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"Peace treaty Crisis: Bill Gates goes mad (again)"

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Wed 09/05/01 at 01:26
Posts: 787
Sorry for the length of it

but here goes.

It was the day of all days, all the world leaders gathered in one room ready to sign a treaty that would end all wars in the world and hand control of Planet Earth in to one mans hands, this man went by the name of Sniper. The air was room and all that could be heard was the buzzing of the crowd outside, the crowd waiting in anticipation for Peace to be spread across the world.

Sniper stood up ready to begin his speech, ready to take control of the world; ready to live without the fear of dying. Then the door slammed open and in the door way stood a group of men, powerful men. The air turned cold, everyone sat in fear, scared of what was going to happen, afraid of losing world peace. The atmosphere changed dramatically, the air was dormant, it was like it was afraid to move and the room turned dark; the walls lost their colour (it was like they were afraid of these men) and the sun stopped shining and a storm started to brew.

The group of men parted from the doorway, a sigh of relief swept across the room, but now was no the time to be relieved it was a time to be afraid. Only seconds after the men parted, two more men stepped into the room; these were the men to be afraid of, these men were powerful. Thunder rumbled outside and lightning flashed, rain started to fall, it got faster and faster. The rain smashed against the window, harder and harder, it was like the beating of the drum but without a rhythm

“Ok, gentlemen, I’m sure you know who we are,” One man said his voice had a tone of happiness in it, “ well for anyone who doesn’t know, I am Tony the owner of special reserve, and a pure genius when it comes to computers.”

“And I am Bill Gates, the richest and most powerful man in the world,” said the other man with slightly less confidence in his voice.

“Well actually, you are now the second richest man in the, remember the Game is now the richest man in the world,” Sniper blurted out before he could realise what he was saying.

“WHAT… you dare defy me,” Bill gates seemed to have gained some super powers, but at the present time the reasons how he got did not matter, but the question ‘what is he going to use them on??’ does.

Bill gates stood in a stance, which was meant to look like that he new martial arts, (but obviously he just looked stupid) and he started to charge up and energy ball in his hand. He now pointed his finger at Sniper, and said; actually he roared, “Sniper, I believe it’s your time to die!! Mwah hahaha!!”

“Not again!?” sniper moaned, “why is it me that always has to…” Sniper did not have time to finish his sentence when Bill gates cruelly blew him up from the inside.

“Bill, stop wasting time, we need to get the world leaders back to the Special reserve HQ,” Tony grunted “Quickly, before they arrive and foil our plan.”

“That retched SR posse, just wait and see what I’m going to do to them, It won’t be pretty, Mwah hahaha * cough, cough splutter * ahem” he cackled evilly, “Why did you have to be-friend them all that time ago?”

“So I could, uummm, lead them into a, uummm, false sense of alarm, yeah that’s it, now move we don’t have all day!?”


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News Flash
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“The peace talks were high jacked today by super villains ‘Tony of SR and the second richest man in the Bill Gates.’ The man whom was soon going to be world leader was blown up from the inside out; this was thought as a tragedy to all human kind. But the good point of this is that all the world leaders were kidnapped, and there WILL be a massacre, well hopefully. The Question that everyone is asking, well just the police to be precise, ‘could there be world peace with Bill Gates and Tony in command?’ Nobody knows. And now the Weather

“Grix, did you see that?” shouted Pb

“Yeah, that cat just flew off the shed.”

“No, I mean the news flash, Bill Gates is up to his evil tricks again and he’s teamed up with Tony of SR!?”

“What’s your point?”

“He killed Sniper, he’s kidnapped all the world leaders, he’s plotting to take over the world, and there will be no world peace, which means we all might as well live in HELL!?”

“It’s nothing new, but we must avenge Sniper’s death, save the world from Bill Gates and restore Tony to his original self,”

“Not again, I’m fed up with saving everyone, well I can’t complain I’ve become quite popular with the ladies because of these stories, well lets get everyone here and figure out a plan.”


Since the recent incident the City has been in chaos, criminals are back in business, it seems that there is nothing left to look forward to. The man that they thought would bring hope to the world has been cold bloodily killed by the insane Bill Gates. In the matter of minutes the World was not safe to live in if you were a sane human being. Shop windows were put through where people have been stealing TV’s and other electronic appliances, homes on fire, fire hydrants broken and mobs going around causing unnecessary trouble. The police are out in full force trying to calm everyone down, but it seems that it is too much to handle.

The air, which was once warm and full of joy, had now turned cold and filled with hate, how could anyone cause such chaos in a matter of 3 hours? Is it possible, that the two most feared men appearing could cause such mental damage? Or do they have some way of controlling the people of planet Earth? These questions remain unanswered, with the biggest question yet to be considered, what are they going to do to the World Leaders?

The rain once again began to fall, and thunder destroyed any piece of silence that was left in the air. Fork lightning crashed against the buildings and trees, roof tiles were blown off by the winds, which were getting stronger by the minute. These freak storms weren’t just happening in Cardiff, they were happening in every capital city across the World. Each storm was different, some with every worst disaster possible, some with hale stones the size of footballs, and others with Tornados bigger than any that has been on record for the last 100 years. But something did not seem right about these storms, they did not seem natural.


- - - - - - - - - - - - -
News Flash
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Due to the appearance of Bill Gates and Tony of special Reserve, chaos has wreaked across the world today, which is a major shock because only a few hours ago the world leaders were about to sign a peace Treaty.

Not only this but freak storms have hit EVERY capital city across the world. Is this the work of planet Earth’s super villains Bill Gates and Tony of SR?? only time will tell. We will try to keep anyone who is sane updated with the latest incidents, so this is a goodbye.

“We have to end this disaster before, anyone gets killed” Grix dictated to the group “ These incidents could cause the end of the world as we know, we will live in a world controlled by Bill Gates and his evil cyborgs.”

“Not only this,” Pb carried on “Bill Gates, has some how been able to brainwash our dear friend Tony, and he is being classed as someone just as bad as Bill.”

“We have to take action, and foil his evil schemes,” Grix continued “We must force entry into the Special reserve Headquarters, it is our only way.”

“Heh, remember the last time you tried to break into there, it wasn’t to successful was it??” Fishstick piped up.

Grix scowled at him and said “ But this time we don’t intend to sneak in, we intend to FORCE our way in, I expect there will be casualties, but what’s one or two deaths between friends, ay??”

“So you expect me to put my life on the line, to save the world??” Goatboy said, “Well I did want a better part in a story.”

“Are you ready for this type of mission??” Grix asked his brain.

“Of course,” Grix’s brain replied, “Anyway don’t worry about me, worry about yourself.”

Then suddenly the door slammed open, and there stood Sniper looking rather distraught. All his clothes were torn and burnt, his hair was singed and he was walking kind of funny.

“Remind me, never to get killed again.” Sniper moaned

“Whys that?? Questioned Grix

“Well, believe it or not hell is bloody hot, the grimreaper is gay, it’s starting to become tedious and expensive,” Sniper continued, “And it’s only me that ever seems to die.”

“Well, Sniper I’ve got some good news,” Grix said, “we are going on a SUICIDAL mission to save the world, so this time it might not just be you who dies.”

“No way, I’ve just come back to life, I’m not dying again!?”

“Come on Sniper, we need you,” Grix pleaded, “You are the, uuummmm uhhh, the new hero of the Story.”

“How do you know that??”

“How do I know that, well ummmm, the fortune teller said.”

“Oh, Ok, so what’s the plan??”

“I’ll tell you when everyone else gets here!”


The group waited for the rest of the posse to arrive, it would take them some time because the gale force winds were stronger than ever. The rain still thundered down and the air still seemed scared.

“O…OPEN T…THE DOOR, QUI…QUICKLY!!!!” it was er-no banging against the door, “I’M FREE…FREE…FREEZING MY @$$ O…OFF O…OUT HE…HERE.

Pb opened the door, and there stood 5 soaking wet men, it was er-no, SHEEPY, Ant, Dringo and ssxpro. They all had about five layers of clothes on, but none of the layers were dry. They all quickly ran to the fire, even that seemed cold.
“The storms are getting worse,” er-no moaned, “We have to put a stop to this!!”

“I know, we must kill Bill Gates and save Tony!?” SHEEPY cursed

“So what’s your big plan Grix??”

“Dry yourselves off and then I will tell everyone.”

The five of them went into their rooms to out in some clean, dry clothes. When they returned Grix began to tell them the plan.


“And that’s what we must do,” finished Grix.

“Ok, let me get this straight, what you want us to do is ‘FORCE’ our way in the SRHQ, by putting our lives on the line, then once we get past all the high security stuff, then kill Bill Gates with his new ‘super powers, release the world leaders, turn Tony and the rest of the world back to their original self??” Blurted Dringo

“And stop these freak storms, well yeah,” answered Grix.

“That’s ok then, I thought you might have missed something out,” said Dringo, “It’s lucky that the SRHQ isn’t in a Capital City, or we would all catch a death of a cold.”

So the group set off for the SRHQ, they thought against all the elements, at one point they did not think that they would make it to the SRHQ, it seemed like they were walking for hours, and not seeming to get anywhere, the torrential rain and strong gales slowed them down. But eventually they made it, they had reached the SRHQ. Now was the time to test themselves to see what they could do.

The weather here was once what it had been like in Cardiff before the kidnapping, the sun was shining there were little winds and no clouds in the sky. The air seemed warm but there was something missing, there didn’t seem to be any happiness in the air, there was only hate and fear and the posse could smell it.

“It is time, we must prevail, we aren’t weak, we must save our families, we must save our friends, we must save the people we love, we must save the World, move forth my friends NNNNOOOOOWWWWW,” Grix dictated to the posse.

“Grix, shut up!!” whispered ssxpro harshly

“Where’s all these provisions you promised us??” questioned ssxpro

“In the bags you’re carrying obviously.”

The group had forgot about the bags because all they could think about was saving the world or what their girlfriends would do to them afterwards.

“Where are we supposed to get changed??” asked Ant.

“Behind one of those bushes,” replied Fishstick.


The posse was changed into some army gear and ready to move, each were armed with an assault rifle, a samurai sword, 2 ninja stars, a handgun and a knife. They sent out Ant to scout the area, he sent out signals that the coast was clear. The first obstacle was a 10-foot fence, the posse thought that it was electrical and were trying to think of what to do now when er-no kicked Sniper into it. Lucky for him it wasn’t electric so the posse just climbed over it. Sniper didn’t seem too happy with er-no for what he did, but he let it go.
The next obstacle they were up against was the guard dogs, 10 ferocious dogs that could sense the posse as they got closer. The Dogs with their scowling mouths started to run towards the posse, as soon as the group realised this they turned around and began to run, they were running as fast as they could but that wasn’t fast enough. What were they going to do, Fishstick quickly swiped Snipers legs, Sniper fell to the floor potential prey for the dogs. The dogs surrounded Sniper, there was nothing he could do, his life would come to an end again, but the dogs didn’t start to knaw at Sniper’s leg, they did quite the opposite they began to lick him, they liked Sniper, were they lonely??

The grouped stood with their mouths open due to the latest incident. They passed the dogs and were on to the third obstacle, it was a minefield.

“This ones easy,” said Sniper while pulling out a mine detector

The posse got past the minefield easily using the mine detector. Now they were on to the fourth, this was going to be a problem, it was moat filled wit piranhas.

“Great, all this way and we get stopped by a few measly fish, no offence Fishstick,” SHEEPY moaned.

“There must be some way to get across, it must be possible,” thought Pb.

“I know, why don’t we use that bridge?” asked Sniper

“Good idea, glad I’m thought of it,” said Dringo

Sniper scowled. The Posse crossed the bridge to reach the final obstacle, THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE; this was bound to be the hardest.

The surrounding area darkened, and a kind of boss music started. Dringo started to chant something, it seemed to be in another language. Suddenly the posse disappeared, and horse steps started thundering through the air, they got louder and louder then the moon appeared and brought light to the surroundings and there in the moonlight stood Odin. Odin swung his sword around each swing chopped one of the horsemen in half. Then Odin rode of into the darkness, just as the posse reappeared.

The posse decided not to question Dringo, because he seemed under a lot of stress due to what just happened, so they continued on their quest. They had finally reached the SRHQ, it had been changed since that had last been there but that was irrelevant, now there was no turning back.

The walked up to the door, it was once a glass, bank type door but now it was a 10ft iron door. The group thought that there would be no way of getting past these doors, they did not have the man power nor the peripherals to break in they had finished their mission sooner than expected and it was a failure. They started walking away when they heard a screeching noise coming from the doors, it was like the noise when someone is forcing open a rusted treasure chest but amplified. The posse turned around, and they could not believe it the door was open.

“Do you think it’s a trap, Grix??” asked Sniper.

“I don’t know, that’s why you’re going first,”

“Why me?? Why not Fishstick or er-no??”

“Because, ummm you’re the uummm strongest!?” Fishstick said

“Oh, Ok,” Sniper was now feeling big headed.

“Silly fool,” Grix mumbled.

“What was that?” asked Sniper.

“Oh, nothing.”

Sniper proceeded into the building, everything was silent, Sniper expected something to happen, but there was nothing, the building seemed empty, but the air still seemed to be afraid and so did Sniper.

“If I can remember correctly, Tony’s room is on the top floor,” said Ant

“We’ll take the stairs, they are the safest option,” Pb said, “Lead the way Sniper.”

The group had tried their hardest to get sniper to die but he seemed to have lady luck on his side, he had escaped everything so far. There was still plenty of time left for him die painfully, especially with Bill gates up ahead.

They walked up many flights of stairs before they reached the top, and everything had been quiet it was like nobody was in, well until they reached the top. The door to Tony’s office was open, and inside stood 10 of Bill Gates best agents, and with them Tony and Bill Gates. There seemed to be a strange energy force coming from the room, and it seemed powerful, more powerful than what the group had ever faced before, it was a tremendous power.

The group were afraid of the fate that they now face, they were saying to themselves:

“Have we had it easy until now??”

“It’s lucky I’m going to die; I haven’t got a change of boxers?!”

And “I want my mummy!”

“It’s lucky you have survived up until now, I don’t know how you did it, even with Sniper surviving. But that’s a good thing because we get to have some fun, muahh ha ha ha!! Laughed Bill Gates, “now attack them!!”

The 10 men moved towards the group, with their swords held aloft. Fishstick stepped forward; he made signals that the rest should stand back, what was he going to do? Fishstick stood in a martial art stance, he started to make some straining noises, electricity started to flow around him and he was giving off a light glow.

“I’m only going to say this once, give up now Bill and I’ll let you off easy!! Said Fishstick with a slightly strained voice.


Fishstick disappeared from sight; everyone was asking, “Which way did he go?” The room was filled with a bright light; nobody could see a thing, only hear what sounded like human beings being ripped apart and terrifying screams of pain. The light faded, and the room was visible, it was not a pretty sight. The 10 men, were are the floor (in a matter of speaking anyway) they had been torn to pieces, each limb ripped from their body, blood filled the room and Bill Gates stood there stunned, but not phased by this massacre. It was now his turn.

The two men charged towards each other, each connecting with fearsome blows, at first Fishstick seemed to have the upper hand; it appeared that he would win.

“No more games, its time for your demise Fishstick!” Bill Gates started hitting Fishstick with punches with devastating power behind them. Fishstick crashed through the wall into the next room, then he charged an energy ball in his hand and launched it towards Fishstick. It hit Fishstick head on, it was a sad outcome, Fishstick was dead.


Dringo stepped forward, veins were bulging out of his head, and his hair was flashing between brown and yellow. His muscles started bulging and his hair stood on end. The room darkened and an enchanting music filled the air. Dringo now had the same glow as Fishstick had but it was emitting more energy, Dringo had unbelievable power. Dringo charged towards bill gates landing a devastating blow on his face. He carried on pummelling Bill to the floor, showing no remorse, he had killed his friend. Bill started to fight back but without success he did not land one punch, Dringo was to fast, he was superior. Dringo was hitting bill with energy balls twice the size of the ones bill can create but Bill still resisted to stay down. Finally Dringo hit Bill to the floor, with a ferocious punch. Bill Gates could not carry on; he was defeated.

Dringo wasn’t a killer, even though it was Bill Gates, Dringo decided to let him live. He thought that he would let him live with the humiliation of being defeated by someone that was thought of being inferior. Dringo turned his back to leave with the rest of the group when Bill Gates Charged up enormous amount of energy and he was about to shoot it towards Dringo. Suddenly the room was filled with light again but only for short while. Everyone was shocked with what they saw when the light faded, It was Fishstick, no it wasn’t even though it had the face of Fishstick it was something different. It looked like a dark angel, no the Grim reaper and then everyone realised, it was Fishstick’s next evolution level, it was “Grim Fish”.

Grim Fish blocked the energy beam that was heading toward Dringo and it didn’t even make him budge. Bill Gates stood there in fear, that was his most powerful attack. Grim Fish looked into Bill Gates cold eyes, he started to have tears forming in his eyes but Grim Fish didn’t care, he would show no mercy. With one foul swoop of Grim Fish’s death scythe, Bill Gates was defeated; he was dead. It was the end of this crisis; peace had been restored to the City.

The group looked around the room for Tony, but he was gone. Why did he leave so quickly?? Was it him who orchestrated the entire crisis?? You’ll just have to wait and Find out.

To be continued……
Wed 13/06/01 at 00:17
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
wow dude,
can you touch type or somthing? or do you just have nothing better to do.
Tue 12/06/01 at 23:03
Posts: 0
The author of this story happens to be a friend of mine!!!
Sun 13/05/01 at 19:39
Posts: 0
I know
Sun 13/05/01 at 10:14
Posts: 2,517
This is F***** long!
Sun 13/05/01 at 00:11
Posts: 0
Sniper, think about this, i won because they liked what i wrote.

There is not much more in the future of gaming that people can talk about, so we write stories.

Oh yeah, and Sniper you are a mad forum poster
Thu 10/05/01 at 23:09
Posts: 16,558
Think about it as an average guy rather than a mad forum poster now you see.....
Thu 10/05/01 at 23:07
Staff Moderator
"Must lose weight"
Posts: 5,778
I expect it won because it's very good!
Thu 10/05/01 at 23:06
Posts: 16,558
Another story eh? I thnik they are pretty lame...... you should get out a bit more.
Thu 10/05/01 at 23:05
Posts: 16,558
Wait minute this is bias but true, but how did it win?
It's slightly out of order don't you think fish.
Thu 10/05/01 at 20:30
Staff Moderator
"Must lose weight"
Posts: 5,778
Grim Fish wrote:
> Tony wrote:
> POP - this has to stay at the top until everybody
> has read it right
> through.

Why does everyone have to read
> it all the way through

Because I did!

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