Schroeder= You don’t say?

Mr. Snuggly= Yes………... What are we still doing here!!! We have to get that video tape!!!!!

Schroeder= But, Parr lives all the way up the hills!

Mr. Snuggly= I don’t care we have to at least try!

Schroeder= Can we rent another porn along the way.

Mr. Snuggly= Yea sure.


*Back to Parr’s house*

“Parr waits in front of his house for the mailman to come with his GAD that was suppose to come”

Parr= I’m so bored…

“A blue mail-van comes from the bottom of the hill to the top and stops in front of Parr”

Mailman= Are you the one they call….Parr?

Parr= Yep yep yep yep!! Do you have my GAD prize?

Mailman= NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parr= Oh….okay.

Mailman= Just kidding with you little boy, here it is.

“The mailman passes Parr a shiny box that seemed to call out to him”

Parr= Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!

Mailman= No problem little boy.

“The mailman drives off and Parr rushes inside his house and gets on the phone and dials 10year old, Hercules. Hercules picks up the phone after the second ring”

Parr= Hey Hercules, guess what game I got!!!!!!!!!!

Hercules= Fairies and Pixies 2!!!!!!!


Hercules= Oh….

Parr= I got Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers!!

Hercules= That’s so cool. Can I come over right now.

Parr= Yea, and bring your brother, Tribute.

Hercules= But he is only 5…

Parr= But he knows how to use crayons!!

Hercules= Oh…I see.

Parr= Come over right now…… hello are you there.

“Hercules breaks down Parr’s front door and runs into his room with his little brother right behind him”

Parr= Hellllllloo!!!

Hercules= Lets play the game!!

Parr= Okay…… lets go. But wait I have to go to the bathroom.

“Parr walks out of his room and for some reason Tribute sneaks behind him”

Hercules= Well, I’ll start it up anyway.

“Hercules gets the disc and pops it into the PS2”

Video= Oh yea, uh uh uh uh. Yea. YESSSS

“Hercules stares in aw at the television”

“Parr walks out of the bathroom and sees Tribute staring up at him “

Tribute= I want candy!!!

Parr= I was just in the bathroom, why would I have candy with…….

Tribute= I WANT CANDY!!!

“Tribute charges at Parr but he jumps out of the way and mistakenly runs face first into the fuse box and the whole house’s lights go out immediately”


“Tribute and Parr rush back to the room to see what was wrong with Hercules and see Hercules balling out in tears on the floor”

Parr= What’s wrong Hercules!

Tribute= He probably needs candy!!!

Hercules= My video…. Hercules was enjoying his video but then lights went off and television go off too….Hercules needs tape he needzes it……it is…….my precious…..


Tribute= He is crazy now!!!!! Lets go and steal his candy. Yea candy. Yea.

Parr= I’ve never seen The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers Game have such an effect on someone. I did feel something when I first laid my hands on it…..but was that feeling…evil.

Hercules= No it was my precious. My precious. MY PRECIOUS!!!!

“Hercules starts to crawl toward the television”

Parr= Okay this is too weird, I’m going to need help for this.

“Parr quickly takes the disc out of the PS2 and runs off with Tribute close behind him”


“Parr and Tribute run down the steep hill in which Parr’s house sits upon. After a couple of more steps they run into two unknown people talking as they approach them”

Mr. Snuggly= So then I told her “No mam I said banana , not smack me over the head with an oversized toothbrush” Hahahahaha. I am sooo ……….HEY! Look it’s that Parr kid!!!

Parr= How do you know my name?

Mr. Snuggly= I’m Mr. Snuggly from the ukchatforums.

Parr= What are you doing here?

Mr. Snuggly= I need the por………..I mean the game I gave you.

Parr= Why?

Schroeder= Enough with the questions and just cough it up!

Parr= Why is everyone acting so weird about this one disc. It’s making everyone crazy!!!


“Mr. Snuggly dives toward Parr but he runs out of the way and Tribute follows. He runs without looking back until he reaches his 11year old friend, Smerc’s, house. They bang on the front door wildly as Smerc opens the door”

Smerc= Oh hi Parr, it’s great that your here. All the guys are over.


Tribute= Yea……..and you suck.

“Parr pushes Smerc out of the way and sees all of Parr’s 11year old friends gathered in a circle. He jumps into the middle of it and holds up the disc”

Parr= This disc has been making everyone act weirdly. We need a way to…

“One of the boys interrupt Parr”

Microchips= Parr, we are talking about Pokemon!!!! Stop changind the subi-ject.

Parr= NO!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT! This one disc is so evil that it has made my friend Hercules insane. We must give it to the magic video shop! They always know what to do with unwanted tapes!!!

Smerc= But that’s all the way in the middle of the forest.

Parr= We have to go!!!!

Microchips= How about if Smerc, you, that little kid that follows you around, and I just go. There is no use in making all of us go.

Parr= So the journey begins.

“Smerc, Parr, Tribute and Microchips all stand”

Parr= We are The Fellowship of the Lord Of The Rings…….game.

Other little boy= Fellowship of the Rings Game! What in the world does that mean.

Parr= It means we are the people who are going on an adventure to return the disc!!! And it sounds cool!!!

Other little boy= Well leave already and stop crowding our space!

Parr= We are not going to listen to a kid that’s named “Other Little Boy”! Come on, are your parents naming skills that bad!!

“Other Little Boy looks down in shame”

Smerc= So we are off!!

Tribute= Yea with candy!!!


*At Parr’s house*

“Parr’s mother invited her adult friends over because Parr had left the house”

Parr’s mother= Psst, hey girls. Wanna have a beer. “giggles”

Smerc’s mother= I can’t because I get gas.

Hercules=”screams from Parr’s room” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= What was that!!!

Jerry Maguire’s Mother= Should we go see what it was?!?!?!

Smerc’s Mother=…

Parr’s Mother= Ms. Maguire what are you doing in my house?

“Jerry Maguire dives through one of the glass windows and yells as she scampers away”

Jerry Maguire’s Mother= YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE……. BUT PLESE DON’T KILL ME!!!!!!!!

Smerc’s Mother= Now that that is over, lets go see where the scream came from.

“The three mothers go to Parr’s room and find Hercules curled up in a ball on the floor”

Parr’s mother= Hercules, what happened!!!

Hercules= They took my precious away. Parr and Tribute took my precious.

Parr’s mother= Lay off the sugar packets kid your going mad…

Hercules= THE DISC! They took the precious of Hercules.

Parr’s mother= Parr’s GAD!!! What exactly was it.

Hercules= Let Hercules just show you what it waszes.

“Hercules rubs his hands all over his body”

Smerc’s mother= THE KIDS GOT THERE HANDS ON A PORN!!!! They are to young to know what a porn is. They must be so confused watching it!!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= What exactly was the name of the porn Hercules? Was it something like Naughty Girls2?

Hercules= My precious’s name is Dutch Girls Now8.

Smerc’s Mother= OH DEAR!!!! Dutch Girls Now8 makes Naughty Girls2 look like Gentle touches10!!!!

Parr’s Mother= Is that bad?

Smerc’s mother= That’s the naughtiest porno EVER made…

Parr= AHHHHHHH!!!!

Microchips’ Mother= Quickly girls, get in the car and lets find those kids!!!

Hercules= Please bring back my precious!!!


*Ony Village*

“The Fellowship Of the Lord Of the Rings Game walk through Ony village to reach The Booker Trees in which the video store is”

Parr= I’m getting tired…

Tribute= Me three

Parr= Tribute you have to wait until someone else says I’m tired too before you say that.

Tribute= Well blame Drunk Cow, it’s HIS spoof…..


Microchips= Hey guys don’t look now but there are some older kids in the corner over there.

“4 teenagers walk in front of boys”

Asher D= Hey little boys what are you doing?

Smerc= We aren’t little boys, we are the Fellowship Of the Rings Game!

Rickoss= Don’t talk back to us! Who asked you to talk back to us?





Rickoss= Answer my question!

Smerc= You said we couldn’t.

Albert The Large= Look Rickoss, he talked back to you.

Sheepy= Every time you talk back to us we will punch you.

Smerc= What was the question again.

Rickoss= That’s one.

Smerc= But..

Rickoss= Two.

Smerc= But..

Rickoss= Three.

Smerc= But… but… but… but.. .but… but but but but but but but but but but but

Parr= Smerc have you gone dumb……er.

“Asher D sees the disc in Parr’s hand and snatches it from him”

Asher D= What’s this we have here.

“Asher D read the words on the disc and shows it to his buddies”

Parr= DON’T READ THAT!! It will make you insane like all the others!!

Asher D=”whispers to his friends” Look guys it’s Dutch Girls Now8!

“The teens drool over the disc as they read the name”

Tribute= I WANT CANDY!!!

“In an act of bravery Tribute pushes Asher D and the disc falls on the floor. Parr then picks it up and they all dash toward the direction of The Booker Trees”

Rickoss= No matter what we do, we must get out hands on that porn!!!!!

“After running so much The Fellowship Of The Lord Of the Rings Game make it to the Booker Trees”

Tribute= YAY!!!!! We Are in the Booger Trees!!!!!! I loooove boogers!

Parr= It’s BooKer Trees Tribute.

Microchips= Where exactly is the video store anyway? Why is it submerged deep inside this forest.

Smerc= Because if it was in Ony it wouldn’t be much of an adventure would it…

Parr= I do admit that we have been walking through this tree filled place for quite a while now. If we don’t find that store I swear I will scream……

“They then push a small bush out of the way and they see a vast parking lot and a tiny video store surrounded by dead trees”

Parr= Aw man I was actually looking forward to screaming…

Smerc= It’s just smooth walking from now on.


“A car comes breaking through the trees and 3 women walk out”


Parr= Mom, I’m just giving it away, your idea sucks.

“Parr’s Mother runs back into the car crying”

“Suddenly the 4 teenagers from Ony come bursting through the trees too”

Asher D= Lets get them.

“Mr. Snuggly and Schroeder slowly walk past the trees talking”

Mr. Snuggly= So then I say “No that’s my foot lady”, Hahaha.

“Finally Hercules comes stumbling through the trees and joins the others cornering The Fellowship”

Hercules= Give me my precious!!!!!

“Everyone then slowly walks their direction until they are closed in by all sides”


Smerc= Parr do something!!!

“Parr stares at the disc in his hands for a while and knows what he has to do”


“Parr then drops the disc on he floor in two pieces”

Mr. Snuggly= Aw man, now I have to pay a fee in Blockbuster…

Schroeder= Lets just go back to your house Snuggly…..if you know what I mean…

Mr. Snuggly= You want to play Monopoly with me!

Schroeder= Um……yea sure.

Albert the Large= They broke it!!!!

Asher D= Lets leave guys……we’ll beat them up later.

“Mr. Snuggly, Schroeder, and the teens walk away”

Parr= WE DID IT GUYS!!!!

Smerc’s Mother= Children me and Ms. Microchips have to tall you something,

Microchips’ Mother= When people fall in love they ask each other to have intercourse with each other. It’s part of love. Pornographic tapes just shows other people in love.

Smerc’s Mother= And if there are other people doing it with them it’s just that they are really close friends that want to move their friendship in a different direction. Do you guys understand what was in that tape now?

Smerc Parr Microchips and Tribute=……………….

Parr= What the heck was in that disc?

“Hercules drops on the floor and rubs the two pieces of the disc on his body”

Microchips= At least we learned something today…….about pornography and about Hercules.

Hercules= Oh, how Hercules loves his precious.



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