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"Hold old is everyone?"

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Thu 29/07/04 at 18:44
Posts: 327
I sure this topic has propped up a lot of times, but I was just wondering it would be really helpful if everyone could tell me their age. I would like at least about 50 people telling me. Oh and im 13.

Mon 02/08/04 at 21:34
Posts: 511
sweet sixteen!
Sat 31/07/04 at 11:08
"Up your Arsenal!!"
Posts: 495
13 and proud of it!!
Fri 30/07/04 at 13:59
Posts: 2,774
I am 15.

I am a boy.

I am a remedial class boy.
Fri 30/07/04 at 13:55
Posts: 327
Jesus, why are you on here then?
Fri 30/07/04 at 12:39
Posts: 10
Flockhart wrote:
> FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> How old is everyone? Do you want an average or something?
> And this would be helpful how?
> mnargh
> I think he/she is just trying to get the average age of the people on
> here, it's not likely to be the place someone 40+ would be looking
> for.
> The ages range from 12 to mid-thirties.

I'm 47 wrong Flock!
Fri 30/07/04 at 11:19
Posts: 13,611
AMD_MAN wrote:
> Timmargh wrote:
> 11111 in binary.

> you are 30

31, actually.
Fri 30/07/04 at 11:17
Posts: 14,437
Memorandum!: wrote:
> Whîrlp¤¤l wrote:
> I think it actually looks quite good
> You're wrong.

It didn't look too bad when I did it in Word, but when it went into the name box, it kinda screwed up.

He's changed it now anyway.
Fri 30/07/04 at 11:15
Posts: 14,437
Surprised no-one's said Schfifty five...
Fri 30/07/04 at 11:10
Posts: 21,800
twelvety thrifty
Fri 30/07/04 at 11:05
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626

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