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"The pb film Chart"

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Tue 12/11/02 at 19:30
Posts: 787
Ha! I thought I'd take a moment to share my current top ten films with you, and why they are...well, my top ten. It's quite hard to come up with a list of favorite films as I have seen so many and there are plenty not on my list that I will watch again and again.

Be warned, however, that these are a pretty strange mix of film styles, not the normal 10 films about big oily men with muscles that some people consider to be the best films in the world (can anyone say 'plot'?). So, take a trip with me through my favorite films of the moment:

10 – UHF

Now this one is one of my more cult moments. The film stars Weird Al Yankovic, a famous American parody artist who you may recognise from such songs as Fat, Eat it, Like a Surgeon and Smells Like Nirvana. He does it again here with a great mix of Money for Nothing with the lyrics of Beverly Hillbillies. Who else would have though of such an ecclesiastic mix of music?! The story is basically about a guy called George who can’t fit in to any job, even in a burger bar, because of his day-dreaming. His uncle wins a 2-bit TV station in a bet and ends up handing the keys to George. After this all nature of weirdness ensues, including such memorable moments as the Rambo scene and the advert for Gandi III – The Revenge.

Why is this in my top ten though? This film is so corny, but somehow it pulls it off wonderfully. The gags are thick and fast but don’t distract from the plot or characters. At the end of it you’ll be wanting more and you’ll even be replaying the film and laughing at the jokes all over again, it’s that good!

9 - Phenomenon

This one is another of my stranger choices. During the early 90’s John Travolta had a run of mediocre to dire film appearances. Due to this, Phenomenon didn’t really receive the reaction it deserved at the cinema.

The story is set in a small American town and is about a man who just wants to be noticed by a woman who has moved in to the area. After his birthday party he wonders out in to the street and sees a bright light, which gives him greatly advanced brain power. He suddenly finds that he can learn languages in seconds, recognise secret radio codes from the US Army and many other things besides. This brings him the attention of everyone around, except the one person he really wants.

The film is touching and funny and it just has that little magical touch that I fall for every time. It’s not the actors or even the dialogue, but the film seems to have a certain charm to it.

8 – Blade Runner (Director’s Cut)

Now who hasn’t heard of this film yet? A Science Fiction classic that many new Sci-Fi films inspire to even get close to. This film is reason enough why Ridley Scott is held in such high esteem. It’s amazing to think that the film was a bit of a gamble at the time, but being based on a Phillip K Dick story (although wholly un-similar to the original story) has it’s perks and the dark and gloomy feel was something new to fans of futuristic adventures at the time.

I could go on forever about how good the effects are or how breathtaking the scenery is, but the film works so much better as a whole, rather than dissecting what it is exactly that makes it so good. The dark mood and the director's original ending just add to the amazing experience.

7 – Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan

Ok, I admit it, I like a Star Trek film, but then who doesn’t like this one? It has everything that makes trekkies shout for joy at their favourite series, yet it’s so accessible to the rest of us.

Unlike some of the later movie episodes, this film has an excellent script and some great acting from the main cast, before they started to fade a bit and get replaced by some bald guy and an android. Besides, Ricardo Montalban is seriously menacing as the evil superhuman Kahn and the ending is just one of the best pieces of Sci-Fi ever seen. If there is one piece of Star Trek which you would happily show to people who would normally scoff at the thought of watching the show, this is it.

6- Abre Los Ojos

You may recognise this Spanish film by its remake starring Tom Cruise, Vanilla Sky. Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) is, to me, the superior of the two films. This movie is something that could easily have come from the pen of Phillip K Dick, a film about truth and illusion, it defies genres and is totally unlike any other story I have seen on film. I’m not going to even attempt to describe the plot here, it’s far too complicated for such a short space!

It may not be obvious from my top ten list, but I do like a story that makes you think, and, boy, does this one do that! By the end you may well be scratching your head and wanting to watch something brainless instead, but that’s the beauty of it. Brilliantly acted and extremely well produced, this is my favourite foreign language film.

5 – Yellow Submarine

The Beatles. Undoubtedly one of the best bands in the history of music, and the inspiration for this animated classic. Despite not being voiced by the fab four themselves, the film captured all the essence of the band at the time and has some wonderfully psychedelic scenes that wouldn’t look out of place in a Monty Python episode.

There is something magical about this film, perhaps something has rubbed off from the band themselves, but from beginning to end, where the Beatles make an appearance to triumphantly acclaim that all you need is love, this is as stunning as western animation gets.

4 – Excalibur

John Boorman’s epic vision of the legend of King Arthur is amazing. Each scene is so rich in detail and dripping with history that you’d be forgiven for thinking it was filmed as a documentary. Everything from the legend is captured here, but with something more than any other version of this story has ever had before. Gabriel Byrne, Helen Mirren and Liam Neeson are just some of the memorable faces from the cast, and they all shine.

This film shines on every level and is probably one of the best fantasy films of all time. It’s not afraid to show it’s dark side either, so battles are believable and often leave many slain victims in their path. What more can I say, forget Braveheart, King Arthur is the true defender of freedom.

3 – The Crow

Yes, it may look to have as much substance as a glass of tap water, but like the self same glass it also contains far more than at first glance.

Brandon Lee’s rise to fame as a star in his own right really came from this film, which is a pity as it was also his last film. What a way to go though. Based on a Dark Horse comic which had already attracted many underground comic fans, The Crow is a story of loss, retribution and love. It is both beautiful and violent, as well as having a great soundtrack which goes all the way from guitar ballad to raging rock.

I love this film, I’ve seen it so many times. The sequels don’t even come close to the dark and ethereal feel that this movie offers.

2 – Ghostbusters

What? How can this film, an 80’s paranormal comedy, be so high on my list. For oh so many reasons, dear reader.

Not only does this film have some of the best lines, best characters and best comedy actors of all time, but it also has Slimer. That should be reason enough to love it, but no, Everything about Ghostbusters is great.

The plot centres around a group of off-beat psychology students who are investigating the paranormal and have their funding cut off right before the largest ghost sighting America has ever seen. Their services needed once more, they tackle a series of spooks until they find the source of the energy and face the battle of their lives to save America. Full of great sight gags, one liners and completely mad characters, Ghostbusters still stands head and shoulders above any other comedy.

1 – The Muppet Movie

Ah, now who can resist the sight of a frog and pig in love? Anyone who tells me they are simply puppets will get a slap, Kermit and his friends are magical beings who have been sent here to enchant us all.

This movie, the first Muppet movie to be made, is the story of how all the muppets met. Kermit, Fozzie, Miss Piggy, Gonzo and the irrepressible Animal all shine out and come to life as they find each other and try to find fame and fortune.

To say that this film is magical is underselling it. The Rainbow Connection (as sung by Kermit) is probably one of my favourite songs of all time (hey, don’t laugh, I mean it!). It may be that I have a soft spot for anything magical, but The Muppet Movie is just a perfect piece of cinema that should be watched by children and adults everywhere.
Wed 20/11/02 at 10:18
"Wants Spymate on dv"
Posts: 3,025
Again, in no particular order, and it is a toughie seeing as I love so many great movies:

Star Wars Trilogy: Han Solo and Chewbacca, the greatest on-screen double act since Roger Moore and Tony Curtis in The Persudaers.

Indiana Jones Trilogy: Harrison Ford getting into adventures and beating up lots of Nazis.

Beverly Hills Cop: Who couldn’t love foul-mouthed Eddie Murphy in his prime, classic scenes with Serge and the banana in the tailpipe, plus some of the funkiest 80’s music.

Trading Places: Again, Murphy on top form, plus a great performance from Dan Aykroyd, and you gotta love those scheming Duke brothers and bad-ass Clarence Beeks.

Planet of the Apes (1968): Charlton Heston being cynical and saying lots of cool stuff and being chased by monkeys

Police Story: Action packed Jackie Chan cop movie sees the pint-sized Kung Fu master hang onto a speeding bus, drive a car down a step hill through a shanty town, slide down a tall electric light covered poll (shredding his hands in the process), and generally breaking lots of bones for the benefit of the viewer.

My Neighbour Totoro: Amazing, heart-warming anime film about two girls who move to the country and have adventures with a giant furry forest spirit called Totoro :)

Wings of Honneamise: Another anime film, this time about a civilisations first faltering steps into space, set against the backdrop of two warring empires. It has wonderful animation, great atmosphere, moving scenes, and some moral messages about destiny, determination and faith.

Dirty Harry: Big Clint with a big gun and a bad attitude kicking some serious butt. “Did I fire six shots, or only five etc”.

Terminator 2: Arnie, lots of guns, rock and roll music, and a cool liquid metal nemesis

Predator: Arnie, lots of guns, muscles, puns, Carl Weathers, more puns, and a big mean baddie.

Ghostbusters: Classic 80’s comedy that everyone loves.

Well, there’s twelve there, but what the heck :)
Plus there's The Great Escape, Dawn of the Dead, Die Hard, The Thing, Transformers The Movie, GI Joe The Movie, The Muppet Caper, A Christmas Story, Se7en, Enter the Dragon, National Lampoon's Vacation.....
Wed 20/11/02 at 10:14
Posts: 5,630
My favourite films are:

Batman Returns
Batman Forever
The Matrix
LA Confidential
Blade Runner
Time Machine (the original)
Nightmare before Christmas
Anything with Jim Carrey in it (yup, even The Cable Guy)
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Wed 20/11/02 at 09:34
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
In no particular order some of my Favorite films, satrting with my all time Fave ever.

Princess Bride
Some Like it Hot
How to Murder your Wife
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Kiss Me Kate
Angel Heart
The Usual Suspects
Tue 19/11/02 at 23:47
Posts: 18,775
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Back to the Future Trilogy
Die Hard
Shawshank Redemption
The Muppet Movie
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Star Wars Trilogy
Disney's Aladdin
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship
The Great Escape

They were in no particular order and I have no doubt that they will change over time.
Tue 19/11/02 at 23:09
Posts: 21,800
In no particular order

Terror Firmer
Pulp Fiction
Grosse Pointe Blank
The Toxic Avenger
The Prodigal Son
Die Hard
Zombie Flesh Eaters
Dawn of the Dead
Animal House
Tue 19/11/02 at 22:45
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
I really liked Phenomenon too. I know what you mean, there is just something about it. Even the kids don't ruin it, like they often do.

I don't think I could do a top ten right now, I'd struggle.

i think I'd put the following on it:

So I Married An Axe Murderer

I love this, and not just because it's hilarious. I can't explain it, it's just really enjoyable.

True Romance

Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette are great in this movie. It's totally cool too:

"I killed him"
"That's so... romantic"

The Lost Boys

I love vampire movies and this one is fantastic. When I saw it I really though the characters were so cool.

The Star Wars movies.

An important part of childhood for anyone that loved it.

I can't think right now what else I'd put in there, so amny movies I enjoy, but the ones above I've seen dozens of times, and can watch over and again.

I think 28 Days Later may make it onto my list in the future though. Really enjoyed it at the cinema, I'll see how it does with repeated viewings.
Sat 16/11/02 at 18:10
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
It's so hard to do a top 10. I can always do a top 2 (Heat, Gladiator) but then I get lost.

But I'll have a go, in no real order, for the next 8.

Pulp Fiction
Glengarry Glen Ross
Blade Runner (Director's Cut)
The Usual Suspects

And then I'm stuck.

But there's a 2 disc edition of Glengarry Glen Ross coming out in America this month! Wooo! Unfortuantely, I don't know of a UK release yet but it better be soon.

Damn yanks even get more in the Lord of the Rigns box set!!!
Sat 16/11/02 at 10:54
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
allardini wrote:
> > Then there are about a million films I'd like to include.

That's the problem, really, so many good films. I'm sure there are many that I haven't even seen yet.
Sat 16/11/02 at 09:11
"allardini's tagline"
Posts: 3,396
No order here:

Reservoir Dogs
Fight Club
Usual Suspects
Star Wars - Empire strikes Back
Amadeus - Director's Cut
The Matrix
O' Brother Where art Thou?/The Big Lebowski. Not sure which is better...

Then there are about a million films I'd like to include.
Thu 14/11/02 at 14:13
"we escape....."
Posts: 904
PRINCESS BRIDE!!! WAT A FILM WITH ANDRE THE GIANT IN! pure gold, classic; great selection

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