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"Smackdown Results"

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Wed 13/06/01 at 12:40
Posts: 787
Heres the smackdown results for the 12/06/2001, if you want just a quick look at the matches and winners just skip to the ed of this post.

World Tag Team Championship Match
Edge and Christian vs Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Benoit and Christian trade kicks. Benoit kicks Christian down in the corner. Benoit chops on Christian. Benoit botches a snap suplex on Christian. Benoit with a reverse backbreaker on Edge. Double team on Edge in the corner. Jericho with a double underhook backbreaker on Edge for a two count. Lionsault attempt on Edge but Christian makes the save. Christian dropkicks Jericho for a two count. Double team on Jericho in the corner. Jericho with a bulldog on Edge. Benoit german suplexes Edge and Christian. Crossface on Christian. Ref doesn't see the tap. Edge makes the save by hitting Benoit in the back. Christian gets a two count. Edge chokes Benoit. Christian with a side russian leg sweep on Benoit for a two count. Jericho tagged in but ref doesn't see it. Edge chokes Benoit some more. Edge with a neckbreaker on Benoit for a two count. Benoit hits Edge with a crossbody for a two count. Christian ddt's Benoit on his knee for a two count. Edge with a reverse chinlock on Benoit. Christian clotheslines Benoit. Benoit catches Christian coming off the top with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Hot tag to Jericho who cleans house. Christian crotches Jericho on the ropes. E & C do the stack suplex on Jericho. Benoit breaks the count with a top rope swan dive. Christian spears Edge by accident. Benoit throws Christian out of the ring. Lionsault on Edge for the pin. After the match Edge pushes Christian down. They start arguing, but eventually leave one behind the other.

Winners: Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Backstage, Spike is telling Molly how good she looks in the WWF magazine. Bubba and Dvon walk up and say they need to talk to Spike, alone. Dvon asks why he chose Molly over his own flesh and blood. Bubba tells Spike that if he gets in any trouble tonight, they will not be helping him. Spike says "Now what kind of trouble could I possibly get in to?"

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Big Show vs Raven

Show throws Raven into the corner and outside the ring. Show headbutts Raven. Baseball slide dropkick by Raven. Raven kicks Show in the head. One handed chokeslam by Show for the pin.
Winner: Big Show

Backstage, Austin asks Slaughter if he will sign a petition for him so he doesn't have to wrestle Benoit and Jericho. Slaughter signs it. Kevin Kelly walks up and asks what the petition is about. The point of the petition is to get the match rescended. Kelly signs it because he was scared.

European Championship
Matt Hardy w/ Lita vs K-Kwik

Kwik makes his return to television and raps on the mic during his entrance. Shoulder block by Matt. Both men trade rollups. Kwik puts his feet on the ropes during a rollup for a two count. Harlem sidekick by Kwik that sends Matt out of the ring. Kwik shows off a dance move for Lita. Back in the ring Kwik hits a crossbody for a two count. Matt dumps Kwik on his head with the ferris wheel. Clothesline by Matt for a two count. Matt hits a top rope leg drop for a two count. Kwik counters the twist of fate with a spear and follows up with a belly to back suplex. Matt catches Kwik coming off the top with a botched twist of fate for the pin.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Backstage, Austin runs into Jim Ross. Ross doesn't speak. Austin makes Ross sign the petition.

Backstage, X-Factor are in their locker room. They say they need to be taken seriously, and Albert needs to beat Kane tonight. Kurt Angle comes in and says he has an idea - if they pull together and work as a team all of them can come out on top. Angle tells Justin, "If you say your last name real fast after your first name it sounds like your saying 'just incredible'". Credible just rolls his eyes.

Backstage, Regal tells Tajiri that he will wrestle on television tonight. He will be entered into the KOTR tournament. Tajiri is estatic. Austin walks in and asks Regal if he knows what he has in his hand. Regal says he does and he signs it. Regal makes Tajiri sign the petition as well.

The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle

Angle gets on the mic before the match and challenges Shane to a street fight at KOTR. Angle demands an apology from UT. And since he will not get one he is going to beat one out of him. UT hits a running clothesline. Angle backs UT into the corner with punches. Belly to back suplex by Angle. UT dumps Angle out of the ring with a back body drop. UT throws the steps in the ring and hits Angle in the head with them. Referee calls for the bell. UT assaults Angle then chases away the referee. Xpac and Credible come in to make the save only to get chokeslams. Xpac also got the last ride powerbomb.
Winner by DQ: Kurt Angle

Backstage, Austin gets an official (John Demeco?) to sign the petition.

Hardcore Championship
Test vs Rhyno

Test throws Rhyno out of the ring. Rhyno whips Test into the security wall. Rhyno throws the weapons in the ring. Back in the ring Test hits Rhyno with a trash lid. Rhyno hits test in the ribs with a fire extinguisher. Rhyno spears Test in the corner. Rhyno hits Test in the ribs with a sign. Test throws a trash can at Rhyno's head. Test superplexes Rhyno on top of a trash can. Pumphandle slam by Test for a two count. Test puts a table in the ring. Rhyno hits test with a trash lid. Rhyno sets the table up in the corner. Test counters the gore with a clothesline. Test sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Test with a full nelson slam. Test takes down the table for some reason, throws it out, and brings another table in the ring and sets it up. Test with another full nelson slam. Test lays Rhyno on the table. Test hits a top rope elbow on Rhyno through the table. The WCW logo flashes on the oval tron. Shane McMahon comes out and bring Miss Hacock with him down to the ring. Miss Hancock walks the ring apron strutting her stuff then gets down. Test kicks a trash can into Rhyno's face for the pin.
Winner and New Hardcore Champion: Test

Backstage, Austin makes Fink sign the petition.

Security escorts Shane and Miss Hancock out of the arena.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Crash Holly vs Tajiri w/ William Regal
Huge ECW chant. Shoulder block by Crash. Tajiri kicks Crash off the ring apron. Tajiri chops Crash in the corner. Tajiri puts Crash in the tree of woe and hits him with a baseball slide dropkick. Regal looks impressed. Superkick by Tajiri. Clothesline by Crash. Missile dropkick by Crash for a two count. Tajiri locks on the tarantula to a huge pop. Front face slam by Tajiri. Tajiri kicks Crash in the face for the pin. After the match Regal proudly raises Tajiri's hand.
Winner: Tajiri

Austin enters the bathroom and asks Show to sign the petition. Only problem is, Show is taking a dump and Austin isn't too fond of the smell. Austin slides the petition under the stall and Show signs it. Austin gives Show some encouraging words and then leaves.

Backstage, Kevin Kelly interviews Test. Test says he welcomes all challenges. During the interview The Stalker is shown on a monitor. He is watching Sara at her home in the swimming pool wearing a bikini. On the other side of the arena Undertaker was shown watching the footage.

Backstage, Spike and Molly talk. Austin walks up and calls them love birds. Austin asks Spike to sign the petition, and his little bimbo girlfriend. You can't call her that. I can call her anything I want. I'm SCSA. All I need you to do is sign the damn petition. I don't care what your name is. You can't talk about my girlfriend like that. I just did. Spike gets mad and rips up the petition. Spike and Molly leave. Austin is p****d.

Backstage, Regal congratulates Tajiri on his win. Austin enters and says he wants Spike in the ring tonight for the title. Regal agrees.

Intercontinental Championship
Kane vs Albert
Both men trade punches. Powerslam by Kane. Running clothesline by Kane. Albert drops Kane throat first onto the ropes. Press slam by Albert. Albert thows Kane out of the ring. Albert misses a splash. Neckbreaker by Kane. Clothesline by Albert. Big boot by Kane. Kane hits a top rope lariat. Powerslam by Kane for a two count. Chokeslam by Kane but Albert countered it with a ddt. Albert hits the bicycle kick for a two count. Kane counters the baldo bomb with a standing dropkick. Chokeslam by Kane for the pin.

Winner: Kane

World Championship
Spike Dudley vs Steve Austin
Match starts off with Austin stomping a mud hole in Spike. Molly walks out to ringside during the match. Austin throws Spike in the corner and stands on his face. Austin throws Spike out of the ring. Austin slams Spike's face on the ring steps. Austin drops Spike across the security wall. Austin posts Spike. Spike throws Austin across the announce table and punches him in the face. Austin whips Spike into the ring steps. Back in the ring Austin locks on the crossface. Austin lets up then locks on the walls of Jericho. Spike mule kicks Austin. Spinebuster by Austin. Austin flips Spike off then gives him the stunner for the pin.
Winner: Steve Austin

Molly runs in the ring to check on Spike. Austin walks up the ramp and looks back at the ring. Austin walks back down to ringside and brings a chair in the ring. Austin repeatedly drives the chair into Spike's chest. Austin hits Spike in the head and back with the chair. Molly runs back in to cover Spike up. Austin smiles at Molly. Benoit and Jericho hit the ring with chairs to make the save. Austin cowers up the ramp and leaves.

After the cameras go off, Jericho and Benoit help Spike up and raise his hand. Benoit and Molly help Spike to the back with Jericho in tow.

Tony Chimmel thanks everyone for coming.

A redo (something that will be added somewhere in the show) is shot of Malenko, Saturn, and Terri at a restaurant. Malenko is worried that Saturn may make a fool of himself and ruin their double date. Malenko's date arrives and Saturn tells her she smells like a viking. At the dinner table Saturn says orphans like pourage. Malenko's date thinks Saturn is funny. The waiter comes up and asks if they are ready. Saturn wants to know if they have dinosaurs. He says they are good with gravy. Saturn starts mumbling something about a garbage can. Malenko's date plays along with Saturn's game because she likes him. Malenko says something stupid but it doesn't go over good with his date. She just looks at him weird. Malenko's date feeds Saturn some food. Terri whispers to Malenko that she has had enough of the girl. Terri goes to hit the girl with a pan but misses and hits Saturn in the head.

End of show.

Smackdown quick overview.

Match 1: Edge & Christian V Jericho and Benoit (WWF Tag Titles Match).
Winners: Jericho and Benoit (E&C argue with each other with Edge shoving down Christian).

Match 2: Big Show V Raven (KOTR qualifier)
Winner: Big Show with the chokeslam

Match 3: Matt Hardy V K-Kwick (European Title)
Winner: Matt Hardy with twist of fate.

Match 4: Undertaker V Kurt Angle
Winner: Kurt Angle by DQ (X-factor interfere)

Match 5: Rhyno V Test (Hardcore championship).
Winner: Test (New Hardcore champion).

Match 6: Crash Holly V Tajiri (KOTR qualifier)
Winner: Tajiri (Regal seems proud of Tajiri)

Match 7: Kane V Albert (Intercontinental Title Match)
Winner: Kane with the chokeslam

Main Event: Austin V Spike dudley (WWF Title Match)
Winner: Stone Cold. After the match Austin beats on spike with a chair and Molly covers Spike with herself and Austin smiles until Jericho and Benoit come out to with chairs make the save.
Mon 18/06/01 at 21:51
Posts: 0
rawisandy do u copy paste them?
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:31
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
It is nice to know that my expertice in word posts is paying off. Cheers for that Raw Is Andy.
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:26
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
jet wrote:
> Well you do not know i might well be thick (i am not though but you
> did not know).

Your'e right I *DID NOT* know (ha ha Nice one!, you're getting the hang of it)
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:13
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Well you do not know i might well be thick (i am not though but you did not know).
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:11
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
how can it possibly be hard, just get the results from a web site and edit out all the useless things then do a small wrap up section at the end.
You know when your'e a regular will you still want to do it because I will do afterwards if you can't be bothered anymore.
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:10
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
What web site do you get the info from Raw Is Andy?
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:07
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Well as i said befor i will try my best but it might not be good enough.
Wed 13/06/01 at 21:05
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
Ok the Jet you do the raw results and I will do the Smackdown ones on a tuesday, then after i am a regular i will just do quick overviews of smackdown myself instead of adding the play by play ok?
Wed 13/06/01 at 20:53
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Yeah i susspose you are wright. HA HA HA HA HA HA.
Wed 13/06/01 at 20:52
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
ha ha your learning! lol. Well doing raw results will boost ya word count!

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