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Tue 19/06/01 at 15:28
Posts: 787
This is what I would like to call the spamming topic. The main reason I have changed the WWF forum is because of the constant spamming of the forum- so I added this. This is for people who don't want to talk WWF. Talk about the Weather, School etc. The short posts topic about anything to do with anything!
Thu 20/09/01 at 11:15
Posts: 23,695
i was thinking of doing that last week but decided against it.
Wed 19/09/01 at 20:28
Posts: 23,218
why did you copy and paste the whole thing that is just sad
Wed 19/09/01 at 19:02
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
No need to post like that noe your a regular, if you want you can do the raw results but in a general brief of what happened and in your own words like I used to.
Tue 18/09/01 at 22:14
Posts: 6,100
Your not suppose 2 right any spoilers in here u put them in the spoiler topic not here durh just cuz u want ur word count up theres no need 2 get sloppy
Tue 18/09/01 at 19:36
Posts: 2,769
Here are the Raw results for the 17th.

In the arena, Jim Ross spoke about the special presentation of Smackdown!, but tonight, the President has encouraged us to get back to business! The fans all chanted "USA, USA!" as an American Flag was displayed on the Titantron. After the RAW intro video, the fireworks went off in the arena and the fans went nuts in Nashville, Tennessee! Jim Ross and Paul Heyman announced the main event, and it's Test and Stephanie against The Rock! Also, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho will be going against Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rob Van Dam in another main event.

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship Match
Referee: Michael Chiota
The Dudley Boyz vs. Kane and the Undertaker (c)
In the arena, some pyro went off and then Kane's music hit and he made his way to the ring for a Tag Team Title match for the WWF Tag Team Championship Belts! Their opponents are the Dudley Boyz as they earned their shot at the belts not too long ago when they defeated Tajiri and The Big Show. Kane started it off against D-Von Dudley and Kane kicked D-Von in the gut to start it off and then he gave him some right hands. Kane whipped D-Von off the ropes and gave him a reverse elbow and then he went off the ropes and gave D-Von an elbow drop as he was down on the mat. Kane whipped D-Von off the ropes and he went for a scoop slam but D-Von got out of it. D-Von gave Kane some right hands and they didn't seem to be hurting Kane. D-Von went off the ropes and Kane caught him in a sidewalk slam and then he got up and knocked Bubba Ray Dudley off the apron. Kane then went to the top rope and he came off with a jumping clothesline on a staggering D-Von Dudley!
Kane then pinned D-Von Dudley for a two count as Bubba broke up the pin. Kane grabbed D-Von and held onto him as he made the tag to the Undertaker. The Undertaker went to work on D-Von Dudley with some right hands and then a whip into the corner. D-Von kicked the Undertaker in the face and then he gave him some right hands. The Undertaker went for a clothesline but D-Von ducked it and came back with a shoulder block to knock the Undertaker down. D-Von made the tag to Bubba and the Undertaker took Bubba down and then he gave him some elbow drops. The Undertaker grabbed Bubba by the arm and he twisted away on it and hammered away on it. The Undertaker walked the top rope and then he came off the top rope with a shot to the back and then the Undertaker got a cross arm breaker on Bubba. D-Von got in the ring to break it up and then the Undertaker took care of him with a hard right hand. Bubba got the Undertaker from behind and he gave him a back suplex.

Bubba slammed the Undertaker's head into the corner and then he whipped him into the other corner and the Undertaker kicked him in the face. The Undertaker knocked Bubba down with a jumping clothesline and then he made the tag to Kane. Kane got in the ring and whipped Bubba off the ropes and he grabbed him by the throat and D-Von got in the ring and he grabbed him as well but D-Von hit Kane in the elbow and then the Dudleys gave Kane a double team suplex. D-Von went to the top rope as Bubba held onto the legs of Kane and D-Von came off the top rope with the headbutt to Kane's groin. Bubba then went to the outside of the ring and he got a table out and set it up at ringside as D-Von remained in the ring working on Kane. D-Von and Bubba double teamed Kane and then Bubba whipped Kane but Kane countered it and then Bubba kicked Kane in the chest. Bubba took Kane down with an arm bar take down and then he backed him into the corner. Bubba climbed up to the second rope and he gave Kane some right hands and then Kane got out of it with a power bomb out of the corner!

Both men made the tag and the Undertaker got in there with D-Von and he cleaned house with some right hands. The Undertaker gave both of the Dudleys clotheslines in the corners and then he knocked Bubba to the outside of the ring. The Undertaker gave D-Von a high back body drop and then a leg drop and a pin for a two count as Bubba broke up the pin once again. Kane and Bubba battled to the outside of the ring near the table as the Undertaker and D-Von went at it in the ring. The Undertaker whipped D-Von into referee Michael Chiota and he went down and then Kronik stormed to the ringside area with Steven Richards and they attacked Kane. Kronik gave Kane a double choke slam through the table at ringside and then the Undertaker grabbed hold of Bryan Clark and Brian Adams. They hung the Undertaker up on the top rope and then the Dudleys hit the 3D and then D-Von pinned the Undertaker for a three count to get the win and win the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles!

Winners and new WWF Tag Team Champions, the Dudley Boyz
The Aftermath:
Steven Richards left with Kronik and the Dudleys Boyz remained at ringside to talk the trash as the Undertaker and Kane were both down and out, in and out of the ring.

A limo was shown arriving and the driver's license had "WCW 1" on it. Shane McMahon got out of the limo and Kronik and Steven Richards showed up. Steven Richards introduced Kronik to Shane and Shane said that he has had his eye on them for a long time. Steven told Shane that they cost the Undertaker and Kane the Tag Team Titles. The Dudleys are the new WWF Tag Team Champions. Steven offered their services to the Alliance. Shane said that they are in. Shane controls all of the WCW Titles, so how about this? Since the Undertaker and Kane are still WCW Tag Team Champions, why not take those titles off of them this Sunday at Unforgiven? Kronik vs. the Undertaker and Kane! Kronik and Steven Richards got excited and went on their way.

Lance Storm was shown looking at a magazine and he didn't seem to like what he was looking at. The Hurricane showed up and Lance Storm complained about the way Lita and the Hardys dress. The Hurricane said that he's come to realize that there is too much evil in the World Wrestling Federation for one super hero to conquer alone. What the Hurricane needs is a sidekick. Any suggestions? Lance suggested Ivory and the Hurricane said that he needs someone better. The Hurricane had a sense of someone else and then he went on his way.

Stone Cold and Debra were shown walking backstage and they entered Austin's locker room, only to see RVD laying on the couch. RVD told Austin that he was waiting for him. Austin told RVD that he could have knocked after he got here. This is Austin's dressing room! RVD said that he has a question. The other night, during that match, Austin threw RVD off of the stage. What was up with that? Austin said that he threw him off of the stage so he could pin Kurt Angle. He helped him out. RVD said that he doesn't have a problem. He just wants to make sure they are cool, you know. Austin told RVD to follow his example then they're fine in the tag match. RVD said that he's cool. All of the boys are behind Austin, and RVD would like Austin to feel comfortable, knowing that if anything happened with Austin, everyone has been thanking RVD for stepping up. They've been coming to him for advice, and he'd be happy to give his best to help out. Austin said that he's sure RVD would like to do that. Austin said that they are cool. He said what he wants to say, now time for some privacy. Austin asked which ones asked him for advice and RVD said that he didn't want to start stooging anyone off. RVD said that they'll talk about it later and he left. Austin was left with Debra and he couldn't believe that others were asking RVD for advice, instead of Stone Cold.

Referee: Timothy White
Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Storm
The music of the Hardy Boyz hit in the arena and Jeff Hardy and Lita made their way to the ring for a singles match. Lance Storm and Ivory then made their way out to the ring, and it's Lance Storm against Jeff Hardy! The match started off with a lock up and then Lance twisted the arm of Jeff Hardy and then he pulled his hair. Jeff flipped out of it and then Lance pulled Jeff down to the mat by his hair. Jeff nipped back up to his feet and then he knocked Storm down. Jeff backed Storm into the corner and kicked away on him and then Storm whipped Jeff into the opposite corner and Jeff jumped over Storm and then he gave him a drop kick to the back of the head to knock him into the corner. Jeff went for a roll up but Storm held onto the ropes and then Jeff Hardy tossed Lance Storm through the middle ropes. Jeff ran the security wall and then he came off with a clothesline on Lance Storm. Jeff Hardy got back in the ring and it looks like Tim White got a hair cut, ok!
Lance nailed Jeff and then he gave him a hip toss over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Lance Storm went after Jeff and he grabbed him by the pants and hair and rolled him back into the ring. Lance brought Jeff to the center of the ring and he gave him a side back breaker and then a pin for a two count. Lance Storm then gave Jeff Hardy a number of knees to the lower back and then he whipped Jeff off the ropes and gave him a back body drop. Lance pinned Jeff Hardy for a two count. Lance picked Jeff up and whipped him into the corner and then he knocked him down and pinned him for a two count. Lance gave Jeff a couple of knees to the back and then he picked him up and gave him a body slam. Lance stretched Jeff Hardy down on the mat as he put his knee into Jeff's back. Lita was there to cheer on Jeff Hardy to try to get him back into this match and Jeff fought to his feet and flipped and kicked Lance Storm right in the face! Lance went for some right hands but Jeff blocked them and gave him some right hands of his own.

Lance whipped Jeff off the ropes and he went for a drop kick but Jeff held onto the ropes and Lance went down. Jeff then gave Lance Storm a leg drop to the groin and then a side Russian leg sweep and then an unusual pinning combination for a two count. Lance whipped Jeff Hardy into the corner and Jeff sprang to the top rope and he came off with the Whisper in the Wind and then he pinned Lance Storm for a two count. Jeff went off the ropes and Ivory went to grab his feet but he jumped over her hands and then Lance Storm gave Jeff a super kick and then a pin for a two count. Lance went to the outside of the ring and Jeff Hardy jumped over the top rope onto Lance Storm as Lita went after Ivory. Jeff Hardy then rolled Lance Storm into the ring and then he went to the top rope for the swanton bomb but Lance Storm got his knees up and then Jeff whipped Storm into the corner, only to get hit with an elbow. Jeff perched Lance Storm on the top rope and he went for a hurricanrana but Lance Storm took him down and he got the half crab on to get the win!

Winner - Lance Storm
Stephanie and Shane were shown and Shane asked Stephanie why she booked herself in a handicap match, teaming with Test to take on the WCW Champion, The Rock? Stephanie said she was thinking that she had a plan. It didn't work the way she wanted, but she had a plan. Shane said that since it didn't work last Monday night, she books herself in the same type of match, one week later? Once again against The Rock. Shane asked Stephanie if she has any idea what could have happened to her last Monday, or even tonight? Shane played some video and it was of The Rock almost getting the Rock Bott#m on Stephanie. Stephanie said that she didn't get Rock Bott#med. Test was right there. Tonight, she's not going to be on commentary like she was on Monday. She's going to be in the ring and on the apron. She's going to make sure first hand that this match is successful. Shane isn't Stephanie's boss. He can't tell her what she can and can't do. Tazz showed up and said that he's really frustrated. He's got a problem with the way the Alliance is showing him no respect, especially Austin. He's got a lot of frustration, and he needs to let it out. Shane said that he has a match tonight to let it all out. Tazz thanked Shane and told him that the mood is definitely going to change. Shane said the mood is going to change all right as he looked at Stephanie.

Referee: Teddy Long
Shawn Stasiak vs. Perry Saturn
Shawn Stasiak's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring along with Stacy Keibler for one on one action against Perry Saturn. As Saturn made his way to the ring, they showed clips of Saturn's love for a mop. Saturn then got in the ring and ran around the ring and then Shawn Stasiak gave him some right hands and then he backed him into the corner and gave him some shoulder blocks. Shawn raked the face of Saturn over the top rope and then he gave Saturn a gut wrench slam and then a pin for a two count. Saturn gave Stasiak some shots to the mid section and then Stasiak kicked Saturn in the head. Shawn choked Saturn over the second rope and then Shawn got Saturn in the corner and he gave him some right hands. Shawn whipped Saturn into the opposite corner and he followed it up for a clothesline and then he went to do it again but Saturn gave Shawn an elbow to the head.
Saturn took Shawn down and then he went to work on him. Saturn whipped Shawn Stasiak off the ropes and then he gave him a drop kick and then an over the head belly to belly suplex. Saturn gave Shawn a springboard drop kick and then a pin for a two count. Shawn knocked Saturn down with a jumping elbow and then he pinned Saturn for a two count. Stacy Keibler got on the apron to argue with the referee and Saturn got Shawn in an over the head suplex. Saturn then went over to the referee and he argued with him. Shawn went to hit Saturn but he moved and he almost hit Stacy. Saturn then gave Shawn a super kick and then some chops and then a small package pin for a two count. Saturn whipped Shawn but Shawn reversed it and Saturn bounced off the ropes and he missed a cross body. Saturn went under Shawn as he did a leap frog and Shawn tripped and landed on his face and then Saturn got the twisting fisherman suplex pin for a three count to get the win.

Winner - Perry Saturn
The Aftermath:
After the match, Paul Heyman asked Jim Ross if he would consider a trade. Terri and Raven then showed up on the Titantron and Terri said they found Moppy! Moppy was right between Terri's legs. Tied up on a truck. Terri said that Saturn is so stupid. At one time, he could have had Terri and Moppy, but he didn't play his cards right, so he doesn't get either of them. Raven said to get to business with Moppy and he threatened to put it through a wood chipper. Raven acted as if Moppy was speaking and then he taped it's mouth shut and he put it through a wood chipper!

Stephanie was shown pacing back and forth backstage and RVD showed up. Stephanie said that she's a little angry right now. RVD asked her what's going on and Stephanie said it's Shane. He's trying to tell her what she can and can't do. Stephanie said that she's going to be in the match tonight and RVD asked if there's anything RVD can do to make her feel better? Stephanie said that she has something in mind. How about RVD pins Chris Jericho in that tag team match tonight. RVD laughed and said that's it? Easy. Stephanie said she'll do one better, how about this Sunday, Rob Van Dam against Chris Jericho with the Hardcore Title on the line! RVD said consider it done. Anything to make Stephanie feel better. Stephanie said anything? As RVD walked away.

Molly Holly was shown warming up and the Hurricane showed up and she told him to get out of here. The Hurricane said that he's searching for a new side kick, someone to help him fight villains everywhere. Molly is the person. Spike Dudley showed up and asked what's going on in here. What is he doing with Molly?! The Hurricane sensed hostility. What's up with that?! The Hurricane told Molly to think about his proposal and Spike asked what proposal as the Hurricane left.

Shane and Booker T were shown and Shane was hyping Booker T up and Tazz showed up and he asked what he has for tonight. Shane told Tazz that he has a handicap match tonight. His opponents are Booker T and Shane. Shane said that since Tazz is so frustrated with the Alliance, he can take out his frustrations on Booker T and Shane. Booker T asked Tazz if he can dig that and Tazz replied by saying "Yup."

Handicap Match
Referee: Brian Hebner
Booker T and Shane McMahon vs. Tazz
Booker T's music hit in the arena and he made his way out for this Handicap Match that was just made moments ago! Shane McMahon came out next and then Tazz. Right as Tazz got in the ring, Booker T and Shane McMahon attacked him and double teamed him. Tazz knocked Shane down and then he turned around, only to get hit with a side kick from Booker T. Shane then got on Tazz and started beating on him but Booker T got him off, because Shane had to be on the apron. Booker T knocked Tazz down and then he mounted on Tazz and gave him some right hands. Booker T made the tag to Shane McMahon and Booker T held Tazz up and Booker T and Shane gave Tazz an old Hart Foundation maneuver. Shane McMahon hammered away on Tazz as he was down on the mat and then Shane whipped Tazz off the ropes and gave him a jumping reverse elbow and then a pin for a two count. Shane beat up on Tazz as he was down on the mat and he kicked him in the gut and then he made the tag to Booker T.
Booker T got in the ring and twisted the arm of Tazz and then he kicked him to knock him down. Booker T talked trash to Tazz as if to say he was The Rock and then he kicked away on him. Booker T then tagged Shane back into the ring and Shane kicked Tazz in the mid section and then he gave Tazz some left hands. Tazz fought back with some right hands and then Shane made a blind tag and Booker T got in the ring and knocked Tazz down. Booker T tossed Tazz through the ropes to the outside of the ring and then he went after him and picked him up and dropped him on the security wall. Booker T slammed Tazz into the announcer's table and then he got back in the ring. Shane jumped off of the security wall with a jumping clothesline on Tazz as Booker T was in the ring. Shane rolled Tazz into the ring and then Booker T picked him up and gave him a snap mare. Booker T walked off the ropes and then he gave Tazz a knee drop. Booker T started posing and the fans booed him and then he made the tag to Shane. Booker T held Tazz and Shane got in the ring and gave Tazz a number of shots to the mid section.

Shane gave Tazz some left hands and then he nailed him with a hard right, Road Dogg style! Shane kicked Tazz in the gut a number of times and t hen he slapped him right across the face. Tazz got angry and Shane slapped him once again. Tazz got Shane in a nasty suplex and then he knocked the hell out of Shane with a nasty clothesline. Booker T got in the ring and Tazz knocked him down and then Tazz got Shane in an over the head, belly to belly suplex and then he got Booker T in a T-bone suplex. Tazz got the Tazzmission on Shane but Booker T broke it up. Tazz got the Tazzmission on Booker T and the fans went nuts. Shane knocked Tazz down with a chop block and then Booker T gave Tazz the ax kick. Booker T then posed and it's time for the spinaroonie! Booker T did the spinaroonie and then he went off the ropes and did a flipping leg drop on Tazz and then Shane went to the top rope and he came off with an elbow drop on Tazz and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

Winners - Shane McMahon and Booker T
The Aftermath:
Booker T and Shane McMahon celebrated their win in the ring and this Sunday night on pay per view, it will be The Rock against Shane and Booker T with the WCW Heavyweight Title on the line!

The Coach was shown with Christian and he said that we haven't seen or heard from Edge since Christian attacked him on RAW. The Coach asked Christian if he knows where Edge is. Christian asked The Coach if he can feel the excitement. All of these fans are here to see Christian's entrance! As far as Edge goes, who cares. He doesn't have the looks or the brains in the family. He's not Tennessee ugly, but he is. Where's Edge? He's probably with his Intercontinental Title, because this Sunday, that title will be Christian's. But you know what? One Title isn't good for him, that's why he's challenging Tajiri for the US Title. At Unforgiven, it'll be Title for Title. He can see it now: Double Singles Gold! He's going to prove that anything Edge can do, Christian can do better.

World Wrestling Federation European Championship Match
Referee: Jack Doan
Spike Dudley vs. the Hurricane (c)
The Hurricane made his way to the ring to defending his European Title against Spike Dudley! The Hurricane came out alone and Spike brought Molly to the ring with him. The match started off with the Hurricane doing his posing and then the two locked it up. Helms took Spike down with a side headlock and then Spike rolled over and pinned Helms for a two count. Spike got up and he whipped Helms off the ropes and Helms knocked Spike down with a shoulder block. Spike took Helms down with a side headlock and then Helms battled out of it. Spike pinned Helms for a two count and then Helms whipped Spike off the ropes and Spike took Helms down once again with the side headlock. Helms backed Spike Dudley into the corner and then he gave him a shot to the face. Spike whipped Helms into the corner and then Helms came out of the corner with a super kick.
The Hurricane grabbed his cape and he put it on and pointed up! Helms went to the top rope and Molly got up on the apron and took The Hurricane's cape from him! Spike then went for the Dudley Dog but Helms got out of it and then Helms dumped Spike to the outside of the ring. Helms went to the outside of the ring and he grabbed Spike and rolled him back into the ring. Helms demanded his cape from Molly and then she tossed it into the ring. Helms went after it and the referee grabbed it. Molly went to the top rope and behind the referee's back, Molly came off with a drop kick but she missed Helms and nailed Spike! The Hurricane then gave Spike Dudley the reverse snapping DDT and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win and retain the Championship!

Winner and still WWF European Champion, The Hurricane
The Aftermath:
After the match, Molly Holly attended to Spike Dudley as Hurricane Helms celebrated his win.

WWF New York:
A shot of WWF New York was shown and Jim Ross pointed out that WWF NY supported the effort of the rescue last week, but tonight, the fans are having a great time watching WWF RAW is WAR.

Torrie Wilson was shown walking backstage and she came across Shane. Shane said that he's been meaning to talk to Torrie. She's great at what she does. She's the master manipulator. She has Tajiri eating out of the palm of her hand. He's confused as to why she helped Tajiri become the United States Champion, but when they are ready to pull the plug on Tajiri, he knows that she'll do the right thing. Torrie seemed to be agreeing with Shane, but when he left, she seemed worried.

Michael Cole was shown with Kurt Angle and he talked about last week's match on RAW is WAR when Kurt Angle became the Hardcore Champion by defeating Rob Van Dam. Then Austin tossed Kurt Angle to the concrete floor, allowing RVD to regain the Hardcore Title. Tonight, he will team with Chris Jericho to take on Rob Van Dam and Stone Cold. How does he feel about this match? Kurt said that he feels the same way about his tag team match against Austin as he will at Unforgiven. He feels that he's going to kick Austin's a#s! And at Unforgiven, he will become the WWF Champion. RVD was shown beside Kurt and he said that he was just listening. He always likes to listen. RVD asked Kurt if he noticed that all of the fans in the arena last week were chanting RVD. Kurt said that he did, and he is surprised how fast RVD is kicking on. But you know what's even catchier? Three initials: USA, USA. RVD stood there and nodded as Kurt Angle left and you could hear some fans in the arena chanting "USA, USA."

World Championship Wrestling United States Championship Match
Referee: Charles Robinson
Christian vs. Tajiri (c)
Christian's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring for a one on one match against Tajiri for the WCW United States Title! Torrie Wilson came to the ring with Tajiri and the fans cheered for Tajiri. Before the match, Tajiri gave Torrie a kiss and as he was doing that, Christian attacked Tajiri from behind and then he backed him into the corner and kicked and punched away on him. Christian whipped Tajiri into the corner and Tajiri gave Christian a reverse elbow and then some knife edge chops. Christian got Tajiri in the corner and then he chopped away on Tajiri to return the favor. Tajiri knocked Christian down with a hard kick and then he got Christian in a side headlock. Christian whipped Tajiri off the ropes and then he went for a hip toss but Tajiri blocked it. Tajiri went for a move but Christian gave him a power bomb out of it and then he stomped away on Tajiri as he was down on the mat. Christian got Tajiri in a side back breaker and then he pinned him for a two count. Tajiri gave Christian some shots to the mid section and then he went off the ropes and Christian stopped him and gave him a back breaker. Christian gave Tajiri a clothesline as he was down on the mat and then he pinned him for a two count.
Christian choked Tajiri over the second rope as Torrie tried to get Tajiri back into the match. Christian grabbed Tajiri by the hair and he brought him to the center of the ring and gave him some right hands. Christian whipped Tajiri into the corner and Tajiri kicked him in the face and then Tajiri kicked Christian square in the face. Tajiri got a nice hurricanrana on Christian and then he whipped Christian off the ropes and Christian kicked Tajiri in the chest and then he whipped Tajiri off the ropes. Tajiri came back with the springboard elbow and then he pinned Christian for a two count. Christian whipped Tajiri into the corner and he charged at him and Tajiri got the Tarantula on Christian and then he went to kick Christian in the head but Christian ducked it and he went for a reverse DDT but Tajiri got out of it and he kicked Christian in the head. Tajiri went for the hard kick but Christian bailed to the outside of the ring. Christian knocked Tajiri down after he missed a baseball slide and then he got a steel chair as Torrie tried to help Tajiri up. Tajiri went to hit Christian with the green mist but Christian ducked and he hit the referee! Christian scared Torrie away with the chair as the referee called for the bell to end the match.

Winner by disqualification, Christian, but still WCW US Champion, Tajiri
The Aftermath:
After the match, Christian and Tajiri got back in the ring and Christian went for the one man Conchairto on Tajiri but Edge stormed to the ring and knocked Christian down to the mat and he gave him a number of right hands! A number of WCW officials came out to break it up and they restrained Edge as Christian bailed out of the ring.

The Rock was shown walking in the backstage area and he was headed towards the arena for his Handicap match against Test and Stephanie!

During the Break:
Tajiri went up the ramp with Torrie Wilson and Rhyno came out of nowhere and gave Tajiri a GORE!

Shane said finally someone gets it in the Alliance. Shane awarded Rhyno with a match against Tajiri for the United States Title!

Handicap Match
Referee: Nick Patrick
The Rock vs. Test and Stephanie
In the arena, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley's music hit and she made her way to the ring for the handicap match with her and Test against The Rock. Test came out and The Rock's music hit next and the fans went NUTS for the People's Champion! The match started off with right hands from The Rock to Test and The Rock whipped Test off the ropes and The Rock went off the ropes as well and then he slid to the outside of the ring and knocked Stephanie down off the apron! Test went after The Rock and The Rock slammed Test's head into the announcer's table. The Rock rolled Test into the ring and then Test got The Rock down in the ring as Stephanie was down on the ground. The Rock whipped Test off the ropes and The Rock gave Test a belly to belly throw and then a pin for a two count. The Rock grabbed Test by the head and then he slammed it into the turnbuckle. Test whipped The Rock into the opposite corner and The Rock gave him a reverse elbow and then Test gave The Rock a sidewalk slam.
Test mounted The Rock and then he gave him a number of right hands. Test choked The Rock over the second rope and the fans chanted "S**t, slut, slut!" as Stephanie got out of the ring and choked The Rock over the second rope. Test backed The Rock into the corner and he gave him some hard right hands and reverse elbows. The Rock fired back with some right hands of his own and then Test got The Rock in a Russian leg sweep. Test mounted The Rock and gave him some more hard right hands as Stephanie cheered Test on. The fans chanted "Rocky, Rocky!" to try to get The Rock back into this and Test gave The Rock a suplex and then a pin for a two count. Test picked The Rock up and whipped him off the ropes and he went for a clothesline but The Rock ducked it and gave Test some right hands. Test got The Rock in a gut wrench power bomb and then he pinned him for a two count.

Test picked The Rock up and then he brought him over to Stephanie and she talked trash and then she slapped The Rock across the face, two times. Stephanie then sent Test after The Rock and then The Rock gave Test some right hands. Test gave The Rock a knee to the mid section and then Test whipped The Rock off the ropes and The Rock came back with a huge jumping clothesline. Test got up and he went for a right hand but The Rock blocked it and he gave Test a number of right hands. The Rock gave Test a hard right hand in the corner and then Test went for a clothesline but The Rock ducked it and gave Test a DDT. The Rock gave Test some right hands and then Test knocked The Rock down with a short clothesline. Stephanie begged for the tag as The Rock was down and she got in the ring and talked the trash. The Rock nipped up and Test nailed The Rock from behind as Stephanie tagged Test back into the match. Test waited for The Rock to get up and he went for the big boot but The Rock ducked it and he gave Test a Rock Bott#m and then a pin, but Stephanie had the referee distracted!

The Rock pulled the referee and argued with him and Nick Patrick shoved The Rock. The Rock then gave Nick Patrick the Rock Bottom and then he looked at Stephanie. The Rock told Stephanie to just bring it and she turned and started to slowly leave and The Rock grabbed her by the hair and yanked her into the ring! Stephanie was left in the ring in pain and Shane came out and The Rock knocked him down. Booker T came out and The Rock got it on with Booker T! Test attacked The Rock from behind and then Booker T waited for The Rock to get back to his feet. Test gave The Rock the big boot and then Shane and Test picked The Rock up and Booker T gave him the ax kick and then Booker T directed traffic. Shane went to the top rope and he came off the top rope with an elbow drop on The Rock. Shane acted like Booker T and then he did the Macaroonie! Test and Shane then picked The Rock back up and Booker T grabbed The Rock and gave him the Book End in the middle of the ring. Stephanie then pinned The Rock for a three count to get the win!

Winners - Stephanie and Test
The Aftermath:
The Alliance celebrated their huge win in the ring!

Rob Van Dam was shown backstage and he tried to get into Austin's locker room but it was locked. RVD knocked on the door and asked Austin if he's in there. Austin yelled yes, and he said that he knows the door is locked. Austin yelled at RVD to leave him alone. RVD said that they have to get to the ring, their match is next. Austin told him to go on out there, hell see him out there. RVD said okay, and then he knocked on the door a couple of times. Austin opened up the door and RVD told Austin that he would see him out there, with a big smile on his face! Austin got pis#ed and he went back in his locker room as we cut back to the arena.

Referee: Earl Hebner
Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold and Rob Van Dam
Chris Jericho's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring for this huge tag team main event on RAW is WAR! Kurt Angle came out next and he and Chris Jericho waited in the ring for Stone Cold and Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam's music hit and the fans didn't seem to be as behind RVD as they were earlier in the night. Stone Cold's music then hit and he made his way out as the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion! Austin and Angle got it on at ringside and RVD looked on as Jericho jumped over the top rope onto RVD. Austin and Angle brawled at ringside as Jericho and RVD continued to brawl. The fans chanted "USA, USA!" and then Jericho went at it with Austin as Angle went at it with RVD. Jericho rolled Austin into the ring to officially start it off and Austin kicked Jericho in the face and then he slammed him into the turnbuckle. Jericho got Austin in the corner and he gave him a number of chops across the chest. Austin whipped Jericho off the ropes and Jericho came back with a flying forearm to knock Austin down.
Jericho chopped Austin across the chest and then he whipped Austin off the ropes and Austin kicked Jericho in the chest and then Austin perched Jericho on the top rope and then he chopped him. Austin went after Angle but Angle dropped down from the apron and then Jericho came off the second rope with a missile drop kick on Austin. Jericho then pinned Austin for a two count and then Austin made the tag to Rob Van Dam. RVD got in the ring and he went to work on Jericho. RVD whipped Jericho off the ropes and he went for a spin kick but Jericho held onto the ropes. RVD went for an Enziguri but Jericho ducked it and then Jericho hit a back brain kick on RVD. Jericho then made the tag to Kurt Angle and he got in the ring and went to work on Rob Van Dam with some right hands. Kurt got RVD in a high cross body and then he got RVD in the corner and kicked away on him. RVD whipped Kurt into the corner and he rolled and went for a move but Kurt caught him and gave him a spinebuster and then a pin for a two count. Kurt Angle made the tag to Chris Jericho and then Jericho got in the ring and chopped RVD across the chest a number of times.

RVD whipped Jericho off the ropes and he tossed him to the apron and then Jericho gave RVD a shoulder block and he nailed Austin and then RVD kicked Jericho in the head to knock him down from the apron. Austin grabbed hold of Jericho and he slammed him into the announcer's table and then he gave him a knee to the mid section and he went for a piledriver on the outside of the ring but Kurt Angle stopped it with a clothesline. Kurt Angle stomped away on Austin and then the referee got Angle back into his corner. RVD placed Jericho on the security wall and then he went to the ring apron and came off with a spinning kick on Jericho as he hung off the wall. RVD then rolled Chris Jericho back into the ring and then he gave him a leg drop and then a pin for a two count. RVD slammed Jericho's head into the corner and then he made the tag to Austin. Austin got in the ring and kicked Jericho down in the corner and then RVD kicked Jericho in the head as the referee pulled Austin back from the corner. Austin whipped Jericho off the ropes and he got him in a sleeper hold and the referee was there to check on Jericho to make sure he's still in the match.

Jericho's arm went down twice and then Jericho gave Austin a jaw breaker to get out of it. Austin made the tag to RVD and he got in the ring with Chris Jericho. RVD gave Chris some right hands and then some shoulder blocks in the corner and then a flip and then he went for another shoulder block but Jericho rolled RVD up in a pin for a two count. Jericho slammed RVD down to the mat, face first and both men were down on the mat as the referee started the count. Both men made the tag and Angle got right in there with Austin and went at it and then RVD went for a heel kick on Angle but Angle moved and RVD hit Austin. Angle then gave RVD a number of right hands and then an over the head belly to belly suplex. Jericho knocked RVD down from the apron with a springboard and then Kurt went for the Angle Slam. Austin got out of it and he shoved Angle into the referee. The referee went down and Angle got the ankle lock on Austin. RVD then got in the ring and gave Angle a drop kick to get out of it. Jericho then gave RVD a bulldog down to the mat and then Jericho got the Walls of Jericho on Rob Van Dam!

Austin grabbed the ring bell and he got in the ring with it and nailed Chris Jericho right in the head. Austin then went to hit Kurt but the referee stopped him and then Kurt rolled Austin up in a pin for a two count. Kurt then gave Austin a German suplex and then he pinned him for another two count. Kurt gave Austin some right hands and then Austin whipped Kurt off the ropes and he gave him a spinebuster and then Austin got up and he gave Kurt the finger and he went for the stunner but Kurt blocked it and he gave Austin the Angle Slam and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

Winners - Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle
Sun 16/09/01 at 11:02
Posts: 6,100
oh ok then seeya
Sun 16/09/01 at 11:00
Posts: 23,218
more of a long update
i ll be back
in a minute
Sun 16/09/01 at 10:53
Posts: 6,100
oh ok then what is it then if it's not a reveiw
Sun 16/09/01 at 10:31
Posts: 23,218
nope because it aint a review its more of an up date

the BurNout game is amazing the cars get damaged and it looks nearly as good as GT3 check it out on PS2 forum
Sat 15/09/01 at 23:30
Posts: 6,100
yeha but what is it about? did u right the smackdown review have u sent it in to the GAD

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