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"Smackdown and Heat results"

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Thu 07/06/01 at 18:51
Posts: 787

Steve Blackman vs Justin Credible
Shoulder block by Blackman. Blackman with chops in the corner. Blackman drops Credible face first onto the ring steps from the ring apron. Back in the ring Blackman hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Bulldog by Credible for a two count. Blackman with a rollup for a two count. Blackman with an enzeguri. Blackman with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Superkick by Credible for a two count. Blackman hits his bicycle kick for the pin.
Winner: Steve Blackman

Crash Holly vs Funaki w/ Taka
Kaentai do their mic work before the match. Funaki with a headscissors takeover. Funaki dropkicks Crash in the face. Crash hangs Funaki over the ropes. Funaki runs into the ring post. Crash punches Funaki in the back. Crash comes off the top and Funaki hits him with a dropkick. Bulldog by Funaki. Crash with a rollup for a two count. backslide by Funaki for a two count. Backdrop suplex by Funaki for a two count. Another rollup by Crash, with his hand and Funaki's leg hooked around the bottom rope, for the pin.
Winner: Crash Holly

European Championship
Billy Gunn vs Matt Hardy w/ Lita
Match starts off real slow. Matt with 2 arm drags and Gunn rolls out of the ring. Gunn pulls Matt to the outside and hits a clothesline. Back in the ring Gunn hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Press slam by Gunn followed up by an elbow drop for a two count. Matt with a tornado ddt for a two count. Backslide by Matt for a two count. Gunn with a corner splash. Gunn with a jackhammer slam but Matt gets his foot on the rope. Gunn punches Matt down in the corner. Gunn misses a corner splash. Matt hits the twist of fate for the pin. Gunn and Matt shake hands after the match. They go to hug but Gunn tricks him with the cobra clutch slam.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Raven vs Christian
Raven clotheslines Christian out of the ring. Raven backs Christian's head into the security wall. Raven hits a clothesline for a two count. Christian drop toe holds Raven into the ring steps. Chokes by Christian. Christian kicks Raven in the back. Missile dropkick by Christian. Raven counters a second missile dropkick with a catapults back into the corner. Clothesline by Raven. Raven with a bulldog for a two count. Christian misses a top rope lariat. Raven with a rollup for a two count. Christian pins Raven to the mat with his body weight and feet on the ropes for the pin.
Winner: Christian

Tony Chimmel directs everyone's attention to the oval tron to watch the main event of Raw in it's entirety, while the ring crew changes the ropes and ring apron.

Lilian Garcia comes to the top of the stage and signs the national anthem.

Michael Cole and Tazz come down to the announce table.


Smackdown immediately starts off with the first match.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Kurt Angle vs Hardcore Holly
Holly clotheslines Angle out of the ring. Holly kicks Angle down in the corner. Big boot by Holly. Angle with an overhead belly to belly suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Angle hits another overhead belly to belly suplex. Angle looks for the ankle lock but Holly makes it to the ropes. Angle kicks Holly down in the corner. Holly with chops in the corner. Angle with a german suplex for a two count. Clothesline by Angle. Angle with a snap suplex for a two count. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Angle comes off the top with a moonsault onto Holly's knees. Dropkick by Holly for a two count. Holly hits a top rope legdrop for a two count. Holly kicks Angle in the gut hanging over the ropes. Angle hits the angle slam for the pin.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Backstage, Untertaker tells Kane he is going out to the parking lot to ask Shane McMahon some questions.

Undertaker is shown out in the parking lot waiting for Shane.

Steve Austin comes to the ring. I do not understand it. Steve Austin walks down this aisle. I get into my ring and someone throws a beer bottle at Steve Austin. I do not deserve to have beer bottles thrown at me. Everything I've done for this industry, I do not deserve to have trash thrown at me. Anyone else is fine but Austin is not your ordinary superstar. There's been people that come out here who call themselves legends. Steve Austin is beyong a legend. In my opinion Steve Austin has become a WWF god. Steve Austin has sold more merchandise and tickets than anyone in the history of this business. You can call me an a*****e if you want to but Steve Austin has sold more pay per views than anyone in the history of this business. With all the success that I have had, Steve Austin is feeling a little blue tonight. I think back to a few weeks ago when Triple H, out of an act of selfishness, made us loose the WWF tag team titles. Tonight, I came here looking for a fight. That's right Benoit and Jericho. Me and Vince McMahon will put the WWF tag titles around my waste. Me and Vince will win the titles tonight in this very ring because we deserve it, and there isn't no one who can stop us. Austin leaves.

Backstage, Spike Dudley and Molly Holly have a moment. Spike and Molly say they like each other. As they go to kiss Saturn butts his head in and they both kiss the side of his bald head. Spike and Molly leave.

Backstage, Vince is on the phone. Regal and Tajiri enter. Regal makes Tajiri go get some popcorn for Vince. Regal tells Vince that Shane has been circling the building in his limo. Vince says let him in because Undertaker wants to ask him a few questions.

Ligh Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy w/ Lita vs Jerry Lynn
Shoulder block by Jeff. Jeff dropkicks Lynn through the ropes. Lynn spears Jeff through the ropes. Running clothesline by Lynn. Belly to back suplex by Lynn for a two count. Jeff with a corkscrew moonsault for a two count. Jeff dropkicks Lynn into the corner. Lynn powerbombs Jeff from the top for a two count. Jeff with a spinning heel kick for a two count. Jeff hits the swanton bomb for the pin. Matt comes out to the ring and raises Jeff's hand.
Winner and New Light Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Hardy

The Stalker shows footage of Sarah getting into her truck and leaving the grocery store. Says she may need some company.

In the parking lot a limo arrives. Undertaker stops the limo but Shane isn't in it. Undertaker tells the guy to tell Shane he is looking for him. Undertaker also tells the guy this is the wrong night to become famous, and that he should leave.

Backstage, Molly and Spike are about to kiss when Tajiri bumbs into Spike spilling his popcorn that he was supposed to be getting for Vince. Tajiri talks gibberish. Molly and Spike leave.

Backstage, Austin tells Debra that he and Vince will win the tag team titles.

Mick Foley is shown walking through the hallways with his book in hand.

Intercontinental Championship
Kane vs X-Pac w/ Albert and Credible
Xpac attacks Kane from behind while Albert distracts. Running clothesline in the corner by Kane. Big boot by Kane. Kane goes up top and gets knocked down by a dropkick from Xpac. On the outside Albert nails Kane with the bicycle kick. Back in the ring Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Xpac gives Kane the x-factor followed up by the bronco buster. Clothesline by Kane. Sidewalk slam by Kane. Top rope lariat by Kane. Kane knocks Albert off the ring apron. kane press slams Xpac onto Albert. Kane dives to the outside on Albert and Xpac. Teddy Long calls for the one minute mark. Back in the ring Kane powerbombs Xpac for the pin. After the match X-Factor triple teams Kane. Baldo bomb on Kane. Albert gets in Kane's face.
Winner: Kane

Backstage, Foley apologizes to Jericho for hitting him with the chair on Raw. Foley gives Jericho a copy of his book. Jericho says next time something like that happens he wants Foley to stay out of it. Very cordial. No hard feelings.

William Regal comes to the ring. My friends, I usually come out here full of good cheer. But tonight I am in a foul mood. When I took over the commissionership I did so to see decency and fairness. Mick Foley almost caused a huge tragedy. On Raw, Foley was was going to besmirch the WWF championship if I didn't step in. Regal shows footage of him pulling Foley out of the ring on Raw. You are no longer the commissioner. I am. I demand that I be treated with dignity. Regal shows footage of him in the walls of Jericho and getting Mr. Socko at the same time from Raw. When you were commissioner everything was one big part wasn't it? The world does not work like that. I am a far better commissioner than you ever were. You prance around the halls thinking your still in power. You think your so special because your a writer. Shakespere would be turning over in his grave if he knew you were #1 on the NY Times best sellers list.

Foley comes out to the top of the stage. I am a best selling author. It's nice enough for you to compare me to SHakespere. Foley quotes Shakespere, "Is that a horses ass I see before me"? When I was the commissioner the WWF was actually fun to watch. I will give you credit, you are a fair commissioner. It was not fair that you allowed McMahon cost Jericho the title last week. Foley quotes Shakespere again, "To be smirched or not to besmirched, that is the question". I am going to besmirch you in that very right right here in North Dakota with the help of my foul smelling foot friend, Mr. Socko.

The only place you'll be going is outside. Security, do your bloody jobs and get this idiot. Security takes Foley away.

Foley is not good. Foley is gone. Bye bye.

Shane McMahon is shown walking through the hallway. Test tells Shane the whole WCW invasion is going great. Shane asks where Undertaker is. Test suggests he not go there.

Dudley Boyz vs Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn w/ Terri
Dvon with a crossbody on Saturn for a two count. Clothesline by Saturn. Dvon drop toe holds Malenko. Malenko kicks Dvon in the corner. Malenko dropkicks Dvon for a two count. Dvon clothesline Malenko. Saturn looks at a pair of sunglasses at the announce table. Bubba gives Malenko a sidewalk slam for a two count. Dudleys do the whassup headbutt on Malenko. Saturn puts the glasses on, a "Dudley" pair, and gives Malenko the whassup headbutt. Saturn attempts to tell Dvon to get the table. Dudleys give Saturn the 3D for the pin.
Winners: Dudley Boyz

Backstage, Spike and Molly are about to kiss but Kaentai interupts them. Taka says he and Funaki are very lonely. Funaki gives Taka a weird look and says, "Indeed?"

Backstage, Shane tells Kane that he needs to talk to Undertaker. Undertaker comes from behind and mauls Shane. Kane pulls Undertaker off of Shane. Kane tells Undertaker that Shane is telling the truth. Undertaker sits down on the floor in disgust.

Hardys and Lita are shown leaving the arena.

Edge and Christian are shown watching their monitor of Hardys leaving. Edge and Christian say it would be great if they meet in the KOTR finals.

Backstage, Zach and Kelly, I mean Spike and Molly, are finally alone. Spike goes to kiss Molly but he backs off. Molly says it is ok, you can kiss me. They kiss!

Backstage, Regal wants to be the first to congratulate Vince and Austin on winning the tag team titles. Vince says it hasn't happened yet but it will.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Test vs Edge w/ Christian
Test slams Edge to the mat by his hair. Test kicks Edge down in the corner. Running clothesline in the corner by Test. Test dumps Edge out of the ring. Test chases Edge around the ring only to walk into a clothesline from Christian. Edge drops Test knee first onto the guard rail. Edge starts attacking Test's knee. Back in the ring Edge clips Test followed up by an elbow drop to the knee. Test with a rollup for a two count. Test kicks Edge into the security wall. Tilt a whirl slam by Test. Test with a one handed chokeslam. Edge spears Test for a two count. Test with the pump handle slam but Christian put Edge's foot on the ropes. Test gives Christian the big boot. Edge gives Test the jumping ddt for the pin.
Winner: Edge

Benoit and Jericho are shown walking to the ring.

WWF Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs Vince McMahon and Steve Austin
Regal comes out before Austin and Vince, and says Benoit and Jericho's non title match tonight will take place against the APA. APA rush the ring. Benoit chops Faarooq. Benoit with a belly to back suplex on Bradshaw. Jericho with a flying forearm on Faarooq. Faarooq with a clothesline on Jericho. APA double powerbomb Jericho. Benoit ddt's Faarooq. Jericho hits Faarooq with the lionsault for the pin.

Regal comes back out and says Benoit and Jericho can have another non title match, this time against Big Show and Rhyno. Show and Rhyno rush the ring. Jericho bulldogs Rhyno. Show double clothesline Benoit and Jericho. Show tosses Benoit out of the ring. Show drops Jericho to the mat. Rhyno spears Jericho in the corner. Rhyno chops Jericho in the corner. Rhyno misses a corner spear. Jericho hits Rhyno with the enzeguri. Show and Benoit get the hot tags. Jericho missile dropkicks Benoit in Show's arms. Benoit throws Rhyno out of the ring. Jericho puts the walls of Jericho on Show. Rhyno comes back in with a chair and nails Jericho and Benoit. They announce Jericho and Benoit the winners via DQ. Show one hand choke slams Benoit. Show and Rhyno leave Benoit and Jericho wasted.

Regal comes back out and announces their official opponents - Austin and McMahon. Austin and Vince come down and take over where Show and Rhyno left off. Vince gets a two count on Benoit. Austin throws Jericho into the announce table. Benoit puts Vince in the crossafce, Austin makes the save. Benoit with multiple german suplexes on Austin. Austin throws Benoit out of the ring. Austin front suplexes Benoit on the announce table. Back in the ring Austin delivers a superplex to Benoit for a two count. Austin puts the crossface on Benoit, Jericho makes the save. Jericho puts Vince in the walls of Jericho. Vince is tapping but the referee doesn't see it because he's trying to get Jericho out of the ring. Austin gives Benoit the stunner. Austin gives Jericho the stunner then kicks him out of the ring. Benoit sneaks up on Austin with a rollup for the pin.
Winners: Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Benoit and Jericho leave, raising their belts to the fans. Hebner raises their hands at the top of the stage.

Vince gets on the mic. You people are going to remember one thing when you leave this building tonight, still WWF Champion, Steve Austin.

Vince leaves. Austin climbs all the turnbuckles and raises his world title to the fans. Austin leaves.

Tony Chimmel thanks everyone for coming.

End of show...
Thu 07/06/01 at 23:49
Posts: 0
So another thing a regular could teach you is not to post out of date things as people wont want to read them.
Thu 07/06/01 at 23:41
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
I read the Smackdown and Heat results on Wednesday morning.
Thu 07/06/01 at 23:36
Posts: 0
this is one of the reasons we want to do the regular/newbie tag thing. link you shpuld have posted this with your raw results instead of starting more topics.
Thu 07/06/01 at 20:13
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Well i suspose you just wanted to boost your word count.
Thu 07/06/01 at 20:11
Posts: 2,769
a long time
Thu 07/06/01 at 19:49
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
How long did it take to write all that?
Thu 07/06/01 at 18:51
Posts: 2,769

Steve Blackman vs Justin Credible
Shoulder block by Blackman. Blackman with chops in the corner. Blackman drops Credible face first onto the ring steps from the ring apron. Back in the ring Blackman hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Bulldog by Credible for a two count. Blackman with a rollup for a two count. Blackman with an enzeguri. Blackman with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Superkick by Credible for a two count. Blackman hits his bicycle kick for the pin.
Winner: Steve Blackman

Crash Holly vs Funaki w/ Taka
Kaentai do their mic work before the match. Funaki with a headscissors takeover. Funaki dropkicks Crash in the face. Crash hangs Funaki over the ropes. Funaki runs into the ring post. Crash punches Funaki in the back. Crash comes off the top and Funaki hits him with a dropkick. Bulldog by Funaki. Crash with a rollup for a two count. backslide by Funaki for a two count. Backdrop suplex by Funaki for a two count. Another rollup by Crash, with his hand and Funaki's leg hooked around the bottom rope, for the pin.
Winner: Crash Holly

European Championship
Billy Gunn vs Matt Hardy w/ Lita
Match starts off real slow. Matt with 2 arm drags and Gunn rolls out of the ring. Gunn pulls Matt to the outside and hits a clothesline. Back in the ring Gunn hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Press slam by Gunn followed up by an elbow drop for a two count. Matt with a tornado ddt for a two count. Backslide by Matt for a two count. Gunn with a corner splash. Gunn with a jackhammer slam but Matt gets his foot on the rope. Gunn punches Matt down in the corner. Gunn misses a corner splash. Matt hits the twist of fate for the pin. Gunn and Matt shake hands after the match. They go to hug but Gunn tricks him with the cobra clutch slam.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Raven vs Christian
Raven clotheslines Christian out of the ring. Raven backs Christian's head into the security wall. Raven hits a clothesline for a two count. Christian drop toe holds Raven into the ring steps. Chokes by Christian. Christian kicks Raven in the back. Missile dropkick by Christian. Raven counters a second missile dropkick with a catapults back into the corner. Clothesline by Raven. Raven with a bulldog for a two count. Christian misses a top rope lariat. Raven with a rollup for a two count. Christian pins Raven to the mat with his body weight and feet on the ropes for the pin.
Winner: Christian

Tony Chimmel directs everyone's attention to the oval tron to watch the main event of Raw in it's entirety, while the ring crew changes the ropes and ring apron.

Lilian Garcia comes to the top of the stage and signs the national anthem.

Michael Cole and Tazz come down to the announce table.


Smackdown immediately starts off with the first match.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Kurt Angle vs Hardcore Holly
Holly clotheslines Angle out of the ring. Holly kicks Angle down in the corner. Big boot by Holly. Angle with an overhead belly to belly suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Angle hits another overhead belly to belly suplex. Angle looks for the ankle lock but Holly makes it to the ropes. Angle kicks Holly down in the corner. Holly with chops in the corner. Angle with a german suplex for a two count. Clothesline by Angle. Angle with a snap suplex for a two count. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Angle comes off the top with a moonsault onto Holly's knees. Dropkick by Holly for a two count. Holly hits a top rope legdrop for a two count. Holly kicks Angle in the gut hanging over the ropes. Angle hits the angle slam for the pin.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Backstage, Untertaker tells Kane he is going out to the parking lot to ask Shane McMahon some questions.

Undertaker is shown out in the parking lot waiting for Shane.

Steve Austin comes to the ring. I do not understand it. Steve Austin walks down this aisle. I get into my ring and someone throws a beer bottle at Steve Austin. I do not deserve to have beer bottles thrown at me. Everything I've done for this industry, I do not deserve to have trash thrown at me. Anyone else is fine but Austin is not your ordinary superstar. There's been people that come out here who call themselves legends. Steve Austin is beyong a legend. In my opinion Steve Austin has become a WWF god. Steve Austin has sold more merchandise and tickets than anyone in the history of this business. You can call me an a*****e if you want to but Steve Austin has sold more pay per views than anyone in the history of this business. With all the success that I have had, Steve Austin is feeling a little blue tonight. I think back to a few weeks ago when Triple H, out of an act of selfishness, made us loose the WWF tag team titles. Tonight, I came here looking for a fight. That's right Benoit and Jericho. Me and Vince McMahon will put the WWF tag titles around my waste. Me and Vince will win the titles tonight in this very ring because we deserve it, and there isn't no one who can stop us. Austin leaves.

Backstage, Spike Dudley and Molly Holly have a moment. Spike and Molly say they like each other. As they go to kiss Saturn butts his head in and they both kiss the side of his bald head. Spike and Molly leave.

Backstage, Vince is on the phone. Regal and Tajiri enter. Regal makes Tajiri go get some popcorn for Vince. Regal tells Vince that Shane has been circling the building in his limo. Vince says let him in because Undertaker wants to ask him a few questions.

Ligh Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy w/ Lita vs Jerry Lynn
Shoulder block by Jeff. Jeff dropkicks Lynn through the ropes. Lynn spears Jeff through the ropes. Running clothesline by Lynn. Belly to back suplex by Lynn for a two count. Jeff with a corkscrew moonsault for a two count. Jeff dropkicks Lynn into the corner. Lynn powerbombs Jeff from the top for a two count. Jeff with a spinning heel kick for a two count. Jeff hits the swanton bomb for the pin. Matt comes out to the ring and raises Jeff's hand.
Winner and New Light Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Hardy

The Stalker shows footage of Sarah getting into her truck and leaving the grocery store. Says she may need some company.

In the parking lot a limo arrives. Undertaker stops the limo but Shane isn't in it. Undertaker tells the guy to tell Shane he is looking for him. Undertaker also tells the guy this is the wrong night to become famous, and that he should leave.

Backstage, Molly and Spike are about to kiss when Tajiri bumbs into Spike spilling his popcorn that he was supposed to be getting for Vince. Tajiri talks gibberish. Molly and Spike leave.

Backstage, Austin tells Debra that he and Vince will win the tag team titles.

Mick Foley is shown walking through the hallways with his book in hand.

Intercontinental Championship
Kane vs X-Pac w/ Albert and Credible
Xpac attacks Kane from behind while Albert distracts. Running clothesline in the corner by Kane. Big boot by Kane. Kane goes up top and gets knocked down by a dropkick from Xpac. On the outside Albert nails Kane with the bicycle kick. Back in the ring Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Xpac gives Kane the x-factor followed up by the bronco buster. Clothesline by Kane. Sidewalk slam by Kane. Top rope lariat by Kane. Kane knocks Albert off the ring apron. kane press slams Xpac onto Albert. Kane dives to the outside on Albert and Xpac. Teddy Long calls for the one minute mark. Back in the ring Kane powerbombs Xpac for the pin. After the match X-Factor triple teams Kane. Baldo bomb on Kane. Albert gets in Kane's face.
Winner: Kane

Backstage, Foley apologizes to Jericho for hitting him with the chair on Raw. Foley gives Jericho a copy of his book. Jericho says next time something like that happens he wants Foley to stay out of it. Very cordial. No hard feelings.

William Regal comes to the ring. My friends, I usually come out here full of good cheer. But tonight I am in a foul mood. When I took over the commissionership I did so to see decency and fairness. Mick Foley almost caused a huge tragedy. On Raw, Foley was was going to besmirch the WWF championship if I didn't step in. Regal shows footage of him pulling Foley out of the ring on Raw. You are no longer the commissioner. I am. I demand that I be treated with dignity. Regal shows footage of him in the walls of Jericho and getting Mr. Socko at the same time from Raw. When you were commissioner everything was one big part wasn't it? The world does not work like that. I am a far better commissioner than you ever were. You prance around the halls thinking your still in power. You think your so special because your a writer. Shakespere would be turning over in his grave if he knew you were #1 on the NY Times best sellers list.

Foley comes out to the top of the stage. I am a best selling author. It's nice enough for you to compare me to SHakespere. Foley quotes Shakespere, "Is that a horses ass I see before me"? When I was the commissioner the WWF was actually fun to watch. I will give you credit, you are a fair commissioner. It was not fair that you allowed McMahon cost Jericho the title last week. Foley quotes Shakespere again, "To be smirched or not to besmirched, that is the question". I am going to besmirch you in that very right right here in North Dakota with the help of my foul smelling foot friend, Mr. Socko.

The only place you'll be going is outside. Security, do your bloody jobs and get this idiot. Security takes Foley away.

Foley is not good. Foley is gone. Bye bye.

Shane McMahon is shown walking through the hallway. Test tells Shane the whole WCW invasion is going great. Shane asks where Undertaker is. Test suggests he not go there.

Dudley Boyz vs Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn w/ Terri
Dvon with a crossbody on Saturn for a two count. Clothesline by Saturn. Dvon drop toe holds Malenko. Malenko kicks Dvon in the corner. Malenko dropkicks Dvon for a two count. Dvon clothesline Malenko. Saturn looks at a pair of sunglasses at the announce table. Bubba gives Malenko a sidewalk slam for a two count. Dudleys do the whassup headbutt on Malenko. Saturn puts the glasses on, a "Dudley" pair, and gives Malenko the whassup headbutt. Saturn attempts to tell Dvon to get the table. Dudleys give Saturn the 3D for the pin.
Winners: Dudley Boyz

Backstage, Spike and Molly are about to kiss but Kaentai interupts them. Taka says he and Funaki are very lonely. Funaki gives Taka a weird look and says, "Indeed?"

Backstage, Shane tells Kane that he needs to talk to Undertaker. Undertaker comes from behind and mauls Shane. Kane pulls Undertaker off of Shane. Kane tells Undertaker that Shane is telling the truth. Undertaker sits down on the floor in disgust.

Hardys and Lita are shown leaving the arena.

Edge and Christian are shown watching their monitor of Hardys leaving. Edge and Christian say it would be great if they meet in the KOTR finals.

Backstage, Zach and Kelly, I mean Spike and Molly, are finally alone. Spike goes to kiss Molly but he backs off. Molly says it is ok, you can kiss me. They kiss!

Backstage, Regal wants to be the first to congratulate Vince and Austin on winning the tag team titles. Vince says it hasn't happened yet but it will.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Test vs Edge w/ Christian
Test slams Edge to the mat by his hair. Test kicks Edge down in the corner. Running clothesline in the corner by Test. Test dumps Edge out of the ring. Test chases Edge around the ring only to walk into a clothesline from Christian. Edge drops Test knee first onto the guard rail. Edge starts attacking Test's knee. Back in the ring Edge clips Test followed up by an elbow drop to the knee. Test with a rollup for a two count. Test kicks Edge into the security wall. Tilt a whirl slam by Test. Test with a one handed chokeslam. Edge spears Test for a two count. Test with the pump handle slam but Christian put Edge's foot on the ropes. Test gives Christian the big boot. Edge gives Test the jumping ddt for the pin.
Winner: Edge

Benoit and Jericho are shown walking to the ring.

WWF Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs Vince McMahon and Steve Austin
Regal comes out before Austin and Vince, and says Benoit and Jericho's non title match tonight will take place against the APA. APA rush the ring. Benoit chops Faarooq. Benoit with a belly to back suplex on Bradshaw. Jericho with a flying forearm on Faarooq. Faarooq with a clothesline on Jericho. APA double powerbomb Jericho. Benoit ddt's Faarooq. Jericho hits Faarooq with the lionsault for the pin.

Regal comes back out and says Benoit and Jericho can have another non title match, this time against Big Show and Rhyno. Show and Rhyno rush the ring. Jericho bulldogs Rhyno. Show double clothesline Benoit and Jericho. Show tosses Benoit out of the ring. Show drops Jericho to the mat. Rhyno spears Jericho in the corner. Rhyno chops Jericho in the corner. Rhyno misses a corner spear. Jericho hits Rhyno with the enzeguri. Show and Benoit get the hot tags. Jericho missile dropkicks Benoit in Show's arms. Benoit throws Rhyno out of the ring. Jericho puts the walls of Jericho on Show. Rhyno comes back in with a chair and nails Jericho and Benoit. They announce Jericho and Benoit the winners via DQ. Show one hand choke slams Benoit. Show and Rhyno leave Benoit and Jericho wasted.

Regal comes back out and announces their official opponents - Austin and McMahon. Austin and Vince come down and take over where Show and Rhyno left off. Vince gets a two count on Benoit. Austin throws Jericho into the announce table. Benoit puts Vince in the crossafce, Austin makes the save. Benoit with multiple german suplexes on Austin. Austin throws Benoit out of the ring. Austin front suplexes Benoit on the announce table. Back in the ring Austin delivers a superplex to Benoit for a two count. Austin puts the crossface on Benoit, Jericho makes the save. Jericho puts Vince in the walls of Jericho. Vince is tapping but the referee doesn't see it because he's trying to get Jericho out of the ring. Austin gives Benoit the stunner. Austin gives Jericho the stunner then kicks him out of the ring. Benoit sneaks up on Austin with a rollup for the pin.
Winners: Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Benoit and Jericho leave, raising their belts to the fans. Hebner raises their hands at the top of the stage.

Vince gets on the mic. You people are going to remember one thing when you leave this building tonight, still WWF Champion, Steve Austin.

Vince leaves. Austin climbs all the turnbuckles and raises his world title to the fans. Austin leaves.

Tony Chimmel thanks everyone for coming.

End of show...

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